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About Lkjh

  • Birthday 01/01/1995

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    Raise the Bar!♥

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  1. Only for a few minutes. But thank you, I appreciate it
  2. Hi! Could you please change my name to: Lkjh Thank you!
  3. Hello everyone This'll be my last public message on BZ especially if I get banned for this incredibly off-topic post here, sorry since uni and moving out has been keeping me so busy that I simply don't have the time. I just wanted to say a quick thank you to all the wonderful people I've met here, and tell you that I hope that one day, hopefully I'll be able to contribe to (Love) Bar Refaeli's thread again but that right now that's unlikely. You are so sweet and dedicated and I'm glad to have met you! Keep up the great work and remember that you can still reach me through PM (although I take weeks to respond ) Lots of love and thanks for the good times! Maartje
  4. Hello everyone This is just a post to warn everyone that ImageShack (which I've been using to upload some of my pictures here) is going premium and might delete pictures of mine. If you want to keep using them I suggest you save them to your computer, I hope you enjoy(ed) them *off-topic message* I don't have the time nor the desire to actively use BZ for anything but PM's so unfortunately I won't be able to help you with new sets. Loads of photoshop wizards left here so please PM those instead
  5. Oh my, I'm in love with all of these pics!
  6. Wow, wow, wow! I was a bit skeptical about this movie because many people have told me it was very different from the book. But this is one of the few movies for which that works! Very funny, very 'adventurous' and a big recommendation!
  7. Tony Patrick
  8. Thanks for all the updates everyone Now, Passionata is always lovely, but this must be my favorite shoot to date! S/S 2014
  9. Lkjh

    Catching Fire (2013)

    Saw the film as a part of a premiere marathon and really wasn't disappointed! Nice to see how much closer to the book it was this time.
  10. Omg thank you all so much for all the updates! Love love her outfit on Project Runway.
  11. Omg thank you everyone for all the lovely updates! I'm very glad to see X Factor was such a succes, and as always I LOVE the Carolina Lemke campaign
  12. Went to see it without seeing Thor 1, later found out that it didn't matter because of all the plot-twists anyway GREAT MOVIE THOUGH
  13. "I cannot get a date. BTW, I will only date handsome Hollywood A-listers..." She already said that the whole interview is BS and that she never said that
  14. ^ I swear to God, Cumby's voice
  15. Nicole Laura Emily
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