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  1. Maybe it was her dad? But her dad is not fat right? Where was it? In NYC? yup, not really fat, just chubby lol
  2. Bar literally bumped into me today! At first i thought it was just a regular girl but then i saw her face! She said sorry& i said it was ok. I smiled and she smiled back haha It was on 50th and 5th avenue. She was with a bald fat guy and some other guy.
  3. thnx but still cant see.
  4. Anyone knows the name?
  5. Aww he just changed it, the one i was talking about had blonde hair and blue eyes.
  6. Any 1?!
  7. so where can i search 4 pics?
  8. Got it, it's Nerea Arce.
  9. some 1 knows the spanish one!?
  10. Cause iim trying to get a quick answer, + i already messaged him. Would you happen to know?
  11. The picture is on the profile http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?showuser=240 ANY1!?
  12. Ty
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