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Posts posted by Stamoholic

  1. ^ That's exactly how I feel.

    If the Batman films were lighter and less serious, having Megan play Catwoman would be fine - she could be average and hot and that would be cool. However, we all know that Nolen's Batman is not a light, fluffy sort of Comic book movie. They're dark and all of the actors thus far have been outstanding.

    Megan would look hot as Catwoman, obviously! She would look so hot! An editorial with her done up like Catwoman would make me smile wider than anything, but that's different to playing the character in a serious film. Catwoman is a deep and complex character ( for a comic book anyway) and it needs to be done with the same deepness that Heath gave the joker. Can Megan do that? I'm not confident.

    Do not agree. Catwoman is one of the roles Megan is born to do. Sexy, Catty, roarr! I totally see that happen.

    This is the one ( and only) part of what you said that I disagree with, FrisianGuy. I've never read a comic book, but even I know that Catwoman isn't just some chick jumping around in leather going " Moew" and being a sexpot. It's a very gritty role -- from what I know, Catwoman is supposed to be a former abuse victim who's really unhinged -- and I don't know if Megan could play it any other way BUT sexy. Also, her voice doesn't seem to mesh with Catwoman for me. That's an odd thing to say, but that's just sort of my opinion.

    I'm not saying Megan is rubbish, but I don't think this would be a good move for her. I'd still like to see a Catwoman phooshoot though! Lol!

  2. Just read that The Sun is apparently reporting that Megan will play Catwoman in the new Batman film. Lol! The sun isn't very reliable though!

    Personally, I hope it's not true because:

    A) All of the other actors in the new Batman films are\have been completely amazing ( Bale, Caine, Ledger etc.) and IMO Megan isn't good enough to stand up.

    B) No one could ever be as good as Michelle Phiffer, so it just seems like a bad move to bring Catwoman back again.

    Still, I'm sure every person in the world would go to see a movie of Megan with black leather and a whip! Lol! I just don't think she's right for the part though. She's not a good enough actress, so she might come off as nothing but eye candy and I think in a serious film like Batman that would actually damage her reputation rather badly.

  3. post-26767-0-1446107064-10608_thumb.jpgpost-26767-0-1446107064-14868_thumb.jpgpost-26767-0-1446107064-17342_thumb.jpgpost-26767-0-1446107064-20517_thumb.jpgpost-26767-0-1446107064-23519_thumb.jpgth_e5deb739245233.gif/monthly_08_2009/post-26767-0-1446107064-26415_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="4172740" alt="post-26767-0-1446107064-26415_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="80.15">post-26767-0-1446107064-29939_thumb.jpg

    Any woman who says this girl is " ugly" clearly has a case of the green monster. Sofia is a knockout! She's got a gorgeous face, a gorgeous smile, gorgeous hair, gorgeous waist, gorgeous boobs, crazy perfect butt... the list goes on. She's going on my inspiration wall for getting the perfect butt! Lol!

  4. ^ Sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up, but this thread is just a couple of hundred pages off 1000 and it's completely impossible to navigate. I've gone through threads of maybe 200 pages before and that's taken a few hours. 705 pages? That's gonna take forever!!

    Is it just too hard to make subforums or something? I'm a bit puzzled as to why a thread that is getting this impossibly huge can't be divided up. I would have thought that was an easier solution than just having a mega thread no one can really use!

  5. ^ But how can I find them? The problem is that to find all of the great pics in this thread you have to filter through 704 pages!

    If there wont be a sub, fair enough... but I find that very odd. With a thread this big, it makes way more sense to break it off into different sections so those who want to find pictures can do so with ease and those who want to chat about Laetitia stuff can do so without creating " waffle"

    Anyway, have Laetitia's Vanity Fair pics been posted with her blonde hair? Because I have copied if they haven't.


    P.S: Sorry for such a rant. It's just frustrating me that I can't get all the fab pics in this thread without giving up a week of my life!

  6. Okay... I know I shouldn't say this but Laetitia SERIOUSLY needs a subforum like Ana Beatriz, etc.

    Her thread is 704 pages long! It is full of pictures that, unless you've been following the thread since day one, it's impossible to ever find. I want to collect pictures of Laetitia but I take one look at '704' pages and just know I have to go somewhere else but Bellazon... which sucks.

