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Everything posted by Expresso

  1. Expresso


    I like the blue one with the black wings. Kinda wished they'd left out that rig thing over her belly though. Less is more. But she looks phenomenal as always.
  2. Expresso


    That red leather thing is terrible, but she somehow manages to still look hot in it.
  3. Expresso


    I actually don't mind the dress that much? Sure, that white sleeve was overdone, but other than that it was simple and it shows off her body in a way that isn't tacky. I mean look at her, she's fit as hell, has legs to die for. Only people with arm muscles can pull off a dress like that.
  4. Does anyone else think her instagram pics are off-putting? It's like she's saying: "I'm hot, let me show you how hot I am. Isn't this the tightest ass you've ever seen?" She's doing a workout and she gets other people to shoot pics of her butt so she can put it online. Who does that? I mean sure, I guess it's fanservice in the sense that we get to see her butt and her boobs from every single angle, but parading yourself around like that seems so arrogant to me. I still enjoy her work because she is a beautiful gal, but I guess I like it when models are a bit more...modest.
  5. Expresso


    OMG a magazine in my country (veronica magazine) posted a picture of that random 'lookalike' shown a few pages back saying it was Adriana. I don't get how so called professionals get her mixed up with someone else so easily. I mean, Adriana has a unique look and a distinctive face. There are many things you can say about her, but 13-in-a-dozen girl-next-door isn't it.
  6. Hey guys, this probably comes across like I'm baiting, but I mean this as a genuine question. What makes Kate Upton special to you? Because I've seen the hype around her swell and swell and while I get it with most bigname models, I don't really understand why Kate is so popular. I mean, she has big boobs, but surely that cannot be the only reason her career took off the way it did.
  7. During the whole time the two spent together they looked a little too comfortable with each other hmmm...I don't think this will be good for Ana's relationship with her boyfriend...unless they have an open relationship lol Not that I want to drag this out or anything, but I do this with my friends (guys and girls) and I don't mean anything by it other than just the fact I'm enjoying their company as a friend. Everyone who knows me knows this and most people I hang out with are kind of carefree when it comes to showing affection anyway. I never really understood the rigid, almost anxious attitude some (most?) western people seem to have when it comes to affection and closeness. This picture shows Ana and Ian are very comfortable around each other. I don't see why this should immediately mean that they're romantically interested in each other. Sure, they could be. But I'm just saying it doesn't have to be the case. So if Ian is going out of his way to say they're friends, let's just stick to that and withhold our judgment until real proof of the contrary arrives.
  8. Expresso


    Wow, she looks absolutely phenomenal. Thanks so much for all the pictures! She's looking slimmer and more defined than ever, and even though it's different from her absolute peak popularity wise (say 2005) I think this look really suits her. You can't tell she's had kids and I really like how lean and strong she looks. Carved out of marble. Gotta say I really love how Adri has matured over the years. There was this interview back when she was 21 where she said she didn't have to work for her body. Now she obviously has to and she takes it very seriously. She looks younger than she is, but she seems very levelheaded. No wonder she's kept her spot at the top for so long.
  9. I guess I shouldn't be surprised the creator of a thread about something as superficial as a beauty pageant turned it into a thread about her own beauty. Look Maiya, not only does it make you come across as arrogant as hell, when you can't back up your statements with proof (like a picture) it just makes you look pathetic. If you don't want to share a picture for whatever reason, that's fine, but shut up about how 'pretty' you are because for all I know you look like a complete wrench. I don't like to share my picture on the internet either, but I sure as hell don't bore other users with statements of self proclaimed beauty. In short: if you don't have a picture to prove it, it simply isn't so. Don't bother coming up with pictures of unknown models or actresses: we have google's reverse search engine to bust you for that.
  10. Bregje Heinen. I have this love/hate thing with her. In some pics she looks out of this world: In others...not so much: But she's growing on me....slowly
  11. Expresso


    I'm going to out on a limb and say I actually like that they let her participate despite the fact she's just had a baby. Yes she's obviously not as fit as she can be and she does look a bit tired, but she's being presented as desirable and I think it's refreshing to see that VS can look at it that way. To see a supermodel sporting a bit of baby fat and not being one bit self conscious about it is nice for a change. I think the fact that it's Adriana (a big name in the industry) is what makes it work, because more people are aware of why she's a bit out of shape. If you look at VS 10+ years ago, you could see a variety of models casted with different body types and different looks. They let that go over the years and at one point I really thought many models were getting too similar, too thin and that those casted (Anja Rubik anyone?) didn't fill out the lingerie at all. By casting Adriana this year I'm pleasantly surprised. I can't wait till she's back to her old body, but for now I think she looks damn good for just having had a baby.
  12. She's gorgeous! The amount of pages in this thread doesn't do her justice. Valentino Spring 2012: Luis Vuitton
  13. Why not contact them directly through their e-mail and ask who she is? I even tried reverse search engines but I have nothing so far
  14. when I was looking for braid updo's I stumbled upon Valentino's 2012 spring fashion show, with these gorgeous gals: Can anyone tell me who they are? I tried searching the net but they don't list their names. Thank you for your time!
  15. Expresso


    Anyone have more pictures from this? I found it as a single candid shot, but maybe there are more out there? Love the look she has going on:
  16. sorry to bug you but who is that gorgeous girl in your avatar?

  17. Oops double post. I'll make up for the waste of space:
  18. I think she's pretty in her eds and ads, but VS Pink reduces her to a ordinary skinny girl. I can't decide if it's the photography or her as some models look really good in VS pictures.
  19. Expresso


  20. Expresso


    I actually like her swimsuit in combination with everything else. She looks like an exotic dancer, whereas Ale and Candice just look like hot girls in swimsuits. Adri takes it to another level. And I'm so happy she quit the posing, because she doesn't need to do that at all. She looks classier without it. Actually she reminds me of Catherine Zeta Jones when she was around Adri's age.
  21. Kinda stupid and short sighted thing to ask, a better question would be what your preference is
  22. sorry I'm ill so I didn't see your post :( Thank you !

  23. Aww thank you. Haha it was very boring to be honest. Listening to a lecture all day and getting technical instructions wasn't very romantic ;) Hope yours was more exciting

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