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Everything posted by Schemer

  1. You do understand that the girls you're talking about (and other) aren't angels themselves (no pun attended)? Maybe they (and their agencies) like that controversy of bad Uncle Terry? Controversy sells, and fashion industry isn't some cookie factory place. It's a hard industry to be in and only people with thickest skin survive. Also Terry doesn't act the same around Miranda, Candice or K. Moss as to compared to some Miss Anonymous some agency sent for development.
  2. Because Miranda loves controversy and publicity. You do know that she calls paps on herself right?
  3. At least, Taylor is young, pretty girl as to compared to Adam "wannabe rockstar" Lavine.
  4. I doubt that FHM didn't have a permission to use those photos. Thing is that more often than not, it's the photographer who has the rights of the photos and can sell them. Correct me if I'm wrong.
  5. How can anyone write something like that and still have a job? They even admit in the article that it's all bullshit.
  6. Schemer


    Well if I was a rich man planning to attend that party I would do some easy instagram research. So here are the results: Bee: married Lily: married Lima: single Erin: in relationship So yeah, I think I would know which party to attend to.
  7. instagram.com/lillyjolan lol at tags.
  8. Assuming KU makes an appearance in the next SI. There have been reports that she won't (doesn't want to).
  9. Looks like some kind of prenatal exercise.
  10. Still, it would mean a ton of exposure. Which is good. After she gets people's attention, she can build her brand.
  11. Schemer


    Hmm, Candy and Lima together...will BZ implode? IT'S ON!
  12. I disagree. SI Swimsuit Edition is iconic in the US.
  13. Dammit Doutzen...stick to modeling.
  14. To be fair, Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition is culturally untouchable in the States. I highly doubt they will come anywhere close to SI if they would to go their rout. Still, nothing wrong with some good competition. It's a win-win for us.
  15. Were these posted? Anyways, she awesome.
  16. That's because Candy already finished with swimming, so they allowed Adri to take a dip.
  17. Who? Star Lord....you know...legendary outlaw....
  18. Wanna play a guessing game? I'm guessing Bee on the left, Adri (or maybe even Doutzen on the right).
  19. Left Bee, right Adri (or maybe even Doutzen).
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