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nae nae

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  1. i really think she needs to come back to the modeling world i dont care how old she is now there has been no model out there today to replace her elegance , beauty and perfect figure. come back YASMEEN!!! ur an icon
  2. does anyone have an runway pictures of yasmeen that havent been posted yet and does anyone know if shes retired for good i think it would be great if the next victorias secret fashion show they do a tribute to all teh first victorias secret models and have a segment where stephanie , karen mulder, helena christenson, yasmeen and other models hit the vs runway again that would be awsome
  3. nae nae


    omg i hve been waiting so long to see those pix with her in the Cia Maritima S/S 01 thanks for finding them she looks great
  4. nae nae


  5. nae nae


    her daughter is addorable and she looks just like alessandra
  6. barx2 riannex1
  7. that has to be by far one of the best covers of her everrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
  8. nae nae


    shes to good looking for this guy he literally looks like a bum
  9. nae nae


    eww i dont like him i liked it better when she was with the prince atleast he had class this guy is fugly
  10. I just got this in the mail yesturday i dont think its been posted yet so here hope u like it
  11. i met kirsten haglund shes not that pretty in person but im very proud taht miss michgian one becuase michigan is my hometown
  12. nae nae


    did she only have 3 outfits she still looks fabulous im so glad her hair is one color again
  13. nae nae


    http://youtube.com/watch?v=4lJslE6PW04 does anyone hvae this video on a better quality and can they get it on rapid share for me so i can download it plzzzz
  14. nae nae


    does anyoen have the fashion tv backstage footage of the 2005 victorias secret show
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