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Everything posted by Mercymae23

  1. She looks sensational in that red dress! Va va voom!
  2. How in the heck did Jessica and Irina walk on those gate thingys on the ground without their heels going into one? I would have died . . . stunning ladies!
  3. As beautiful as she is, I kind of feel like when you've seen one of those newscast pictures, you've seen them all.
  4. She looks like a caricature . . . A real one but, she has nice eyes. I think it's quite sad that this is the current representation of Iranian women. They are so naturally beautiful until they go to have their noses chopped away.
  5. Her face is perfection!
  6. Her body looks killer in the above shots! Dayumm!
  7. She is a stunnner! I'd kill for her brows.
  8. I've noticed that when she emphasizes her lashes, she almost looks like her old self. I want that gold belt!
  9. I'm surprised it took this long for her to have a thread! She has eyes like a lion!
  10. Yep! That is going to be one gorgeous baby!
  11. Wooooow! Some of these are new to me! She was such a goddess, to say the least.
  12. I've always liked Gretchen for some reason.
  13. She is just too perfect! I hate when beautiful women are so underrated. *Edit* Thank you for the post!
  14. Even on her off days she looks better than a lot of women. I see women who wear more makeup than Kim and still look completely average, in the end. People don't like to believe that this woman has anything naturally appeasing. It's not only the makeup.
  15. I love Coco! Despite all of the hate that she receives, she always remains true to herself. She's one of my most favorite trollops. I wouldn't be surprised if a sex tape came out! You might get your wish.
  16. Mercymae23

    Sneha Ullal

  17. I didn't realize Giada had a thread here! I love her & her show! She has the best manicured fingernails that I've ever seen. I'm not the only person to notice this btw.
  18. She dyed it platinum blonde! Score +1 for me! I am grinning so hard right now!
  19. Her skin looks like melted chocolate! I love it! I wish that her makeup artist would search for a foundation makeup that matches her legs ( ) & eye lenses that are more cohesive with her face.
  20. Screenshot of Iman from her Hello! shoot
  21. It happens to all famous people because they are publicized. I'm guessing that you pay a lot of attention to Adriana so you're bound to notice the constant comparisons. However, I do believe that Nataniele resembles Adriana to the point that they could pass for twins (don't kill me . . . just an observation). We all know that there is only one Adriana F. Lima. No one is trying to take away any of her appeal by saying that someone else looks like her. I love Adriana and always will.
  22. Hayden would look so good with a Natalie Portman buzzcut.
  23. Thanks for the pictures Theron, Nefertiti & Magic! I love her!
  24. I'm slowly convincing myself that Halle Berry is not human. She makes work out clothes, caps, and all other casual wear look glamorous. (probably without even trying) I bet she doesn't even realize how sexy she is. Ever since she chopped those locks again, I became obsessed again.
  25. Really? I could see her in VS or something modeling related. I hope that isn't her new career turn because her voice is so amazing. I love her music.
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