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Everything posted by forget_me_nott

  1. Welcome! It's always nice to have a new person!!! Where's Kosovo?
  2. miranda is too skinny if you ask me! I think adriana has an awesome body! She's thin but not too thin. And you gotta love them hips!!!
  3. ^he was gonna go to class before he got high. (Instead he waited until after he got high!)
  4. ^seems like an awesome person! But secretly may be a stalker out to get everyone!! (or maybe that's just me )
  5. 10 (This could last a while!)
  6. It's almost my birthday!!!!! I'm so excited. 18 BABYYY!
  7. Could someone make me a sig to match my avy? I made one but I have the strangest feeling someone else has one like it already. Thanks!
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