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  1. fery

    *Lurker* Kidding. :p how are you dong?

  2. Katja look so much like Adriana at 17~21 and doutzen. Did anyone notice Justin seems keep checking Ale out?
  3. I don't think she is fat, she just has Big Bones. i'm not joking, she really have bigger bones than other models. maybe hence not very nice neck.
  4. Lyona


    Garner love Alians and the dimples.
  5. Claudia!! more elegant and sweet face.
  6. Kristin Davis it's hard to believe she's 41. She's still very young girly "Charlotte" looking.
  7. Lyona


    It's a very beautiful picture. Never get tired to look at it. and it's hard to believe ale is 24 She still look so young and cute.
  8. Do you know the Sept US vogue have 9 models on the cover? Daria Natalia Gisele Isabeli Hana Karolina Liya Gemma Karen Elson. Actually at first has ten models inclube Eugenia i, but ultimately zhenya get minused by vogue.(maybe anna wintour? Rumoured cuz her gained weight........ I'm not biggest eugenia's fan. you can go to ask hardcore zhenya fans about this. they probably know more about this than me.
  9. I miss her look in she first come out and during 2003. (much fresh face and shorter hair) No wonder Mr.Ford picked her open the Fall 02 's Gucci show. She still very beautiful though, that's for sure. She just look ageing so much to me, for a girl born in sept. 1984. I still though she has one of the best face in this day's model world. (I felt sorry for her get cut in Sept US Vogue cause gain weight.)
  10. The cover just so beautiful and ooze sex. Thank you so much for the scan.
  11. I have old Fashioned taste. My favorite is Sophie Marceau or Alizee......
  12. too tough to choose. I don't vote
  13. Russia of course. But I love Hana and Karolina too.
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