    Any chance she will ever get a sub??

  7. More of Steph & Axl


    Thank You magic I was looking for those pics for ages :)


    Does anyone have this picture in HQ or at last full? I used to have the full copy and in it you can see more of Steph's lovely legs.

    Has anyone ever scanned the full Interview set of Steph and Axl??

  8. Okay, seriously, Brooke Shields and Liv Tyler must have been fiddling around with some gene splicing equipement 18 years ago!!

    I love Emily. She looks so much more like a classic 90s supermodel, who were actually, you know, beautiful! VS should get their hands on Emily to face it's PINK collection, and then move her on to the mainstream catalogue work when she's a little older. If she got a little more boobs and butt, she would be H.O.T like Claudia S or Cindy C!

    I just hope the runways don't get their claws on her and her turn her into a death-like stick person!

  9. God... it really shocks me that BROOKE has the most votes for best body!!?? Weird!

    Kathy was a swimsuit model who made every man in the free world drool, and Erika was a TV Baywatch babe and Playboy Playmate who made every free man in the world drool ( among other things!)

    And Brooke is winning? Very odd!

    Still, thanks for voting :p

  10. Best:

    1. Miranda ( Sort of skinny but still rocks swimwear because of her curves.)

    2. Emanuela ( She's got the best body hands down. Not as skinny as the others, and way sexier.)

    3. Marisa ( Because she's one of the few VS girls to actually have boobs! Lol!)

    4. Candice ( Again, she's sort of too skinny but her body still has curves so she works it.)


    1. Doutzen ( Her broad shoulders don't look good in a lot of bikini styles.)

    2. Alessandra ( She's gorgeous, but sometimes her torso looks freakishly long!)

    See more of:

    1. Emanuela ( She's super sexy)

    2. Adriana ( She's just the best!)

    Still, got to say, none of these girls look as sexy in swimwear as Christie Brinkley or Kathy Ireland did! :drool: Now THERE are swimsuit models!

  11. ^ Well, drugs are slightly different ( like hard drugs) because they're illegal and they obviously make people act mental when they're on them, but bascially you're 100% right. Megan Fox's habits have nothing to do with us! All that her job actually entails that she do is make entertaining movies for us all! Short of that, it's her own life and we have no right to it, despite what our society makes us think.

    Good post (Y)

  12. Lets not argue, guys. xx Frenchkiki I totally understand your PM :p

    Yes, joking is fine. I just wasn't sure that everyone was joking. Also, arguing about whether or not someone none of us know has used drugs is... well, do I need to say that it's silly?

    As I pointed out, just because Megan seemed nervous and odd in that interview doesn't mean she was stoned! Maybe she was a little drunk and confused, maybe her mind was somewhere else so she was just talking crap and being fidgety, maybe she was having an off day, or maybe she was playing with the interviewer... or, hey, maybe she was on it up to her eyeballs! Who knows! She's 22, and she's not claiming to be Ghandi or anything! She's just a young actress!

    On another note, does anyone know if the film she was promoting at that convention thing is any good?

  13. Just because someone acts goofy and nervous in a video doesn't mean all of a sudden they're the biggest cokehead in The Valley. There have been tons of " [ insert actors name] on drugs" video interviews recently, and 98% of the time the actor is just either nervous, a little drunk and confused, or playing a cynical joke on the interviewer.

    Her life is her own though. If she's on drugs, I don't know her so I don't care. And I don't venerate her so I care less. Still, if she is on coke, she should take a look at Lindsay Lohan... enough said. It's not good for anyone's career these days!

    But by the way, the whole pro-coke sentiment being alluded to in this thread is a litle creepy and childish. Not trying to insult anyone personally ( you can do what you will with your lives of course), but a lot of people have no interest in reading such sentiment and they shouldn't have to at this thread... Sorry to sound mean. xxXxx

  14. Am I the only one who finds the milkshake thing sort of embarrassing?? :ninja:

    Also, is it true that she turned down a role in The Hangover? I think that would have been a good movie for her. Bah.

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