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Everything posted by kalanthos

  1. thanks Bryan btw Doutzen's makeup looked so much better during the fittings than during the actual show
  2. aww pastafreak you're aborable.. and I'm sure your aunt will get over it when she does know she already said she's gonna be in the show next year, so there
  3. from bryan, who I am sure won't mind me posting this here..
  4. Hahaha yeah stuff like that is what gives my life meaning
  5. Not everyone is here for j.o. material schemer, not that I blame you
  6. I think she looks great except in those first runway pics, in which her stomach looks.. well.. not quite runway ready
  7. Sigh.. It's clear that some of you are uncomfortable with this subject.. So let's just move on from wether or not doutzen is 'perpetuating hate crimes by posting murder music' and to the things that really matter, like: will Doutzen be wearing pompoms again in this years VSFS?
  8. I think the Repeat people have a very specific esthetic in mind for their campaigns.this whole 'safe, stable, homely, boring' thing is kind of their brand image maybe Mo could do it! oh... wait
  9. I think you stated it perfectly....the problem is yours not hers. well.. obviously If kalanthos goes on a rant in the woods, but noone's there to hear it, did it really happen?
  10. My problem with this is that by posting that video, she is actively promoting these horrible artists. The comment section of that vid is full of people asking about the song. If you are as popular on instagram as doutzen, you have a certain responsibility to be aware of what you post. I mean, before you know it, you could be spreading a message to your 1.99m followers about burning people cause they were born a little different
  11. from the article: Jamaica's Anti-Gay 'Murder Music' Carries Violent Messagehttp://www.splcenter.org/get-informed/intelligence-report/browse-all-issues/2010/winter/harmonies-of-hate and that's just the chorus
  12. of course she doesn't know, I'm sure she'd never post that video if she new what that song is about, let's just hope she picks up on it and removes it
  13. They're listening to 'Chichiman' by T.O.K. :shock: :x Just found out what that song is about.. APPALLING
  14. gorgeous! btw looks like the baby wont go hungry
  15. Is it the pose, or is her waist more defined than before?
  16. You guys make a great point. But then again; should it be allowed to say how great she looks, but not to point out that her skin is maybe not the most youthful? I for one like to think that negative comments aren't any less valid than positive ones
  17. /monthly_11_2014/post-62211-0-1446078461-96342_thumb.jpg" data-fileid="3599090" alt="post-62211-0-1446078461-96342_thumb.jpg" data-ratio="100">
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