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  1. Yasmeen House of Worship! Those were the days... I'm trying to remember the very first fashion and model websites, I even remember usenet. How funny!
  2. She really does. One of the strongest personalities
  3. Love her so
  4. Wow. She's the spearhead.
  5. Hmm. I guess I was trying to ignore her attenuation and/or ascribe it (maybe wrongly) to the VS influencers -- but I have the impression that the orbits of all those girls reach a weirdly specific quasi-skeletal marasmus exemplified by those scary fullbody portrait shots of Romee Strijd, elbow out, hand on hips. It looks particularly bad on Taylor and (even worse) on Blanca. Of course, there's only one truly perfect body right now in the industry (Edita).
  6. She was truly astonishing a couple of years ago, but she's advancing into a very fascinating new phase. Here's hoping she develops it in a way that her beauty deserves (i.e. apart from VS).
  7. Always loved LF -- she'd sometimes appear in my yoga class. Hope she's well; her elegance and intelligence was overlooked, in my opinion.
  8. She's really the top, wow. Unmixed feelings, though subjective.
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