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  1. Hi guys, It seems like Bianca is four months pregnant :-/ If u speak italian then go watch the very last minute of this video. http://www.video.mediaset.it/video/verissimo/full/489352/puntata-del-18-ottobre.html
  2. However the article isn't really clear cuz maybe the wanted to say she was ill when the girls met the press!
  3. In this article it said she was supposed to be there but she got sick the day of the shoot so it seems like she woun't be in the Cal http://www.vanityfair.it/people/mondo/13/08/14/calendario-pirelli-the-cal-50-anni-foto
  4. Dolce & Gabbana Menswear F/W 13.14
  5. she's gonna be in SanPaolo next week for the opening of a Dolce&gabbana shop! http://www1.folha.uol.com.br/saopaulo/1256218-grife-italiana-deve-trazer-monica-bellucci-e-bianca-balti-a-sp.shtml
  6. Vogue Italy Couture Supplement March 2013
  7. she is the new face of Dolce&Gabbana Light Blue Fragrance http://www.vogue.co....bana-light-blue
  8. The ombre effect is due to a L'oreal commercial
  9. Grey Magazine spring 2013 cover with her lovely daughter Matilde
  10. Here there's a interview and the press conference, the hair doesn't look bad to me. (It's in italian) http://multimedia.qu...dia&media=33636 http://video.repubblica.it/dossier/sanremo-2013/balti-stasera-mettero-qualche-vestito-insomma-non-saro-nuda/119721/118201?ref=HRESS-2
  11. Sanremo press conference (New hair color kinda blondish at the tip, In motion it's better than it seems in this pics, love it)
  12. Arriving at Sanremo film festival
  13. Vanity Fair Italy Moreover she's the new Dolce&Gabbana parfume testimonial http://www.vanityfai...to-sanremo-punk
  15. Anyone u can speak german could translate this? Does it mean she's gonna be part of the Gucci campaign? http://www.elle.de/Artikel/topmodel-bianca-balti-von-gewoehnlich-zu-gucci-modelportraet_1775747.html?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=modekatie
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