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Status Updates posted by iceeagel

  1. are you sure? well...ok...you are his parent,you should know,but small kids usually are very hyperactive ... me f.e.^^

  2. errmm yeah,sure....what are DT wallpapers?

  3. what is shaking...?hmmm a mixer?a kid with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder?

    or LMS cause she cant wait to see Lima?

    LOL :D

    nah, i'm fine,thanks!

    and how is the butt munch doing!!!!?

  4. hoooo LAaaaAH (hola! which is hello in spanish...spanish,a language i totally suck at...suck,vacuum cleaners suck dust...dust...Another bites the dust!)

    hi! :P

  5. thanks!ok...english,done!!

    didnt really went that great but it should be a B (just like last time when i didnt even know we were writing an exam lol)...i'm watching dr.house right now...cannot talk now....actually...

  6. lima...lima lima lima...limalima....adriana?

  7. errmmm...english exam tomorrow,spanish exam on friday (so going to fail!),next week geography exam...i'm bummed!

    studying (nearly) all the time....it's actually why i havent been so active on BZ lately

  8. T! would you like to join Kev and me in the rhyming thingy @ FB??

  9. heyoo T!How are y......OMG hello Adriana!good-day Miranda, hullo Rosie!

    candICE!!!! !!!

  10. dudeeee! LOL at that picture with the two frogs 'mating' in the giftshop!!!

  11. just came back from last nights party (birthday party ...again) and i've learned one thing....i forgot my BZ password!

  12. did you know that there is a hot dog university in the US?

  13. your blind dates ...?

  14. lol...i mean for real...a friend of mine who lives ...near you...(actually 2 or 3 states away) told me yesterday that there has been a tornado warning sent out to the public bla bla bla...nvm o.0

  15. your tweets are killing me! just keep 'em coming :D.

    so...you didnt find THE ONE yet?

  16. neat! and thank you! (i would also say something about you...but 'awesomeness' just doesnt cover it all)....i'm hungry right now...what did you have or are you having for breakfast?

  17. no, seriously...i'm picking a new one right now.

  18. you know how there a re vacuum cleaners in 'real life'? THEY EXIST IN THE INTERNET TOO! and they are going to suck everything away(...or in?)!!!Kev, go get some ammo and some guns! we my friend have a mission!

  19. and you are one of the craziest (positively speeking)"adults" EVAAH (dont be mad Kev :D)

  20. the dot is the mouth and the "T" is an eye with a long tear...?

    can you see it?

  21. goo00OOD Afternoon T.T (lol, it's a crying face)

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