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Posts posted by Joyee

  1. Anne is my older sister, she is not happy with this crap being said for last few months, all this rumors, you know, she has goes online like eveyone else in world and she has read a lot of the stuff said about her name peoples call her, about how she look, of course is hurt her feeling little bit, she is a human being and no one treating her like shes one.... how would you guys like it if your private life was expose to world then bashed by so many people and you have to read all about? The fact you all know so much about her and discuss this so much is disturbing to say the least, what is the obsession? I dont get it and why your guys having to put up her myspace? why? That is her PRIVATE life. Stop it. Have your own life and leave hers alone. Thats all I have to say, I sign up on this site just say, please respect my sister, she is nice girl and not deserving this bad negative attention, she does deserve privacy, everyone does.

    ihihihihihihi I think this is getting out of control people!! this is so sad and so funny!! haha!

    hey gui, if you really are her sister, can you at least show us all speaking some portuguese? so we can trust you?

    onde tu mora? eu tb sou brasileira, sou do RS e tu? como descobriu este site? a Anne sabe sobre ele? beijos beijos!

    btw people, this is Michella Cruz, Anne's friend, I think she kinda looks like Angelina Jolie, at least this is what they say in Brasil!!

    here's her personal fotolog http://www.fotolog.com/miss_cruz/34917786


    Sou de Floripa .... Ela me ligou perguntando se eu ja leu todos os rumores ... Encontrei este site quando eu estava no Google, procurando sites com boatos sobre a minha irma, tentando esclarecer lhes.....Anne e Rob sao amigos por um TEMPOO, isso e tudo o que vou dizer.....ai .....vc feliz agora?? Bjossssss

    nossa, teu portugues e muito ruim hein...sabe, eu nao to nem ai se eles estao namorando ou nao, mas eu to me divertindo de montao com essas gurias deste site, eu acho a Anne lindissima e espero que ela e o Rob sejam muito felizes, eu nao sou fa do Rob, e nao estou com inveja nenhuma, pois nem acho ele bonito, mas tua irma sim...

    "vc feliz agora"...tu nao conjuga os verbos muito bem hein guri, ta precisando de algumas aulas de portugues, a nao ser que tu nao e brasileiro...passar bem!

    and now in english lol :rofl:

    if you're her sister that I must say she's really cute from what I saw from some of her myspace photos posted here...especially the one with the big sunglasses :laugh:

    and since I didn't understand anything you guys said :ermm: even if they're dating they make a cute couple :hehe:

    i know! does someone mind translating that into english? :blink:

  2. hard time= denial.


    no, i just don't believe random people on the internet saying stuff until i have actual proof. i don't personally know any of you. all of you people with 'insider info' could be lying for all i know.

    sorry. i'm just not gullible.

  3. i dont know.. i'm still having a hard time accepting the fact that her and rob are really dating. no pictures have been taken of them together. no paparazzi has spotted them out together. i'm not convinced.

  4. and another big thing is the guy with anne in that picture has no sideburns. rob ALWAYS has sideburns. i can't recall him ever shaving them off within the last few months.

    GREAT observation. Why would he suddenly get rid of them. Nicely done Joyee.

    haha thanks :)

    oh my..it's so obvious that is Rob people, you're just trying to convince yourselves because you're all kinda jealous!

    Anne is dating Robert Pattinson, get used to it ladies, it's not like he's gonna date one of us someday so...she's lucky!

    i could care less if robert was dating anybody. i wish him total happiness in finding love. however, i don't think that him and anne are dating. he has said before that he's never even met her, and i think people are just trying to start rumors. and also that is not him in that picture. it's pretty obvious.

    i'm not jealous. i'm too mature to be upset about someone that i will probably never meet having a love life. so yeah..

  5. and another big thing is the guy with anne in that picture has no sideburns. rob ALWAYS has sideburns. i can't recall him ever shaving them off within the last few months.

    GREAT observation. Why would he suddenly get rid of them. Nicely done Joyee.

    haha thanks :)

  6. mc654b0b66c084060b2c3edth7.jpg

    and here is a picture from a couple days ago in Germany....same, same, same....unless your blind :D


    Uh yeah, thats deffinetly Rob. That's his brown jacket hes been wearing a lot lately! Sorry ladies!!! Or....maybe...they are still "just friends"??? maybe?? hahahaha.

    that jacket is black. not brown.

    I didnt mean the jacket in that picture is the same, do you think i'm color blind??? lol. I meant how is hair has been recently, a little darker, longer in front, and a little more cleaned up in the back. The brown jacket is the same one he wore on Jay Leno:


    i dont know.. i just think it's rather impossible to say that that is him. you can't even see his face..

  7. mc654b0b66c084060b2c3edth7.jpg

    and here is a picture from a couple days ago in Germany....same, same, same....unless your blind :D


    Uh yeah, thats deffinetly Rob. That's his brown jacket hes been wearing a lot lately! Sorry ladies!!! Or....maybe...they are still "just friends"??? maybe?? hahahaha.

    that jacket is black. not brown.

  8. Annelyse's brother posted on the official Twilight site a few weeks ago after numerous negative comments were made from fans towards his sister.


    You can see Anne in his profile picture....

    The person that posted on Celebuzz claiming to be her brother just sounds like a jealous fan girl.

    As for those fb sceen caps, once she realized all the attention she was getting, due to her profiles being leaked, she stopped posting any personal information, whereabouts etc. on her pages. If you've actually paid any attention, she completley stopped posting anything conspicuous. No one has posted any screen caps for a while, the ones posted anywhere are a month or so old... I believe... so im assuming she deleted a bunch of people off her list, most likely including the so called "friends" that were calling her out.

    but i'm confused. robert said in an interview that he had never even met anne?

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