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Posts posted by morpheu

  1. 3 minutes ago, nhlovesadri said:

    Someone who has a better internet connection then mine can try to get the 9 VF pictures from this website, please?




    It's completely free, you just have to click on the pictures and they open in another tab in full size where you can right click and download them as usual. The problem is that often they don't load when you click on them, just the page without the picture. It's a lot that I get pictures from this website, it happens sometimes but it's 2 days straight that I'm trying this time and still nothing. Maybe it's because you need a better Internet signal idk. It would be great if someone could get and post them here.

    They won't load for me either and it isn't my internet and i tried different browsers.Maybe you need an account?

  2. 9 hours ago, nhlovesadri said:

    To bring back a bit of happiness in this thread I'll share a thing that made me laugh this morning: this website ( http://www.mujerhoy.com/celebrities/corazon/201803/02/culos-mas-caros-celebrities-seguros-20180302091751.html ) made a ridiculus extimate of what some celebs would spend to have an assurance on their butt :rofl:. Adriana is named and, in their opinion, it would cost her "only" 1.4 million $ lol Imo she is undervalued tho, I get fame and money is the key factor but she should be at least on Gisele's level, 3.4 millions.

    If it was her face ,it would be a hell of a lot more tbh:rofl: but her butt should be a couple of millions.

  3. Her post was most likely about something she and jourdan talked about,since they were working for the past couple of days and jourdan comented with "thank you".Most likely about body shaming,people started calling her pregnant and i know jourdan talked about body shaming on her IG.

  4. A free swim suit,you think someone worth 100 million and has 16 million IG followers cares about a swimsuit?.It is not even jewelry or something.Those followers mean a lot of $$$ for companies that are looking for more exposure.The shipping costs mean absolutely 0 for that company compared to what they will get back.That is how it works with annyone with that manny followers.Before they send anything to the celeb,they talk to her or her agent so she can get paid for sharing it or know she is doing it for a friend or maybe a future campaign.Multimillionaires don't do this for free for companies just because it is in their mail.Why do you think when celebs share pictures of them going out but no company being tagged or with them in a bikini but no tag?because they know it would be free advertisement.Even if lilly or jourdan sent it ,they didn't send it from their house,they talk to the company or the company asks them to get more exposure for them ,usually ask another famous friend to share their stuff and the company will send it to them from their shipping address.You can look up her IG ,i remember a small clothing or jewelry company asking if they can send some of their stuff to her,and she responded with "PM me".All this says to me she was not given any heads up about this and maybe getting paid to do it.it doesn't matter if she knows the brand of not,or the models in it,all those models don't own the company,they just work for a campaign and then their gone.How would she otherwise share that random ass company's shirt and tag them next and not know solid & striped?Because she knew she would receive that.And if you look it up she shares the letters she received sometimes.She should not have shared anything IMO in this case.

  5. Do you all have selective reading?she says very clearly "no letter".She doesn't know who sent it.Whoever sends her these things (usually companies)they do it so she can show it on IG to her followers,most celebs receive payment to do it and act surprised when they see the gifts .It is on them to make sure she knows who is sending these things or contact her agent beforehand.Whoever send it ,probably forgot about the letter and didn't even contact her agent.Celebs are paid to show those things,they don't do it for free unless it is for a friend or something,which in this case she obviously doesn't know.She shouldn't have even posted anything if this is the case,they gave them free advertising

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