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  1. Izzy Marshall
  2. For anyone who may not have heard, Maui was devastated by a wildfire. Thousands of homes, businesses, etc. have reportedly been destroyed. And the death count is reportedly nearly 70 and is expected to rise.
  3. What's with all the large, duplicate (sometimes, 4 per page), and interstitial ads? I can certainly appreciate Bellazon wanting/needing to generate revenue to keep the site/forum going, but the ads I've been seeing over the past few days are really off-putting; some are borderline pornographic. Edit: I'm including some examples.
  4. Today, these smaller ads are appearing on pretty much every page. And the InfoLinks banners are appearing almost with the same frequency.
  5. There's now a new, smaller pop-op ad appearing on the same pages as the infolinks pop-up ad banners. And these ads are appearing much more frequently than 1–2 pages per session. Look: I really don't mind ads on a page—as long as they're out of the way at the top or the bottom or on the side(s) of the page—but I can't stand ads that cover or otherwise get in the way of page content—especially when that content is being generated freely by forum members. I rarely post here, though I visit daily. These ads have compelled me to post twice in 2 days. They are just bad form.
  6. The infolinks pop-up banners wouldn't be so annoying if they didn't appear on every page (or with every page load)—and didn't sometimes redirect the visitor/member to other websites, frequently fraudulent ones.
  7. Whatever you did appears to have fixed things. Thanks!
  8. Anyone else having issues with full-screen ads in the forum? The ads pop up after a few seconds—covering posts—and can't be closed or scrolled past. Examples (it seems these only appear when I'm NOT logged; they make browsing the forums as a guest impossible):
  9. Let me begin by saying, I really like this site. I probably visit Bellazon everyday—multiple times a day—but I rarely log in; most of my visits are quick check-ins between doing one thing or another in the real world. After several weeks of trying to like them—hoping they'd grow on me—I've instead grown to hate the model/actress/athlete/etc. thumbnails. I get the concept, but, as implemented, they just get in my way—and they do seem to bog down page loads from time to time on mobile. I tend to follow certain models, actresses, athletes, etc. I know their names. So it's their names I look for—not their thumbnails. I've actually been trying to ignore the thumbnails lately. Maybe if the thumbnails were smaller and consistently shaped and oriented—maybe if they were (black and white) headshots—I wouldn't mind them so much. But, man, have I grown to hate them. I'd love it if you guys made turning them off an option for guests and the not-logged-in. I'd probably do a little dance if they disappeared entirely.
  10. Maybe I'm missing something, but I can't figure out how to disable the new thumbnails on mobile. Like the other two posters, if I'm being honest, I find the thumbnails more distracting than helpful. Edit: Apparently, one has to be logged in for the option to hide thumbnails to appear. ~;-\
  11. colcci / colcci1 Edit: The second's been deleted from Vimeo. Ain't that a bummer. (No pun intended, Badboy.)
  12. Istoe Gente No. 598 HQs: http://i51.tinypic.com/adloo5.jpg http://i52.tinypic.com/2iqd6b9.jpg http://i56.tinypic.com/11iixq0.jpg http://i56.tinypic.com/20znwpd.jpg The Complete Package (All of the Above) in UHQ http://www.sendspace.com/file/q50qid
  13. How about some MQs? And because I'm not sure that that's NOT a nipple: WARNING - NUDITY: http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxn3Sb9 http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxn3UGi http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxn3Xar http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxn3ZFA http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxn419J http://www.postimage.org/image.php?v=gxn43ES
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