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  1. Darla is part of a new makeup campaign and she looks incredible! some pictures of the campaign:
  2. she has such great boobs, it's just not faaaaaaaaaair... No seriously she looks great. Congrats for getting the cover
  3. NEW version of the L'oreal Elvital Repair ad (feel free to post on youtube) Doutzen___Elvital_Repair_German.mpg Doutzen___Elvital_Repair_German.mpg
  4. She's fabulous, she's one of my most favourite models! BTW, is that her in that Redken ad? I think I've seen that before, but not so sure...
  5. Angie


    I'd say that rather Candice and Erin will get some skin problems because blondes need to stay in the sun much longer for a tan. Health risk rather depends on the skin type. And Adriana has dark hair so she should tan quite fast without too much exposure. So I don't really believe that it's a question of health, maybe she wants that kind of look...
  6. Angie


    I think it's strange, she's the palest of all the girls! Even Candice and Erin (who are blond) are more tanned than her. At first I didn't think that she's too pale, but now my opinion changed It really changes her look compared to former times
  7. hello *waves* and 5 stars for you

  8. Angie


    It's part of "Russell James' private video diary". btw i was wrong it's rather 5 sec long but maybe useful for gifs beachbowl.mpg I can't upload to youtube, maybe someone else? beachbowl.mpg
  9. Angie


    Recently they showed some backstage scenes of the vs 2011 shoot on TV. Sadly, there are only like 10 sec of Adriana in it, rest is all Candice and Erin. But it's a cute little scene, Adriana is eating out of a bowl on the beach. Is that an old scene? Because if so then there's no need to upload it.
  10. Some more H&M I think she looks amazing!
  11. OMG, I love her! She looks so elegant in those white dresses.
  12. Her face is so gorgeous and I love her fashion sense!
  13. Angie


    I DON'T think that Adriana had breast implants. I don't know how much padding they used on her fantasy bra, but I guess it must have been A LOT. I think plastic surgery is kind of cheating. Imo, when some girl says she's "proud" about her body or face and she had sth. done, she's actually proud about some piece of plastic. It's ridiculous. ButI agree with Lorelei on the face, I think she has a point there.
  14. Angie


    Ahem. In general it's not like mothers grow into monsters after having their child Most look like they did before.
  15. Angie


    Yes, I'd say that too, because it shows how dedicated she is. But maybe some people think of nuns as rather old and not so attractive Perhaps they wanted to emphasize that their supermodels are both beautiful and smart, which would explain why they let her talk so much about studying and that she wants to be a pediatrician.... Totally boring if you ask me. Nun would have been better
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