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Posts posted by rodi

  1. 1 hour ago, *Luna* said:

    So odd that she didn't mention anything about her whole pregnancy. But then again, she is in no way obligated to tell her fans these things. It's her private life. 

    And about the whole "why is she out while her baby was born days just a couple of days ago"... Unless a woman has had major complications while giving birth,  doing a little bit of walking around isn't bad at all. I don't see the problem? Because she had a child she has to sit inside 24/7 for the next few months?? I've never heard of most women sitting at home for weeks on end after giving birth and not doing anything at all except sit/lay down with their baby. Many go out with the baby and go for walks in the park, get groceries, run the common errands etc... 


    Exactly! I did have some complications during birth and even I was outside the hospital, walking around a bit just 2 days after. And taking my baby for a stroll the first day we were home with him, so 1 week after birth! So really not that uncommon that she was out for a bit on March 30.

    Just a quick stroll, a bit of fresh air etc can do you soo good after a birth! It clears your head and can give you new energy :smile: 


    so congratulations to Irina & Bradley, very happy for them <3 :smile: 

  2. 3 hours ago, diamondtw said:


    Is it me or her bump is smaller ?

    It def. is..... My belly looked exactly like that in the days following the birth of my boy.. :oh_no:

    but that would be way too early, wouldn't it, if she actually already gave birth?!

  3. Guys, her belly is not that huge.. xD it's a rather normal (but very beautiful :wub:) baby belly in my opinion.

    I gave birth about 6 weeks ago and my belly was so much bigger than hers - and I gave birth to "only" one boy - and a rather 'small' one too ;) 

    so no, I don't think that she's carrying twins at all! :D 

  4. I would say 4 months max.

    I'm pregnant myself, about 4.5 months (due August 3), and my bump is way bigger than hers! And I'm told all the time how small my bump still is for being this far along. 

    And I got knocked up at the beginning of November, so no, I would bet she was not pregnant around the time the Show filmed.

    But that's just my guess, based on personal experience xD


    Still very happy for the couple, congrats to them :) 

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