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About alexandra23

  • Birthday August 23

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    A little delayed on my time zone, but on yours it should still be okay :D 

  2. Happy Birthday!!!! :flower:

  3. Yes, she was traveling to my city from LA for a modeling gig. @modelknowledge She told me she was going to my city for work. When I looked at her Instagram, I saw it was for a modeling job. She was a very nice woman. She was actually on both of my flights from LA to my city - was next to me in one and behind me in the other. I was flattered because the flight attendant assumed I was her daughter.
  4. Fun fact: I recently sat by her on a flight. :-P She is still stunning and also has a great personality. I thought she looked like a model, so I googled her name after the flight and found out who she was ?
  5. @Schemer That's what all the young nepotism girls are doing. They sign contracts to appear with or have a "relationship" with a male celeb. Sophia Richie is currently doing this with Bieber. Kendall, Gigi, and Bella are the queens of contractual PR relationships.
  6. She obviously wouldn't be where she is if it weren't for her parents, but I don't mind her. I like her personality from what I've seen of it. She's pretty charismatic and is also openly religious. Also, her photos can look stunning. Facially, I certainly see more in her than in the Hadids.
  7. She completely has a model's body, but I still have a hard time being convinced on her face (the eyes and nose... ). Regardless, she is going to be absolutely huge in a few years.
  8. I've heard the same thing about supplementing with HGH. It can make a person's head big...also jaw and nose, I think. Also, I too have noticed that people who work out a lot tend to look older. I notice this the most with women. I think it's largely because as people get older, they naturally lose fat from their faces, and this effect is amplified for those who exercise a lot since they have low body fat. But it also probably has to do with the fact that if you spend a lot of time exercising outside, your skin will face the elements more. Honestly, I suspect there's even more to it than that stuff, though. The muscular effort it takes to exercise probably generates free radicals or something, which age a person.
  9. @JazzyJas I use that same BECCA highligher. I haven't used many highlighters, but I've been very happy with the BECCA Skin Perfector Poured Creme in Opal. I pat some on the tops of my cheekbones, my cupid's bow, the bridge of my nose, and sometimes dab it the inner corners of my eyes and on my brow bone.
  10. This is how I feel. I legitimately don't see it at all. It's kind of interesting to me that so many find her pretty, though - shows that beauty really can be in the eye of the beholder! Her new Tommy Hilfiger commercial for "The Girl" fragrance kills me because it could be amazing with (IMO) a more attractive model.
  11. ^ Valid. I kind of had that sense, as well.
  12. She's gorgeous, talented, and one of the very few positive role models girls have today in the entertainment industry. So happy with the way she's carried herself amidst Kanye's various attacks on her over the years. I like some of his old albums, but he's progressively getting to be more and more disgusting and misogynistic. He's talented, but not nearly as talented as he thinks he is (also, his voice sucks). Thanks, @Schemer, for posting the words to her speech. I think she's really pretty and generally dresses well, but I haven't been big on her haircuts the past few years, including the way she wore it for the Grammy's. I liked it best when it was long and wavy.
  13. Thanks, Pretty! Hannah's boobs look so fake...what was she thinking? For someone with so much modeling experience, you'd think she'd know how to get a subtle, tasteful boob job. Her face looks more plastic, too. Botox maybe? Gigi's body is overrated IMO. Nina is perfect for swimsuit modeling. I used to really dislike her face, but she's won me over over the years. She has a great energy and her face is very beautiful once you get used to it. Kelly Rohrbach's body is underrated.
  14. Yeah, I think curvy bodies are getting more "in" for various reasons. The Kardashians really propelled that trend, IMO. Rap music also glorifies "thick women." And there's that whole body positive movement on Instagram.
  15. More impressions: Bo is really pretty. I saw people saying her face was off...I mean, kind of, but I wouldn't have noticed if it hadn't been pointed out to me. I like Emily DiDonato a lot, but her body doesn't strike me as perfect for swimsuit.
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