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Issue with this is that Meika Woollard is model pretty, tall and slender. Emily is gorgeous no doubt at all but she is shorter and shapely, this works perfectly for bikini, swimwear, the kind of stuff Runway Goddess does and of course lingerie and more which she doesn't do. Her bigger prospects are always going to be involving showing more than she does now, even Meika has some see through stuff that is much stronger than Emily has done. That is part of the industry and if Emily isn't wanting to do that then it restricts her to her current level. This is 100% her choice and in her control, I can't imagine she hasn't had some serious offers from various outlets that involve showing more skin, she has become more daring recently as well. If her priority is her studies then she wont go down that road and I guess we can blame her academic abilities for the fact she is not producing the kind of content so many would love to see!
I am not even going to answer that one, no idea what is being said!
I've said it before but the fact the first stuff leaked was probably predicted by her and she did one pretty lame thing, it leaked and now it is a great reason/excuse not to do any more stuff. I see the claim there about doing customs for a lot of money but I doubt that too, she is making too much from her legit modelling to risk something leaking like that. Agencies don't take kindly to models that show or do more for money on the side, it damages their brand and it is fairly certain she is getting some high level advice about what is and isn't going to damage her chances as she continues. What we see is most likely what we will ever get. She may decide to do more skin showing bikinis or indeed move into lingerie modelling, see through even but as to anything else I don't think the chances are high. The irony is we will see way more of Meika Woollard than we will of Emily due to the fact Meika is working internationally with brands that will routinely put her in sheer clothing and take proper shoots.
https://mega.nz/file/0VYi0S6b#aN7EJxWKNlehZIML4FCDs9QCRvfQ7Q0OswJhiQWh2rA Just a bikini video, very nice!
Yeah, you can see it, subtle and well done but it is there. Not a shock they would catch it, there is no such thing as a "slip" as everything released is combed through. This is why I think she has gone a bit quiet since the BF video, the reaction is not what she imagined. However back to this, they are looking out for the model and would never compromise her by releasing something she wasn't both aware of and willing to show.
Fair enough, however I was once that age (we all were) and I never grabbed at any girl I was with like that in private or in public, the expression he has is not that fun either. The whole video left me a bit non-plussed simply based on his behaviour. Pretty certain she posted the video, so it was intentional.
I think we have a good idea of how he treats her the whole time if that is how he is with a camera on him, groping her hard and trying to shove his hand down her jeans is pretty crass behaviour when your girl is a model online with a certain image. That image is pretty gone now following that, his behaviour towards her has seen to that. I am amazed she let that video out.
It is a bit crass to be honest, he comes across as being a bit of an arsehole frankly with rough groping. You would think she could do better.
It is stupid to think that she would go on OF and not expect the immediate demands of "Go topless" and then "Go nude" and then "Get a guy in there!" OF is a sliding scale or rising expectation, depending on how you look at it. Anyone that goes on there and expects to produce what might be "normal" content is going to ultimately fal short on financial expectations. The models you named are big names, Emily is big in a small circle so the average punter finding her would immediately think the obvious if she was on OF. She has never really given out the vibe she is that communicative either, and that is a big part of OF. She would need to engage and be nice to people asking not nice things in order to keep the money coming in and she never really comes across as being that sort of person.
Aside from the stupidity over the older photographs (and you don't have to go far to find many "legitimate" models who were younger doing sheer and so on so let's just put that down to whatever it was at the time) and so on, the reason she is not doing sheer, topless and more obvious lingerie is simply because she doesn't want to. It is a certainly she has been offered jobs and shoots that would include all that and probably for decent money too, any lingering doubt she has over earlier things will be gone and the instant she turned 18 she knew this would happen. She clearly controls her modelling tightly, giving out what she wants to on Sunroom and so on, she will ride the wave of popularity and income until people get bored and she moves on with her life. While she is stunning I personally find myself less and less looking for her new stuff, just more of the same and she isn't really at a level to just constantly pull that off. She will have to make a choice about the next phase of her modelling at some point, personally I hope she does show and do more, but I doubt she will. As I said earlier, this is entirely her choice and good luck to her whatever she does.
I am not sure if she is still doing that or if Sunroom has replaced that income stream. As far as it goes, doing that means she is willing to exploit her situation to make money in a slightly dubious way. Up to people to buy them, but it wasn't the best look for her. Caveat Emptor applies but she knows her fans will spend big bucks to get things she has worn and a willingness to exploit that is always going to be an exploitation!
I would imagine it is by choice. There is no way that she hasn't had approaches by a number of brands and agencies by now. There is also no way she hasn't had approaches by more adult publishers but she chooses to keep it local. If I were to hazard a guess as to why, it would be because she doesn't see this as her life goal and instead is looking to another career and is just modelling to line the account and have some fun right now.
She is growing and maturing, from a younger woman into an adult. It is clear her body has changed, she is larger and more curvy than she has been. Clearly she has addressed the fact she put on a little weight recently and is more trim and slender now. This whole thing about her chin, you kidding me? That group pic above is with a fish eye lens that accentuates everything. She is looking great and while I agree that her overall look is not really fashion model material she is a perfect swimsuit, lingerie and glamour model, it just remains to be seen how she wants to go with it.