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About von_gelmini

  • Birthday February 15

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  1. And I'm curious about y'all's opinion on that. What do you think about the ever-increasing numbers of WOMEN models and women's wear being included in the MENSWEAR fashion weeks? It seems like every year there's more of them invading the men's shows. This year some shows had nearly half of the models being women and wearing women's clothing. Why are so many designers doing this? It's not like female models don't have like a million more opportunities and make more money than male models do. And TBH, I don't tune into a menswear show to see skirts and ladies. Or even ladies dressed in menswear. It's very off-putting. And am I just being paranoid or does it come off reeking a bit of "no homo"? Gotta include women or else it'll seem too much like we're all gay in fashion. Or maybe, like I say, being a gay guy myself, I'm just paranoid. I watch menswear shows to look at the models and to look at clothes to define my style. And my style isn't wearing a sundress. (Not that there's anything wrong with that )
  2. Hotlinking from images hosted from private websites including facebook, twitter, tumblr, etc is not permitted. Please textlink or upload images from an image hosting site. For more information check HERE Edited by MauiKane Andrew Cooper for Brax Golf, ph: Wolfgang Holm Please do not post information promoting yourself, your band/group, boards, blogs, websites, etc. For more information, please check HERE Edited by MauiKane
  3. I've put all the new pictures from the Canudilo Fall 2012 campaign in my queue for FYAC. I've also upped the queue speed to publishing 4x per day instead of 2x, because there are so many new pictures! I also found good quality pictures of the Canudilo Fall 2011 campaign. They are scheduled to run after the 2012 are finished. The queue will run without interruption from other AC pix. At the end of the 2012 queue is a short video that was also on the site. I downloaded the pictures by inspecting the HTML for each page the picture came up on, an incredibly tedious process. So if you publish them elsewhere, it would be nice if you could leave a "via fyandrewcooper.tumblr.com" link somewhere as a little promo. If not, that's okay. It just would be nice. To make these Canudilo pictures easy to find on my website, I created special tags for them. That way you won't need the entire website to load. Of course remember that the 2011 pix won't be up until the 2012 have run. To find them click on one of the two links below: Canudilo Fall 2012 Canudilo Fall 2011 One of the best ways to find Andrew Cooper pix, old and new, is to search the tumblr tags. That gives you pix not just by my website but throughout tumblr. Here's an easy link to do that: Andrew Cooper. You don't have to be a tumblr member to do the search and access the photos.
  4. Bruno 1 David 5 Marlon 2 Sean 2 Tobias 1
  5. Simon Kotyk at Prague Fashion Week 2012 for Simple Concept Store
  6. Simon Kotyk, ph. Ricky Lo, MRRM Magazine
  7. unfortunately no. i looked under andrew of course, but also garnier & narta since that's what the commercial's for i think. but i haven't found it yet. if you can view it, there are programs for snagging video. real player has a download feature i use to get things all the time off of various sites. it'll download any flash video.
  8. omg totally flailing at that pic. thank you! can i post it on FYAC and credit you with it? he is looking so fit. i swear it must be something in the water in the UK that the men there get more handsome the older they get.
  9. Andrew is in a new commercial in France. Unfortunately the video isn't available in the US. This is just a quick screen grab before the player greyed out on me. Does anyone have a link that will work in the US? eta: gotta say... I love his smile in the second image!
  10. According to Andrew's twitter, he was in a commercial for Garnier Narta in France. Anyone have this video or know where it might be found?
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