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Everything posted by Meryl

  1. Meryl


    she's smoking? which picture? i didn't catch that
  2. she looks like an angel there. =D super gorgeous esp in the photo where she's wearing the grey knitted cardigan
  3. Meryl


    oh man.. she looks stunning!!! curiously Adriana always draws the eye in videos, that's one quality that she hasn't lost. YAY... i guess you can call it X Factor... what's cute is that you can actually see her belly. haha... when was this filmed?
  4. I really hope to see vanessa hessler in VSFS... she's super gorgeous. Since she's a guess girl i hope she gets to go for the VSFS casting... =D her and Emily Di are 2 of the most gorgeous girls to come into presence in recent years.
  5. Meryl


    anjelina... u just joined... so of course u haven't been talking about it for years... we fans have seen people like u come and go. (8 years of following adriana) if u dislike adriana's body because she has a tiny belly after pregnancy i don't welcome ur constant nitpicking. let's just say u stop picking on her and go back supporting the other people u like. I completely take offense that u laugh at adriana being depressed (or the possibility of it)... even if she was depressed how dare u laugh at that... if she were ur friend would u laugh at her for being depressed? c'mon she's human so treat her like one. don't laugh at anyone who was depressed. there will come a point in your life that u wish people are kinder to you than u were to some people (even those you don't know). so be human and be kinder with your words.
  6. Meryl


    u know unfortunately they'll still photoshop her... but i think she looks healthy. and this slow weight loss sure beats her ruining her health just so she can get into shape and model asap. it's also better than trying to keep slim while pregnant so that she wont be that fat after giving birth, at least this way she'll be healthy in the long run. i do think her condition while pregnant makes it hard for her to just lose weight so easily since it's associated with hypertension and drastically eating less may not be good... i appreciate her looking after herself. it's responsible since she's now a mom.
  7. Meryl

    Fan Talk

    @LMS: post 1200... ok maybe some mod should clear this thread. getting irrelevant now..
  8. Meryl

    Fan Talk

    what the 4@#$% i don't understand ur response... in case u misunderstand. unreal means insane in musician terms. so when i say she's unreal.. it means she's insanely beautiful It was the goings on about kids killing themselves if they cant cook, that really has nothing to do with the topic, but nothing wrong with giving ones opinion, im just done with the whole, has she or hasnt she had things done, who the F cares, she is a beautiful woman, whos job it is to look a certian way. IF she has had work done, OK, and if she hasnt OK as well, i still love her and that wont change. ok ya.. i just don't like people blaming anorexia on models or the industry
  9. Meryl

    Fan Talk

    what the 4@#$% i don't understand ur response... in case u misunderstand. unreal means insane in musician terms. so when i say she's unreal.. it means she's insanely beautiful
  10. Meryl

    Fan Talk

    no prob anjelina. but would a kid commit suicide if he can't cook well, draw well, sew well? why then should any kid commit suicide by not looking like a professional? if a kid commits suicide cause of that you can blame no models nor fashion industry, u can only blame their parents for not educating them right or them for making castles in the sky. we have to know ourselves and not be fanatical... that's where kids go wrong. we really cannot blame anyone for someone else's twisted fanatical thoughts can we? i think it doesn't matter if she's had surgery or not. to be completely honest even if her boobs are unreal, other parts of her body are even more UNREAL. she has the perfect hourglass, the best abs ever on any model, a perfect butt and the perfect body proportions. her calves although a bit on the thin side help to make her look proportionate. her shoulders are perfect the length of her neck is perfect, and that's really one of the best faces i've seen. she has intensity when she photographs and she honed her walk (pre crazy vsfs days) good for adri if she didn't. good for her if she did. she's so successful and i think it's like career planning, good for her. just btw.. i think the 2000 picture is a great example of how fast her boobs inflate and deflate (not a sign of filler plastic surgery, more a sign of binge eating and yoyo weight loss) but again... who cares? we shouldn't assume that everyone can look like her or anyone else the industry calls beautiful. for them being called most beautiful is like being called best ceo or best chef. they work on it. they work on posing and walking and keeping their figure in shape (even spot reduction thru tt crazy vsfs trainer). be honest. even the bone structure is different. the genes are different. we just need to educate kids not to be fanatical and let professionals do their job and stop being envious. (music is another subject tt people get touchy on cause it's everywhere) ok i hope we're all amicable here and people can recognize adri for more than her insanely beautiful body and face. her personality, intensity, walk, ability to take photos by using angles and light, and MOST importantly, ability to secure deals (thru her awesome personality, being genuine, X factor?) made her who she is today. let's celebrate this brilliant woman! i'm gonna fade into oblivion again. =D
  11. Meryl

