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Everything posted by Love35

  1. Love35


    I´m not Offended. I Think that They Had their Good Moments, But When a Relationship don´t Work, The Best is be Separates.
  2. Love35


    I´m not Agree, Sorry. Tom Gives Her So Much Things between them, 2 Beautiful Son and So Much and Lots Serenity and emotional stability. Don´t Forget us that Leo Destroyed Her emotionally, Although not intentionally and He´s Make feel her so Alone. Giselle Resurfaced when she left the relationship with Leo and Tom brady Gives Her a lot of serenity and stability, That She hadn´t With Leo. The Story of Leo and Giselle Make me feel so Sad, She Was so Bad. In My Experence of 20 years with anxiety and panic attacks, I Can to say that it isn´t a Good experence to feel that the World Will be destroyed, The Anxiety is so Much Serious if you don´t controlled it. I Admired so Much to Leo Dicaprio, He´s the best Actor. I´m a Big Fanatic. This is Only My Humble Opinion.
  3. I´m Agree with you. Leo said at one of his friends that He doesn't want that His relationship with Gigi to be a media spectacle. They Want to be hide.
  4. That´s it. I Feel the Same. All Was prepare with antelation.
  5. That´s Rare. It wasn't gigi, the one who didn't want to have anything serious, no serious relationship with Leo?, And Was Leo Who Wanted to have anything with Her. I´m Lost. 🤔
  6. I Have Found This. Could Be True? https://www.cosmopolitan.com/es/famosos/noticias-famosos/a41266525/gigi-hadid-nada-serio-leonardo-dicaprio/
  7. I Have Found This. Could be True?. https://www.marca.com/tiramillas/cine/2022/09/19/63284ea022601db44c8b4574.html
  8. Anybody Understand it what Mean this Article? it Say "At casa" Which Casa. it´s Casa Caprini.
  9. I am glad that, finally, someone stands up for Leo, and defends him against all the horrors that have been said about him, in the published articles. She is very Sensible and Very Reasonable, she I Like a Lot how she talks about Leo, and she Makes Me Think something .. Why the same thing happens to all of them, It seems that all of them felt trapped and Progress after leaving Leo. Gisele, something similar happened to her, she felt anxiety, panic attacks and it was better when she left the relationship with Leo. With this I am not attacking Leo, God forbid, he is an incredible and beautiful being, talented, handsome, and he gives us beautiful works of art in his performances, I'm just saying that these girls seem to end up traumatized after the relationship with Leo. if All His Girlriend will Talk About Leo Like Kristen Zang., Maybe the Haters leave of Talk ugly About Leo.
  10. For me, Richie don´t Like so Much. He´s isn´t Give me so Much Trust. it Seem Mobster, as if hiding something dark. All My Respect to The People that Go hiis Parties, But II Never Could to do it.
  11. She´s a Cheap Copy of Camile. A Substitute to Maintain her Playboy Public Image. I´m a Big Fan of Leo for so much years But His decisions Disappoint me so Much. . Although, it´s his Life and I´m not Anybody for Talk about his. I ´m Only an Humble Fan that feel Pains to See like Leo isn´t taking Good decisions, But if He´s Happy.. With that. Sorry So Much If someone is offended by my words, I only give my opinion
  12. THEY. Who Are They?, Richie Aquive and His Friends., I Suppose. It´s Possible that They Are a Bad Influence on Leo. It´s So Sad. Sometimes His Friends Can Fucking His Life so much.. Because, His Image is so much Destroyed Thankeful at Them. If I Was Leo, I go so Far at Them, and Change His Sequito of Friends. You (Talk on General), You Must to Be with Person that Make me to feel Good, Positive vibe, Who Make you to laugh without Implying aAdictions or Misbehavior. Leo Make me feel Sad.. He is so Alone without Nobody give him a Good Advice. They Only advice him about adicctions, Alcohol, Younger Models.. Parties. That´s isn´t a Good Life. He´ll be so much Alone, Every time, if He Continued with that Friends and that Parties so ... Dangerous for his public Image.
  13. What a pity! It would have been a great movie. Leo is Perfect for that Role.
  14. Interesante Respuesta @TuNoYo, no creo que Camila acepte el final de su relación con Leo tranquilamente y sin hacer nada para evitar que Leo también la deje. Veremos que pasa.
  15. Interesante Respuesta @TuNoYo, no creo que Camila acepte el final de su relación con Leo tranquilamente y sin hacer nada para evitar que Leo también la deje. Veremos que pasa.
  16. Can someone explain to me why This Movie did not receive any Award?. All is Perfect. Leo's acting is great here. The cast of actors is second to none, The Story is great, But It was a forgotten Movie, Sadness.
  17. I Agree with you. She is not the type of woman he likes. Leo likes more voluptuous women, with sculptural bodies... And Gigi Hadid is more of a Walking Skeleton, Super-thin and with few Physical Attributes. (With all due respect to Sra Hadid, Grand Fashion Proffesional). I think they Are Good Friends, Only. In addition, She is married and has children and I don't think that Leo would get to be in there.
  18. Violent Reaction?, What do you mean?. The Violent Reaction of Camila's Family or the Fans In General.? I don't think the fans will criticize him for leaving her, I think they will support his decision. There are few Fans who are in favor of that Relationship.
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