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Everything posted by BarbieErin

  1. hey just to clarify, I don't have a crush on Lukas but I think he sings very well, sweet. But talking about Leo's friends, Tobey is the one who I have a little crush on, he's cute and he will alway be my spider-man... hahaha
  2. thanks for the vids, ox. Keep the good work, Lukas! And I love that beach, so beautiful. The angry bird video is funny, is that Leo in the second vid? Lukas have a beautiful and soft voice, I liked. Also who is filming that video? and who is that girls and the guy who appears there?
  3. Loved the translation Pami, that is right. I also want pics from the beach, I would really like to have a pic of this moment when Leo blows a kiss to the girl.
  4. very small pic but cute anyway: Pami: I just saw the beggining because I have the movie, so I can watch when I want. I DON'T EVEN LIKE sertanejo music but I wanted to sing this music when I saw him in that towel : Ai delicia assim vc me mata, ai se eu te pego, ai ai se eu te pego... hahahahahahahaha
  5. This pic is new to me: I like the way he's looking at her, cute.
  6. This is so nice: leonardo dicaprio just blew a kiss to my sister thanks for the tweets ox.
  7. oh my great idea, if this could really happen, we all together going crazy on Leo, would be awesome.
  8. princess: the movie didn't started yet... oh yeah Pami, in my avi we can notice Leo's big shoulders, oh my, I don't know why but I loved so much this pic that immediatelly when I saw I wanted to put as my avi. I think it's because he looks so manly. :brows:
  9. yeah, isn't this great? It's crazy how this thread moved this year, I think it have to do with so many girls that joined us and are making this thread ROCK! THANK YOU ALL!
  10. hey, I was looking back in the thread and exactly 1 year ago, we were on page 90 and now we are in page 630... that is a huge difference, SO NICE!
  11. Froussay: For your happiness it seems Bar will go to Rio this saturday. http://translate.google.com.br/translate?s...eita-85304.aspx
  12. Pami: stay alert because tonight Danny Archer will show his arms and shoulders on tv... sbt, haha thanks Sick.
  13. I'am so so happy that Joseph GL will work in Django, this movie will be AWESOME! Can't wait!!! yeah kat: I want the translation of that interview, hopefully it's different with new questions and new asnwers...
  14. OH MY, He looks sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo gorgeous. thanks michelabella. Brigitte Lacombe always made great pics of Leo. No miche, this wasn't posted, thank you so much. It's a shame I don't understand a word in russian.
  15. kat: I also love this pic of Leo, this photoshoot Terry made is very beautiful.
  16. Me too kat: I want to see more campaigns with her.
  17. oh, princess: I think we can't believe everything people wrote, we will never be able to know what really happened, but people also can't invent a lot. I can start a whole story and spread all over internet like a truth when in fact I could be totally lying. This is the easiest thing to do.
  18. Brazilian press is very late, Leo is not dating Madalina and in fact he never dated her.
  19. Oh Pami: not only you, I think everyone here are really curious to know who will be his next girlfriend.
  20. oh my, princess. thank you so much for this amazing new pics, he looks gorgeous. I loved especially the first one, he looks very yummy with that jeans... :brows:
  21. WOW, so pretty in this pic. Thanks kerri.
  22. found this info about Bar in Glamurama site, google translator: http://translate.google.com.br/translate?s...nura-85252.aspx I can't see the passioanata pic, kerri.
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