    Fan Talk

    to be honest i'm an adriana fan, but i think anjelina has not done anything bad... let her bring up the subject if she wants to... let's not discredit the thinking of others by shoving a point down their throats... we should really all try to be civil. anjelina's just asking a question... plus having boob jobs are not uncommon anymore! nobody faults those who've done it. we're not gonna love adriana any MORE OR LESS cause of what she did to her body 5 years ago. i think evidence has made it clear that in recent years she's totally natural. she's definitely not an implant person. the most she did MIGHT have been fillers... give adriana some credit that she isn't just her body... she's also a great artist who knows how to use her body and face to get a photo to tell a story. having said that i think upon re-examination of the runway shot, it tells us only that her boob shape looks perfect but the boob size looks natural on her body type. in fact flashback to when she did a near nude shot in black and white u can see she already had the boobs, but that was pre-sagging. Sagging actually helps to create an image of having bigger boobs cause the bottom fills out. the runway photo u can see the top is flatter than the bottom so i think that's some sorta evidence that it's natural? i dunno. i think we gotta have some faith that God can create some perfect creations and Adriana knows how to maintain that perfection. but i really doubt they do boob makeup for models for runway unless it's a bikini or lingerie line... so someone enlighten me if that was for a bikini or lingerie line I said the Pirelli photos show that she looks natural cause it's full below but not on top. but it's obvious to me that her boobs in the first and 2nd pirelli shot posted look exactly the same size. perhaps cause as a lady i kinda know boobs inside out and as a guy... guy's are a little confused about the angles of the boob and how the rib cage actually affects it's appearance from the front and side. but i can tell they shaded the boobs up to create more cleavage without having to push. i think this provides us an opp to make anjelina see her real beauty... so let's help adriana gain 1 more fan. thanks everyone for looking for photos. i do think it proves a point that adriana looks like she didn't do anything to her boobs(too small to have been tampered with for size) + even if she did it was 5 years ago at least and looks to be of the filler variety (definitely not implant)... there's no way to use stills to see if she did filler or not... but u can observe the way it moves. i think from the runway photo post to the pirelli photo post she already was doing VSFS. now go back and observe how small it appears and how the boobs move in the non-pushup bras. i think there lies almost complete proof that she's completely natural. but i won't love her less even if boobs were augmented to make the shape more appealing.
  12. captivating face. she has a lot of expressions and looks a fair bit like natalia vodianova. definitely can go commercial but also cna be very high fashion. surprised at her height. but i hope she'll go far. her face is stunning
  13. Meryl

