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About Festat

  • Birthday 01/26/1991

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  • Location
    São Paulo, Brazil.

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  1. Hope you could read this B-day message,

    Happy Birthday <3

  2. He's also with Sight in Barcelona. (:
  3. Aw, thank you, lovely! <3

  4. Hello little one, happy birthday :D Have a great one :hug:

  5. He did close. (: twitter.com/gucciofficial
  6. I missed the beginning and the stream was shitty for me but I think he closed Gucci.
  7. i just cant skip such a beautiful face! :)

  8. I'm glad somebody's updating Gen's. (:

  9. And so he skates. (: throughjuleslens.blogspot.com | ph. julian schratter
  10. Gucci campaign. With three or four more predictions like this I can open my own guru tent. I hope he sticks to the brand like Nikola.
  11. No, I don't think it's Andrew. :think:
  12. Gen overload, anyone? I haven't posted anything since Byblos, and gladly there is tons to come this season. If I'm not too lazy today.
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