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Dream Angel

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Everything posted by Dream Angel

  1. overally as in color and shape the last three of rocwilders choice..the last picture..hers are rare too the afghanistan girl's eyes..theyre just i dont even know...just ____ its almost haunting to look at them there both rare colors cuz the dominant gene and the reccessive gene mixed..which is really hard to find in people..and especially blue and hazel to mix...amazing i really like these eyes http://www.singlemom.com/IMAGES/Ads_pix/img_melinda.jpg http://www.geocities.com/rwahh/file2.jpeg [you didn't say they have to be human ] [husbands eye..tom welling ] i LOVE adriana's eye color and shape..her eyes are one in a million..i love her eye brows too! and this is just flawless.. edited: copy and paste the last url..because it wont come up if you click it.
  2. oh i saw this..it aired in the u.s awhile back but hmmm they're too much up naomi campbells ass for intentionally, agressively throwing a phone at her assistant..and with the kate moss COKE video..its crazy oh nd i saw the THS...E! True Hollywood Story of Kate Moss i always liked her, but now knowing her life story i love her...shes truely an amazing model even after making some mistakes..and she did learn from them..soo i dont know when thats going to air but i hope u guys get to see it.
  3. Dream Angel


    my hair is mid-back...kinda long..its i dont know...i dont have time to take care of my hair...i just let it go freely
  4. Dream Angel

    Skin Care

    ^ really? i thought it was for dry skin only?
  5. Dream Angel


    lol, don't take it personally, thats why i put a laugh thing on..just a joke, if its offensive my apologies
  6. hi, dont mind me being judgemental but you look like a thinker thats good..teehee okay hope to see you around
  7. Dream Angel


    ^^lmao..ew they were really cute tho...i think they're pretty now ashley>mary-kate okay neo sheesh i felt like being nice. *goes back to topic b4 lullaby says "lets get back to topic"*
  8. neo stop flirting anyone have a good biography of him..cant seem to find one.
  9. okay this is an opinion based thread so people well say oh i think such and such is a supermodel and blah blah blah but in my opinion gisele is not a supermodel...she can NEVER be compared to the height that the trinity or cindy has reached...i mean they were like celebrities meaning say angelina jolie shes always in the magazines cuz of her relationship blah blah blah...the girls in teh 80's and 90's took over cuz of there glamorous life because the actresses really didnt care how they looked except on movies..so supermodels were it...unless theres a pack of girls like 80's and 90's that had raw talent and were in headlines 24/7..theyre not supermodels gisele's just known as the "supermodel" in victoria's secrets
  10. ^ omg i love taht pictures...i think adriana, ale, and ana have the nicest backs
  11. k_dub...brazilians arent latin...meaning they dont have hispanic origins. why are brazilians considered latin? they're not..yes its in south america but 1st theyre official language is portugese and not spanish they're are mostly african american's in brazil cuz of slave trade, japenese peole, and native americans that were pushed down from north america..as well as germans, polish people, and its a mix..whys taht considered latin...its a mix of everything im always like when brazilians are considered to be latin...
  12. Dream Angel


    ^ thx welcome to bz btw...go lima! thats awesome, she deserves it.
  13. ^ thx the smell of givenchy is amazing.
  14. i dunno cuz one of my friends sent me a song..and it says ft. shakira but maybe it was "un-officially" and btw anyone know who the main girl in his vid leily nahary is?
  15. ahh i love that song...kiss kiss..hot song!
  16. ^ :shock: i LOVEEE them thx thx thx angelxxxxxxxx
  17. ^ aww, omg thxx..it looks easy to make butt i had to make like random cuts and the hardest part was to pick the pix..so i thought of the idea of using the avatars...and other misc. and candid pix i like the most...
  18. ^ wait, what? lol sry i dont understand i said i liked it very much..i liked the 1st one specially cuz of the background but err i was referring to my collage i made that was posted in milestone and hospitality...i dont know if this is a wallpaper...? http://www.bellazon.com/main/index.php?act...e=post&id=55669 worked very hard for you lovely people ill post in misc. cuz im not sure what it goes under
  19. no hes done remixes with shakira, im sure.
  20. they somewhat look hazel..nice pic
  21. natalie portma??? sry i dont see it, but great pic Vanessinha....are those your real birth marks? just wondering.
  22. hey guys, i you forever if you can PLEASE post the pictures of her luca luca show with the pink dress..cuz i know i dont have all the pics...it would be VERY VERY aprecciated
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