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  1. I get mad every time I don't see her in SI Swimsuit. She's a great bikini model. There are a lot of new photos of her modeling Bebe: http://www.bebe.com/New/193.sec Sorry I don't know how to save them.
  2. Based on these pictures alone I'd pick Chase Carter. She looks like the perfect SI girl. ETA: Looks like Alexis Ren won SI's poll with 54% of the vote. Not surprised she has a lot of social media followers. The other girls had no chance really.
  3. She's gorgeous. She should be getting bigger work. She'd work well for VS catalog and editorials.
  4. Bar at her birthday celebration
  5. rumorhasit


    ^Interesting couple. Sean Penn sure is getting around after his divorce....hell he got around before his divorce lol Glad to see Petra out more. She was mia for a little while.
  6. He's been hanging out with actress Abbie Cornish lately, don't know if they're dating though. He likes the models, dated Arielle Vandenberg last year and Cassy Gerasimova earlier this year. He plays the field, Bar would be a huge step up from his usual though.
  7. Was it posted that Esti is singing on a song with Isreali singer Chan Aharoni. She sounds pretty good and apparently it was a hit in Isreal: http://sizedoesntmatter.com/music/meet-che...t-the-voice-uk/
  8. Apparently there's some comparison photos showing Blake has the exact same mole in the exact same place on her back as nude pics and same phone, same case. It's most likely her but still trying to become the It girl so you can admit to such a thing.
  9. I don't really get her appeal. Great legs but blah face.
  10. I just saw her in some movie called House of Fear. Stupid movie but very pretty girl and not an entirely bad actress. I hope to see more of her.
  11. Those recent bikini pics are a bit scary. She used to have these amazing hips and legs, perfect bikini body....now she does look too thin. She's doing a lot more editorial and runway now and that type of modeling prefers extra thin. The face is always gorgeous but hope she goes back to the old body. Curves are a good thing, especially in a bikini!
  12. Esti pillow fight on Jimmy Kimmel. Love the guy in the background here saying she's going to be the cover girl next year
  13. rumorhasit


    Oh finally new Petra pics. Glad to see her out and about. She looks gorgeous as usual!
  14. I guess when most in the profession are underweight, normal weight looks "chubby"
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