I think a thread that invokes a discussion merely with pictures is a good thing. What's the point of a thread if people just look at it and leave again? If you are posting about new and upcoming models -which you are doing a terrific job at btw- it is going to stir up a discussion. I think the fuss here is this: The common perception of a model is that she is beautiful. Or at least attractive to most people. When people tell you "you look like a model" it is perceived as a huge compliment because that means you're pretty. With that in mind, some of these girls posted here (like the ones I mentioned) who are models are not considered to be pretty at all by the average person. But they are hired by agencies (several even, sometimes) and that means that they're getting work and that someone sees potential in them. So in that respect they are indeed the new faces of fashion. I think some people here wonder why that is. I sure do. Because in order to sell something it has to appeal to the masses, right? But I guess that HF seems to have become a self indulgent world of it's own that doesn't really care about anything else. HF used to be more...approachable. Now it alienates a lot of people, including myself. Models are supposed to sell clothes. My question is: to whom? Because a pretty model in a coat will more easily persuade me to buy it than one of those alien girls. And I'm not just talking about commercial modeling, but fashion shows too. Also, models are losing their monopoly in magazines and gigs on pretty movie stars and music artists. Supermodels like in the 80's & 90's are gone. I dropped a couple of names of what I consider to be well known models to several friends of mine and they drew up blank. But they do know Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell and Cindy Crawford. Why are models losing gigs over celebrities? Isn't it because people like to see a well known pretty face rather than an asymmetric, unknown android like one? I will leave it at this, and maybe I'm completely wrong in my musings (if you think so please add your thoughts!) but yeah, sometimes I really am surprised to see which models turn up. All that said, you have put some interesting fresh faces out here and that's just great! So please youareprincess, I don't know if you do, but don't view this as a personal attack on you or your taste/preferences. Sorry if I struck a nerve with some people, but I think some discussion is never a bad thing. Keeps things interesting.