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Everything posted by tincan

  1. Crikey M J what price point are you looking for this year ...... $3.95 will be a bit over priced from what Ive seen. Good Luck selling a copy at the news stands
  2. That girl ........... those legs ........ too much🥰🥰🥰
  3. This is one of the cutest we have seen of Kara ❤️it
  4. Lol I guess the thread will struggle to reach 100 pages now ??
  5. Yes it is Spain as she posted in her IG account this morning??
  6. Two truely gorgeous pics keep up the good work wndmkr
  7. Oh ........that just was not long enough???
  8. Oh.....my......who just died and went to heaven?
  9. Me throw childish insults.......your posts speak volumes .......move along and dis on something else......is there anything about Alexis that you do like?
  10. Well of course you can have an opinion of her.......but when sharing opinions perhaps you should consider ....... what would her opinion of you be.......... oh dear perhaps she has already expressed that
  11. Oh good .....we are moving on to the butt now.........y dont we just smoke the poor girl out of the forum.......god knows she would be happy about that instead of reading the dribble some of you guys post.....
  12. ^^^^^^that is a seriously good image of Holly ^^^^^^
  13. I am moving in ..............?
  14. Hmmmmmmm might have to check that out............
  15. And of course hottness must have the last word Personally I dont know why he/she would bother being in here either because imo he/she has not really contributed anything worthy at all to the thread ..........perhaps he/she could post an image or two of Alexis flattering or otherwise
  16. Hottness I do hope you are basing your statements on more than can be seen in this thread............ Her recent work..Pepper Mayo and Beach Bunny..dosent indicate implants, in fact quite the opposite. And if as you say she has had them for a while they would have been obvious immeadiately not just bouncing up and down now. So I would say at this point there is still plenty of doubt.
  17. Hottness I do hope you are basing your statements on more than can be seen in this thread............ Her recent work..Pepper Mayo and Beach Bunny..dosent indicate implants, in fact quite the opposite. And if as you say she has had them for a while they would have been obvious immeadiately not just bouncing up and down now. So I would say at this point there is still plenty of doubt.
  18. Hottness I do hope you are basing your statements on more than can be seen in this thread............ Her recent work..Pepper Mayo and Beach Bunny..dosent indicate implants, in fact quite the opposite. And if as you say she has had them for a while they would have been obvious immeadiately not just bouncing up and down now. So I would say at this point there is still plenty of doubt
  19. Hottness I do hope you are basing your statements on more than can be seen in this thread............ Her recent work..Pepper Mayo and Beach Bunny..dosent indicate implants, in fact quite the opposite. And if as you say she has had them for a while they would have been obvious immeadiately not just bouncing up and down now. So I would say at this point there is still plenty of doubt
  20. Funny that ........I get her ig feeds....and her tumblers......my opinion differs from yours could be some serious egg on faces shortly.......... I also take a few photos and can manipulate things to appear what they are not.......
  21. Lol...........clothes :)........... bet they keep her warm too
  22. lol.... now that is a positive thought ....... go Elsa ....do it
  23. Some of us love her to bits and think that its best to live by............. If you can not say anything nice.....do not say anything at all!
  24. Ahhhhhh possum........you do the best of work
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