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  1. Thanks alot.
  2. Im going to try to find more recent pictures of her (she's in a hair colour commercial, i forget the name) thanks in advance
  3. i'm pretty sure she didn't make a runway pass in the outfit, so that's why you didn't see her. what do you mean? she didn't walk on runway, or they didnt show it on the broadcast? I'm sorry my english is not perfect. will anyone else air it (FTV did that before I think)
  4. I didn't see Katja in white... did they even show her?
  5. Миша


    Hey guys. I was wondering if this is Adriana, and if so, is it a repost? Anyone want this video?
  6. Миша


    Here is Adriana's Agenda as xVid. http://rapidshare.de/files/13401248/Adrian...a.xVid.avi.html I may convert the others later. Sorry the video is "paused" at the beginning...I used screen capture. Enjoy. By the way, supermodel07 who is that in your av...she's beautiful. Sorry if I'm going off topic.
  7. Миша


    I don't think it's a problem with my AC3 filter (I do have it installed). I converted portions of the video with Virtual Dub to uncompressed avi so that I could handle them with a video editing software (since it couldn't import xvid...although it can encode videos with xVid fine). This produces the exact same effects, I even had removed the audio. I've never had a problem with xVid and virtual dub as in fact I had used it for some other xVid videos in this thread. So unless there was a problem with the videos hosted on sleas site I don't know what's wrong. I also think this is unlikely since I've gotten several things from slea and it was flawless. Maybe I will try converting the clips with a different program than Virtual Dub and see if this helps.
  8. Миша


    I have an xVid codec installed and a AMD 3700+ so I don't think these are the issue. I downloaded both the 350meg and the 700 and they both seem to "skip" slightly. Perhaps it was a problem with the video feed? Unless of course it plays flawlessly for other people... Like I said, the best way to describe it is it seems to freeze for less than a second, then it speeds up for a second, plays normal for another second and does the same thing again. I believe that the xVid makers only supply the source code and that every codec is third party...(correct me if I am wrong), so maybe you can tell me what codec you are using (please). Thanks for your time Capt Snow!
  9. Миша


    Sorry to bother you, but I downloaded a very high quality version of the VS Fashion Show 2005 and the video seems to be a bit "choppy". It's as if the footage freezes for a second and then speeds back up. Is this the source that is messed up or is something wrong on my end...or is this supposed to be some "neat" camerawork? Thanks for your time. P.S. I got it from Slea's site.
  10. Hello I am new here! First Name: Irina Last Name: Sheik Nationality: Russian Ethnicity: Hair Color: Brown Eye Color: Green Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Height: 5'9.5''; 1,76cm Measurements: (US) 34-23.5-34.5; (EU) 86-60-87 Dress Size: Shoe Size: (US) 7; (EU) 38 Agencies: Grace Models; Why Not Model Agency; City Models; Traffic Models; Modelwerk Advertisements: Magazine Covers:Switzerland: 'Bolero' - June 2005 Fashion Shows: Hobbies: Unknown Notes: - Her real name is Irina Shaykhlislamova - Sometimes credited as Irina Shayk Please post any more pictures you may have. Trial
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