    Fan Talk

    actually having been a non-fan of hers initially(she was not a fav of mine at all when i first started in chilax.com, i liked josie and ale then but now just adri and josie), i was highly critical of her. I think back in 2000-2002 she did some runway shows where she wore a see through netted top. then i was like... those boobs can't be real. i forgot where i saw those pics but maybe someone can dig it up. upon hindsight and what's left of my faded memory (5-8 years ago), i think it was real and possibly just very firm (she was young then too). Later on there was pirelli calendar shots also that made me wonder how does she maintain that awesome boob shape, however to me it looked real cause the top is less full than the bottom (natural slight sagging) I did suspect at that point in time that she got plastic surgery but thereafter there were many other candids of hers that i saw that made me confused as well. cause she deflated, inflated, deflated, inflated. having seen more examples of boob jobs now (very common in hollywood and more evident cause of pap shots of celebs in bikinis etc) i doubt she did anything recently... it's amazing sometimes what a bra can do. plus she's been inconsistent with her weight and boobs really do fluctuate. she's the yoyo-type however, my BF's a doctor who just did his plastic surgery posting and he told me that there are certain types of fillers that look extremely natural and those also help to lift and correct the shape of boobs. These fillers disappear with time, being absorbed by the body so will cause boobs to deflate. I do expect some sort of tampering for any lingerie and bikini model but for her she's kinda been eating more in the last 4 years so her boobs in the last 4 years is possibly real (they're now the fatter type of boobs as well, less firm and up). I would only think she did smth if we saw her naked un-photoshopped breasts now and the shape is perfect. that would be the only clue that she has had smth done to maintain the shape. for her i think size doesn't matter cause she has the goods. i would only think she did smth if the shape (unphotoshopped) is too perfect and lifted. but after following her for so long and being a fan for the last 5 years having 3 prior years of not understanding her beauty, i think that her boobs were well maintained and natural when she was young. recent years she's put on weight (not a bad thing, still pretty) so it got bigger. it's just the in between years that i'm curious about (the netted see through top period). during her VS period onwards i think she did nth cause during the fashion shows (first few) it didn't look outrageously big, in later years VS was all about push up. fake boobs + push up is very obvious and also painful for the model no matter filler or implant. but still i have a feeling she might have tried fillers at some point but did not continue using it in the end cause she didn't like the effect, look and feel (still feels unnatural even if fillers were used)? i think everyone in the modelling industry must have done smth at one point or another and fillers are non permanent and non invasive so i think she MAY have tried that at some point. as for her teeth, i agree tt as a commercial model she must have been pressured to do smth, but she didn't and i love that. which helped strengthen my view of her as someone who wants to maintain as natural as possible. my 2 cents as a long time silent fan. adri has climbed to no. 1 in my books along w josie.
  14. hey check out the stills playgirl posted in advertisements and misc threads. i think she looks pre-pregnancy there. in fact she looks... 23 again. but i do dislike her new brand of false eyelashes. she doesn't need the winged end. she needs the more natural equally spaced out one because her eyeshape is long enough. she needs an eye widening eye lash, not lengthening. to help ensure she doesn't look too wide and squinty. but i totally adore those caps.
  15. i think adriana is as beautiful as before. the BIG BIG ISSUE - her hair. seriously the hairstylist is making her hair into a giant tangled mess in the recent vs photos. and what's up with not photoshopping her eye bags (please she has 2 layers... can't those photoshop people do something right?) and the makeup really doesn't bring her eyes out at all. why? she just needs basic eyeliner and eyelashes... u know i keep thinking to myself, why is it that in candids Adriana i so much more beautiful than when VS takes photos of her? so i've concluded, VS is just good in taking photos of young girls. even doutzen is suffering from their complacent styling and photography and photoshopping. plus i like my adriana with pale-ish skin or darkish skin but with killer eyelashes and eyes. adriana has never worn entire outfits well. because of her awesome shoulders she looks great in swimwear and lingerie but maybe too bulky in long sleeve shirts. but too bad cause VS is dumb enough to think she's too big for revealin clothes. please i'd rather see adriana's womanly body instead of sticks in underwear. give me my adriana back.
  16. she's really stunning. i had to do a double take after walking past the guess stores
  17. Carmen came to the Singapore Audi Fashion Festival 2010 Here's a couple of videos where she is featured: http://www.razor.tv/site/servlet/segment/m...news/47000.html http://www.razor.tv/site/servlet/segment/m...news/46994.html http://www.razor.tv/site/servlet/segment/m...news/47050.html
  18. she looks so special. her photos have an X factor of sorts.
  19. Meryl


    Hi, not sure if this has been posted before. This is taken from Russell James' facebook celebrating mothers' day. Looks like one of her older photos
  20. 1. Adriana Lima x3 2. Fernanda Tavares x3 3. Daniella Sarahyba x3 Brazilians are super hot
  21. Meryl


    Russell just added 3 more that his creative director prefers Adriana is beautiful in all these shots. she's definitely back
  22. Meryl


    New on Russell's facebook!
  23. Meryl


    wow those shots are amazing. she looks fantastic.
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