I'm herrreeee.... I'm herrreee....... heheh...
awwwwww..... hell, thanx A LOT for those pics!!! doug looks yummy in those ralph lauren ads!! daaangg.....
oh btw, doug was in the latest RL fashion show and the video is available on RL website... can anybody tell me how to save the video?? i realllyyyyy realllyyyy want it
i dont really know which the image number is, but here is what it says below the picture.
Andrew Smith, Jackie Swanson, Carson Kressley and Doug Pickett
W Hotel Presents: Adventure in Wonderland with Carson Kressley's Book Launch of "Off The Cuff"
4021323 Guastella
and the low resolution picture:
i found a picture of Doug Pickett on wireimage but i dont have an account there and a little bird told me that you do, so, so, hmm, can you pleaaassseeeee post the picture here?
Jennifer Lopez now has J.Lo messenger. you can sign in to MSN messenger/AIM/ICQ/etc through it. download it at shopjlo.com the layout of the messenger is so cute!!!