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Everything posted by Expresso

  1. Haha, I guess I am predictable. But you deserve it anyway =)

  2. ^^I'm exactly as tall as you are. I was always the tallest girl in my class, so I was afraid I was going to get huge. Luckily, that didn't happen As for my weight, I weigh 127 lbs now. Lost some weight . I'm not too thrilled about that, but I guess I have an ecuse to indulge in icecream some more! Hmm doubt it. I mean, if a less active stomach would extend your lifespan, anorexic people would be immortal, right? Anyway, I'm hardly an expert.
  3. Though I like em as a couple, I really doubt he proposed. That's just typical the media eating off a celebrity.
  4. Sorry, I knew it was Madison, I just couldn't find the scans to validate my thoughts She seems so sweet. Ah, sorry guys! I thought it was the Marie Claire! I guess that also starts with "Ma" but that's it. I really need to pay attention more. <_<
  5. Wow, some great works here! Lot's of talented people on BZ I just draw in my sketchbook. Usually at school, when I'm bored. This is one I did recently. I used a pencil. Too bad the paper isn't so good. Oh well...
  6. Well, I don't mind that. We're at a discussion forum after all Haha! Coincidence I just changed it though. You know, I just really like Jensen Ackles (or actually: the characters he plays) and I didn't have a good avatar of him. But I have to say he looks damn sexy when he's throwing the killer glare/clenched jaw thing out there Well, that's just my opinion, anyway.
  7. You know, it´s stupid. I had this saved on my computer for a while, with every intention of posting it, but I just forgot all about it. I honestly can't give you the answer on which issue. I found it online somewhere, but I can't find it back. If I do, I'll post here!
  8. In the first picture, she looks like a darkhaired version of Anna Selezneva. Well, to me anyway. It´s that cheeky look she´s got going. Good find!
  9. Here's a nice interview with her. I really like how she comes across
  10. Hmm I don't know. I mean, I'm happy the Dutchies are kicking ass in the modeling business, but lately most of them are just "meh" to me. As with this girl. She just looks so dull and typical to me. She's so thin there isn't even a hint of curves to speak of. And her lack of eyebrows gives her that androgynous look. But I guess that's what they want in HF. And who knows, maybe she'll fill out a little bit. But thanks for coming up with the fresh faces youareprincess. I really appreciate the affort
  11. Thanks for the whole bunch of pictures! I like how she isn´t a waif like some girls and looks like she can hold her own.
  12. Expresso

    Megan Fox

    You know, it just occurred to me that her whole face seems swollen, not just her lips. Like she´s had an allergic reaction to something. For example, that vein on the side of her head doesn´t look too healthy. Also, it´s like she can´t open her eyes properly. Even on the pictures when she´s smiling, she has that sleepy look going on. If she did have an allergic reaction, it explains why she looks like this. I had to show up for my graduation and I had an allergic reaction to who knows what it was. I had this puffy face with bee stung lips. There´s a reason I don´t look at those pictures anymore, haha. Though I won´t deny that she could have gotten something done, I think she´ll probably look better at the next event.
  13. Aw. I guess you don't have an Edward Cullen shower curtain. I have man-crushes on lots of ugly old men. Tyler Durden probably inspired me to bodybuild a bit back when I was 18. He had "charismatic male tribal leadership" written all over him. But of course, as time went by I thought about his character and released that he was, in essence, just another politician But he was a damn hot and he had that pull. That's the great thing about him. When you really think about it, you know he's nuts. But somehow he made it work and that makes his huge following (in the story) convincing. I mean, the oneliners are still quoted today. I have a soft spot for the movie and the book. As for other characters: -Clay Danvers (from the book: Bitten, by Kelly armstrong. I swear it's not cliché like the title suggests). I just loved the swagger, the deadpans and the fact he was unafraid of everything. Ofcourse he is the hottie in the book, so it's hard not to fall for him - Jeremy Danvers. Same book. It was really the character I liked, more than the described looks. "One did not argue with Jeremy. You could cuss, scream, throw things at him and he'd wait until you were tired. He would then calmly disagree with you and walk away." (or something along those lines, I'm pulling this straight from my head) - John Rain, from the Rain series. He's an assassin, and I just love this character. "Once you get past the overall irony of the situation, you realize that killing a guy in the middle of his own health club has a lot to recommend it..." The fun thing about these books is that unlike most books, everything is described in detail. Not just 'a club' in 'city A' but a specific street or bar in Tokyo. The places described actually exist. When he makes a choice, it is explained why it works. - Cal Thompson from the book "peeps". He's a nerd, a geek with fascination for biology. The explanations for common day things we encounter from a biological view are really entertaining. Ofcourse the book is not about that. But I like how he isn't your average walking Armani ad with a motorcycle. There are A LOT more characters I know, but I'll have to think about it for a while.
  14. I don´t think it´s weird this thread got created. After all Rosie got her thread here too because she´s going to star in Transformers 3.
  15. ^^Lol, I don't blame you. I rarely make sense But I try. That's what counts, right?
  16. Expresso

