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Everything posted by micksiano

  1. She appears in the SS 2011 Miu Miu campaign Miu Miu campaign
  2. Source: http://www.tessmanagement.com/details.aspx...;mainsubid=2365 I would like to know the details of the editorial from the first two images, and if there are any more photos... please help
  3. Source: http://thefashionisto.com/portrait-atesh-b...or-seventh-man/
  4. last batch Source: http://www.joulesclothing.com
  5. more from http://www.joulesclothing.com/
  6. Source: http://www.joulesclothing.com/
  7. She's currently signed with: Tess Management http://www.tessmanagement.com/details.aspx...;mainsubid=2365 Sweden Models http://www.swedenmodels.se/ Mikas Stockholm http://www.mikas.se/
  8. he reminds me so much of omahrya mota
  9. thank you persuazn! i also asked on alessandra ambrosio's forum and got the answer there too
  10. all i have is an avatar i stole from the fashionspot! please help me id this guy, i have been searching for over an hour
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