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Everything posted by Expresso

  1. She's always been thin but there's literally not an ounce of fat on her in these candids. I get the whole natural living thing, I try to do it myself (within reason) but I think she might be going a bit overboard with it. She's getting into emaciated territory here. @Hollander I totally get it must be super disappointing to see who was once your fave (or one of your faves) model get pulled into anti-science/cult-ish spheres and then see her nuke her super successful career out of the sky with that BS. That said, looking at your latest comments it seems like it has boiled over into resentment towards her. Which I get, but I wonder how healthy that is. Like, let's be honest here, this career was never going to last. The fact she got as far as she did is pretty remarkable. She's rich as fuck, can do whatever she wants basically, and for now that seems to be farm living and growing her own veggies and stuff. I wouldn't be surprised if she pulls a Brigitte Bardot and just completely withdraws from the public eye at some point.
  2. I mean isn't every photoshoot edited in some way? Doesn't look excessive to my eyes. For one I don't see the classic instagram warping and FaceApp distortion here. EDIT/UPDATE: I misinterpreted pacinko's comment, my bad.
  3. Holy shit she's a work of art
  4. Yup, honestly a breath of fresh air
  5. So she's gorgeous but does she do any real modeling? All I'm seeing are selfies and those overly posed, sexy instagram pictures. And that tongue thing Megan Fox used to do a decade ago.
  6. I think not getting vaccinated is also going to be a major hurdle in getting jobs in the future. Just from a business point of view, in the shoes of agents/etc. I wouldn't hire someone for a shoot or for an acting gig if they're not vaccinated (or in the process of getting it). Why, because it endangers the entire job. Also, because of all the dumb shit she's said and how she's been doubling down on being a moron who gets her 'education' from social media, I doubt many brands want to associate with her now. There is a good chance loreal is going to drop her or at least not renew her contract. Like I'll be honest, in general I like her personality as it came across in her pre-covid youtube videos. She never seemed like a smart person, but she came across as nice so that was cool. Now she comes across as mostly dumb and 'out there' with that weird cult she was promoting on insta.
  7. Honestly I think the skirt is hideous, looks like a bunch of fabric stapled together, but she pulls it off anyway. I'm also digging the lighter hair.
  8. I gotta say I'm surprised they got engaged so fast since they are only together for what....1 year? But she looks super happy, so good for her
  9. Here's the commercial in full. I agree it was low effort but hey, easy money. I do like her better blonde but I think this suits her too.
  10. That scene was fine but remember she has zero speaking lines. Showing emotion on your face is one thing, being able to do believable dialogue is another. Also, that movie was originally shot in 2016 and we haven't seen her act in anything since, so I doubt she's really pursuing it seriously.
  11. Expresso