    Megan Fox

    Voila! it did not last 24 hours before someone asked about ? Utopia is a great world but the BZ world is quite different hmmph <_< Cult Icon, I think your post was just a matter of wrong timing. These discussions about Megan's supposed surgeries started ages ago. Now everyone is talking about it again, some frequent thread visitors are getting fed up with it. And I guess I can understand because no matter what we say, Megan isn't going to hear about it anyway. Nor is she going to confirm it. Which makes our opinions/thoughts/speculations even more worthless. But whatever she is doing, I just hope she doesn't ever let anyone come near her with a knife/needle (again). She's such a gorgeous girl. Also, have you guys seen this clip? I thought it was funny:
  17. 5'10 runway models, from what I've read, weigh about 110 pounds or less. 5'10 VS model weighs somewhere between 120-130 lbs. It depends though: Tyra was allowed to be a bit heavier. And Natasha Poly, who also did VS, weighs probably less than that. But on the whole they get to be atleast 10 pounds heavier. That's why often the models who start doing VS and end up being a VS angel don't do HF anymore: they've gotten too curvy for those standards. And because VS pays a lot, ofcourse I know there are thousands of models and I never said all of them have ED's. But 40% of them do, according to recent studies. I call that a lot. Your cousin is a man. The fashion industry is more lenient when it comes to them. Besides, they're supposed to be lean and strong, not sickly skinny. Most ads with male models exhibit their muscles and six packs. There are thin guys out there, but those are usually the young ones that aren't done growing yet. So that's not a good example. It's great that you don't look up to models like some people do, but that doesn't mean you can speak for everyone. A lot of girls do look up to that standard. Take a look at Yahoo Answers for an instance. There are literally tons of girls asking for advice on losing a lot of weight, so they can be skinny. These are not overweight girls, they're usually quite slim already. Every other minute there's a new question "I want to lose 20 lbs. How do I do this?" Okay, so you think the models I mentioned are the only examples out there. Well, the problem is that when models admit they have ED's, it hurts their careers. And since a model career doesn't last long (in general) models do about everything to avoid that tag. If they tell the world about their ED, it's when it's been a long time ago, when they retire, or...you hear about it after they died from it. Also, I don't get your point about being 150 cm or being 175 cm. What does height have to do with it? When did I say it did? I never said this, so I don't get your point. What are you trying to say here? In your last post, you said: . I figured you meant they needed to look good naturally. While that's true, I pointed out that a lot of imperfections are either covered up by makeup or photoshopped. The only thing they can't alter (much) is a model's weight. That's all I wanted to point out. Ofcourse I'm not going to look like Adriana when I wear the same swimsuit as she does. For one, I don't have ocean blue eyes You're right that dancers etc. also suffer from it, but again, this is what's laid upon them. Ballet dancers are required to be very thin. It's gotten better these days (there was a time ballet dancers had to be so thin they didn't have boobs!) but the standard is still there. Rhythmic gymnasts are also required to be very thin. Olympian medalist Alina Kabaeva was told she was fat by her trainer (even though she only weighed 45 kg's). So in that respect, the modeling industry isn't the only one suffering from this. The only sport that used to require thinness, but doesn't anymore is normal gymnastics. But that's because strong, well fed girls perform better than thin girls. But anyway, I don't think we'll ever agree on this, so I guess we should just leave it at this and agree to disagree. Thanks for the discussion. You brought up some good points. As for everyone else. I know ED's are a touchy subject and I don't want to offend anyone with what I said. It's just my opinion. Which doesn't mean sh*t in the world of blah blah blah.
  18. Expresso

