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Status Updates posted by Jennka

  1. geez, not Myjava, but Morava :D I

  2. gets nothing, because her husband is considered wealthy enough to take care of her :) and the amount is not very high, but don

  3. Gisele too??? SCAN IT :D :D :D

  4. glad to be back *hugz*

  5. glad to hear that :) sometimes I just write too much :))

  6. Glad you like them! :D

  7. Gotcha, you nasty boy!!

  8. Gotcha! You speak Spanish?? Estupendo!!

  9. great ava Miche :)

  10. Great minds think alike :D

  11. great then *hugz*

  12. Great to know that :D thank you once again :hug:

  13. Great! I can

  14. Great!! I am :))

  15. ha ha, cottages, just like houses, are never completed - there is still SO much work to do :D

  16. ha ha, do you know Happy Tree Friends? D: D: :D

  17. Happy B day Layla, the princess of wisdom ;)

  18. Happy B-day hun :hug: and great set!!!

  19. happy easter to you too honey :hug: and to hana and hubby :hug:

  20. happy easter to you too, hun *hugz*

  21. happy Friday to you too hun, and enjoy your weekend! :)

  22. Happy late B day hun!! 100 years, whow! :D

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