    Megan Fox

    Fair enough, he's not my type either (I don't even know who he is), but at the same time, I don't think I've ever seen her look as happy as she does in these recent pictures back when she was with Brian. Then again, maybe this is her midlife crisis. Starting a bit early
  12. Hot damn what a great shoot. She looks amazing! Thank you for posting @gedeon67
  13. Yeah being able to say whatever you want is nice and all, but I just wish people like her would stop and think about whether she should. That said I don't think it's unfortunate she's paying the price. Seriously, if you look through the crap she spews out to her gullible followers, she deserves all the hate she can get for that and honestly, I think it's mild, so far, from what I've read and seen in Dutch media.
  14. Women wear lingerie for most of the day, so comfort is arguably the most important attribute lingerie can have. Even if you're dressing up for a hookup, (or if you're in a committed relationship: to surprise your SO) you don't know exactly when everything will come off so not being stuck with itchy, uncomfortable lingerie digging into your skin and poking your body in uncomfortable places until then would be nice. Like, I have a few 'special occasion' sexy lingerie sets but the bulk of my buys are practical. Sexy lingerie doesn't look good under every piece of clothing either, so often aside from being uncomfortable, it's also unpractical. And since VS wants to sell lingerie for every occasion, they can't just bank on maximum sexiness because most women value feeling good over just looking good. The sweet spot is being able to combine looks with comfort and practicality.
  15. I like your optimism but I think that when the world is vaccinated (or well, the richer countries that can afford it...) Doutzen not having done so could be grounds to not book her. With her online antics I also don't think a Vogue NL cover is in the cards anytime soon. Highly doubt they want to associate with a model who posts such controversial (read: idiotic) opinions online. Of course only time will tell but my bet is that this stuff can really damage her already fading career.
  16. She is gorgeous, but I kinda wish she would try some more expressions on her face. She always looks...bored/indifferent. Gives her a kind of wax statue quality.
  17. Yeah they can't make people do it. Putting a law through that makes it mandatory would be very hard to accomplish, so Doutzen and her family will not be getting it. Alongside a whole bunch of other delusional people.
  18. I think it's because there's been a shift in lingerie branding towards comfort rather than sexiness. And in VS that resulted in super bland advertising. I think they could have a done a lot with the comfort angle to make beautiful photoshoots but they never did. So in a way I'm glad they're going back to sexy because at least those shoots aren't boring. Sidenote: I am really digging the short hair on Taylor. I have never been a fan of bob length hairstyles, but she rocks it in this shoot.
  19. I'm kinda surprised she doesn't have a ton of tan lines with all those strappy bikini's and dresses she's wearing.
  20. Well looks like we have our answer about whether she was able to drag Sunnery into this as well. He agrees with her (Translation of this screencap: nu.nl reported that every citizen of the county Lansingerland from the age of two and up is being called up to get a Coronatest. Sunnery replied: "Wow... cringe!" Doutzen said: "Horrible! Propaganda! Keep your hands off our children!!!!") Sidenote: even if you can't read what is written it's funny how you can always recognize a dumb person by their excessive use of exclamation points.
  21. Honestly she reminds me of my best friend. I don't know what quirk in personality they both have that makes them so susceptible to this BS but it's sad. I should have known Doutzen would go down this path the moment she posted about that dumb juice cleanse. People who believe in that stuff are gullible at the very least. Challenging her beliefs just made my friend dig in even more, so I think Sunnery, unless he's 100% on board with this shit too, might just not know how to get through to Doutzen when she's like this. She probably doesn't know anyone who is affected either, so it's easy to downplay and ignore. My friend doesn't know anybody who had it. I know 18 people, two of them died from it, 3 of them are now long haulers with chronic lung issues. For me, it's real, for my friend and Doutzen it's just something people who don't matter get and die from.
  22. I honestly don't mind masculine Doutzen with abs. She rocks that look imo, as much as she does a softer one. Also on one of the pictures of the editorial, she is riding the horse 😏 without the saddle. Anyway, most editorials don't really tell a story anyway; it's just about combining pretty things.
  23. Huh, never knew that. Shows how much bigger lips can change your face; she looks like a completely different person now. Still though, damn those parents for letting something like that get done on a girl that young. She's had the same face for years now, so if she's got something done, it was done when she was still a teenager. Anyway, whatever she did, it obviously worked out well in her case. She has one of the best faces in modeling right now.
  24. Couldn't find that exact pic but I did find a bigger one of the one already posted plus some others from that shoot.
  25. It matters because Kaia only got here because of things outside of her influence. Most models are banking on the one thing they got lucky with: their genes. Kaia got not just that, but rich parents too. And not just any rich parent; her mom is Cindy Crawford, a supermodel with a good reputation, lots of relevant knowledge and a ton of connections in the industry. Implying Kaia would be chatting with Anna Wintour for Vogue if she had middle class no-name parents is ignorant. The way she talks, the way she looks, everything has been tailored by experts to give her a head start in the industry. And it's more than a head start. Kaia is a prime example of what would happen if you could somehow skip the stage where you're barely getting by and having trouble booking jobs, let alone high profile ones. You know, a stage that could take years and years and a lot of models (if not the majority) never get past. Kaia never had to struggle through that. Cindy made sure of it. It's kind of like if a CEO of an influential company used his connections to give his son an important, well paying job in that same industry. Even if his son is qualified for the job, it doesn't change anything about the fact that he wouldn't have gotten at that point that fast (or at all) without his dad. I mean don't get me wrong, I like Kaia's look (even if I think she's a bit too thin, but that's a different issue), I like her work. But her showing up with her mom to talk about 'struggles' in the modeling industry is more than a little tone deaf. I mean, I get it, Kaia and her supermodel mom rake in more views than other up-and-comers like say, Grace Elizabeth, who did have to work to get there. But that's also the problem. I mean you got a bunch of rich people sitting together talking about struggles that none of them experienced, or if they did (Cindy herself did come from small beginnings) it was so long ago it's no longer relevant. Anyway I didn't mean to drag out this dicussion, because I do think Kaia is a good model and at least she doesn't seem stuck up like the Hadid sisters. But you can like her work and still be aware she didn't earn her place.
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