    Megan Fox

    I agree. And I like her, so I kinda [naively] hope that if she gets called on it by enough fans (whether it's true or not) she might quit before she really gets started.
  19. There are LOTS of models with ED's out there. You are naive not to think so. Model Ana Carolina Reston (did Armani) had just landed an international campaign when she died of anorexia. Petra Nemcova also suffered from an eating disorder and abused laxatives. There are many other models out there. Also, many people with ED's don't look that sick. They may look tired, or a bit pale, but when you're working hard the last thing people are going to think is that you have an ED. Also, in a world with skinny people, the ones with ED's don't attract attention. Also, lots of models are photoshopped to hell. Take Raica Oliveira for an instance. Gorgeous girl, but she has a bad case of acne. In shoots, you don't see it. On the runway, make-up hides it. Even Victoria secret models have confessed that before they show their bodies on the runway of the VS show, layers of makeup are added to even out any imperfections that are there. Spray tan emphasizes their strong features and hide the lesser ones. Your view of this industry is pretty idealistic, but not realistic. I wish it was the way you describe, but it's not. Do you really? Did they land big campaigns? Also, have you really paid attention to their eating habits? They might have changed without you realizing it. Before I knew my sister had an ED, she had already reduced her food intake dramatically and would cover it up by saying she had a meal on the way home, ate with colleagues, etc. I trusted her, so I believed her. I was wrong. Topmodels like Doutzen Kroes, Adriana Lima and Alessandra Ambrioso aren't as thin as their High Fashion colleages. They are allowed to have curves because they need to model lingerie. But if you look at the days they were doing runway, they were much thinner then. Also, some models know how to lose weight efficiently without getting an ED. Getting an ED in those circumstances also has to do with the fact people simply don't know what works. Lots of them just think: eat less=weigh less.
  20. Expresso

    Weight Loss

    I think most of this stuff is crap. Detoxing, counting calories, blah blah blah...those are just short term solutions. You can use it to look good for the summer or for a special event, but you'll gain it all back in the long run. That's why those mags come up with it every-time. Besides, in the end you'll look skinny-fat because these ways make you lose muscle and when you gain weight back, all of it is fluid and fat. The best way to lose weight and keep it off without starving yourself to death is: 1. Eat lots of protein, veggies and fruits. Eat carbs too, but they can't be the bulk of your meal. 50/50. Quality over quantity. Rule of the thumb: one plate, no seconds per meal. 2. Pig out once in a while. Noone of us can eat healthy all day every day for the rest of our lives while all those unhealthy things are at our fingertips. I think everyone should be allowed go out and get wasted once in a while, or go to McDonalds, etc. Just do it sporadically. 3. Drink lots of water. 4. Exercise with free weights. You'll build up muscle, tone your body. 5. When you do your workout, workout 45 minutes or 60 minutes straight, without a real pause. I mean, sure you can rest a few seconds in between sets, but don't do more than that. 5. Cardio. Don't just run on the treadmill or the elliptical machine for ages, counting the cals you're burning. Cals mean nothing. They're as useless as the BMI scale because they don't take anything in account. You can eat a snickers bar á la 300 cals or you can eat a healthy little meal a la 300 cals. There's a big difference. So do intervals. Run as fast as you can for a minute, then slower for a minute, then work your way up. That does a lot more than just jogging at one steady pace. That worked for me. I've always been thin, but I wasn't really in shape. I wanted to be and now I am. I used to weigh 118 lbs at a height of 5'10. Now I weigh 130 lbs and I look better because I gained a lot of muscle.
  21. That's kinda short sighted, I think. It never worked that way and it never will. Besides, each of those mags carry a certain image. The mags with heavier women usually have that couch-talk-Oprah vibe going on, with subjects "Be happy with your curves" and "you deserved to be liked for who you are, whether you have a bubble butt or not". Teenage girls aren't going to buy that. And then there's the fact that a lot of girls think these sticks are pretty. I think this kind of beauty standard is branded into us. Sure, preferences differ, but on the whole slim women have the advantage over the heavier ones. Also, though we are free to have our own opinions, that doesn't mean we don't 'borrow' from eachother. In the end, the majority of us will always exhibit herd behaviour one way or the other. Call it culture or whatever you want, but it's the truth. We are influenced by other people all the time. Sure, the fashion industry has always been sort of an independent industry, but my god, it's influenced by everything. It's like a sponge that takes everything in. It's the only way they can come up with the "new look." Also, sticks model clothes better because they look like clothing hangers. I mean, even people in the industry have admitted that, no sense in denying it now. So in a way, yes it's the fault of the industry, the designers and the people behind campaigns. But by now it's what people crave, so getting out of that is hard. How are you going to let go of an unhealthy image when your clients like that? Yes, there are naturally skinny models. But even they are put on a diet to look even slimmer. Why do you think they like those young girls? Because in puberty, lots of girls are thin as sticks. When they get older, they need to work to stay that thin, and that's when the ED's set in. Not all, but a lot of girls suffer from it because they simply don't know how to stay slim in a healthy way. I think that's also a part of it.
  22. I'm very late in replying. I just saw this just now, so sorry about that I see your points, they're well made. Okay, so you say you don't have an ED because of any of the reasons I stated. Then why do you have it? What started it? There has to be a reason.
  23. Expresso

    Katie Cassidy

    I think she's pretty, but she has that "she looks young, but old at the same time" look going on.
  24. Expresso

    Megan Fox

    She didn't get her boobs done: Here are pics of her in 2004: I don't see any difference from now. As for her face: then:2003/2004 now:
  25. 18. But by now I gather everyone knows the BMI scale is completely bogus
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