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Everything posted by Schemer

  1. That dude needs a good stylist, fast.
  2. Her boyfriend. Looks like they met on the plane, which is very cute.
  3. Yes I do...if you just wait here, it'll be a second for me to grab it for you. :morning:
  4. This is not going to happen. She's done with VS.
  5. Adri doesn't have a better butt than Candice. Doutzen does when in shape, which it isn't as we have seen at VSFS.
  6. Who wouldn't wanna grab Candy's butt?
  7. SB commercials were shot months ago and so was this one. She was still with VS then. I don't know much about the Superbowl considering I'm not American but isn't there that thing where depending on when her contract ends (let's just say for example, contract ends let's say beginning of April), and after that they can't use any more footage of her in things or whatever? Or are they just super lenient with her contract since someone said it was supposed to end already? I don't think that is the case here. They knew that they were shooting a commercial for February. Regardless of her expired contract, they have the right to air commercial with her in it. Now, considering that her contract is expired, they might limit her presence to a minimum, choosing to promote other girls more but we'll have to wait and see. Super Bowl is in eleven days.
  8. lol, Doutzen has her ring on.
  9. SB commercials were shot months ago and so was this one. She was still with VS then.
  10. We know that, doesn't make this any less stupid IMO.
  11. I kinda dislike commercial. 1) they all look so awkward attempting to fake it 2) it's not really sexy Remember that Adri's SB commercial where she's sitting in a chair holding a ball? That was sexy. This looks like something from PINK like. But let's wait and see the final product.
  12. My guess is that it was filmed a long time ago, before people at VS were aware that Doutzen was going to leave them. If she isn't mentioned that means that her presence in the commercial will probably be cut to a minimum.
  13. Schemer


    Ale and Karlie are in: No mention of Doutzen but she is in the commercial, so who knows...
  14. Schemer


    I think that by now, all other girls have figured out and accepted their place in the VS. I want to see some tackles between girls.
  15. Lily "step aside I'm an American, I got this" Aldridge
  16. Lily...what the hell are you doing girl?
  17. Schemer


    All the girls are in it, Doutzen too.
  18. Right, but there is no obligation for her to state the exact opposite, e.g. in her case that she might end up with a guy working a McJob. I mean, she could also merely not have made that statement. I agree. Its not just about the existing customers/fans. Suggesting that any 'regular Joe' has a shot with her (or any celeb) will eventually help her win even more fan following. I am not sure that is true, unless you argue that fandom is based on the illusion of attainability. I would argue that the allure of being glamorous and "hard to get" is greater. Maybe. But look for example Taylor Swift. Even though she is one of the biggest stars right now and she has always dated famous and rich she keeps this allure of being very approachable. She talks to her fans on social media, invites them to her home, sends them gifts for holidays...and as a result has one of the most supportive fan bases in the entertainment industry. The fan base than already purchased more than 4 million copies of her album. For her, 'the humble girl next door' approach clearly works.
  19. Schemer


    Just gonna say, that for some reason I think when a girl has some hair on her arms that it's sexy. Dunno why. Maybe it makes a girl look more natural, human as opposed to a 'wax figure'. :morning:
  20. Everything that you said is true but it works differently in reality. The cult of celebrity worship is a strange one. People look up to them as shiny stars and yet want them to be flawed and obtainable at the same time. And usually celebs who play well "I'm one of you guys, I swear" game are the ones who benefit the most and can get away easily with mistakes. Funny stuff. Everyone here knows that Irina isn't going to marry some regular Joe but stating the obvious would just cause more harm than good.
  21. That's because all these "heavenly" people earn money from us "mere mortals". Or to be more precise, corporations they work for earn money from ordinary people, so pissing on "customers" is in general a bad idea.
  22. Maybe it's a small jab at Cristiano, since the rumors were that the child is conceived with a waitress and that later he paid her off to have a full custody of his son. btw. Cristiano seems to be a really good guy, he does a lot of good charity work. People just like to hate on him because he is cocky. As for them, I never thought it would work out. She basically lived in NYC and he lives in Madrid. Both travel a lot because of their jobs...it was a miracle it lasted this long. I had no idea she's 29. I thought she was younger.
  23. Great adds Laura Hope we get some HQ photos too.
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