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  1. Quinta, 17 de abril de 2008, 12h48 Gisele Bündchen passa o dia com o filho do namorado A top model Gisele Bündchen foi fotografada na última quarta-feira com John Edward Thomas, filho do namorado, Tom Brady, nos braços. Os três passaram o dia juntos em Brentwood, Califórnia. Thursday, April 17 2008, 12h48 Gisele Bündchen spends the day with her boyfriend's son Top model Gisele Bundchen was photographed last wednesday with John Edward Thomas, the son of her boyfriend, Tom Brady; in her arms. The three spent the day together in Brentwood, California.
  2. I agree w/ u all. They all looked like hummingbirds on crack on that runway. Those were not super models, but coked out silly cheerleaders. (I used to bash Selita, that it looks like shes having a seizure when she walks, but this last show it was all over the place, the throwing kisses and jumping and just acting out of it. A little energy is good, but it was just way too much.) Without Gisele that show does nothing for me, I used to wait all year for it and now its like bleh. Like Isabeli mentioned in an interview, "Gisele was certainly missed, she has that fashion aura about her that balances the commercial side" and I could not agree more. Now, I love Heidi, and Ale is kinda growing on me, but Gisele is Gisele and what a huuge mistake to take her out of VS (though dont know whose decision it was) but Im also glad that now Gisele is still doing her thing , other than VS and still rocking ASS! (I do miss her on the catwalk, and VS was one of the rare shows she did). But shes doing very well and proving that she doesnt need VS to be a SUPER. And she will always be number 1 in my heart no matter what.
  3. Hyde club
  4. :evil: Giseeeelee!!!
  5. I think Victoria's Secret should really look up this girl. She's got that sultry, voluptous thing Tyra Banks/Adriana Lima and would be ten times a better replacement to Tyra than Selita ( :yuckky: ) will ever be. I've been seeing her on screen, she's unbelievable.
  6. Where can I find pics of young Gisele (like 1995-1997)?
  7. Dolce&Gabbana Fall 2001 (any more pics from this set?)
  8. i dont think thats gisele <_< you´re right, that´s Linda Vojtova her thread lol I'm so sorry i found it at Gisele's gallery in style.com ( http://www.style.com/peopleparties/modelse...thumb/person190 ). I did realize something was not... quite right there, but I thought well, must be the makeup or something
  9. Backstage Dior FW07 (srry if repost)
  10. So, I read an article commenting on the huge success of the Vanity Fair issue with Mario Testino, and saying that there was also a "Mad Max" inspired editorial with Gisele (shot by Testino in Brazil) that was turned down on the last minute by the US Vanity Fair and replaced with the photos taken in NY - but, that since Testino still own the rights of the photos in Europe, he sold the lot to French Vogue and they should be out anytime soon. Any word on this, which issue of French Vogue is it going to be, or, where can we find those photos on the net (that is, if they've been released yet)?
  11. Invertia- Últimas Notícias Segunda, 6 de agosto de 2007, 14h22 Fonte: Redação Terra Mídia Gisele levanta em 15% ações de empresas, diz estudo As empresas que utilizam a modelo brasileira Gisele Bündchen como garota-propaganda vêm suas ações valorizarem, em média, 15%, nas bolsas de valores, segundo o "Gisele Bündchen Stock Index", índice criado pelo economista norte-americano Fred Fuld e divulgado em seu blog na Internet, o Stockerblog. O índice da modelo, que participa de diversos anúncios, subiu 15% nos últimos três meses, acima da alta de 8,2% do índice norte-americano Dow Jones. Para chegar ao valor, Fuld avaliou as empresas que contrataram Gisele para propagandas e comparou quanto suas ações valiam na Bolsa de Nova York antes e depois da divulgação do anúncio. Entre as empresas beneficiadas com a garota-propaganda brasileira estão Victoria's Secret, C&A, Vivo, Vogue e Nívea. Fuld também criou outros indicadores com celebridades, como o "Paris Hilton Stock Index", em que mostra que, ao ir à cadeia pela primeira vez, seu índice atingiu 10%, enquanto a Standards and Poor's subiu, na mesma época, apenas 3,6%. Já a atriz Jéssica Alba não ajudou tanto às empresas e seu índice atingiu 3,2% nos últimos três meses, abaixo dos 6,9% da Dow Jones.
  12. Gisele and Felipe Hulse for Colcci Spring 2008
  13. Escape Cover and editorial, photographed by Nigel Barker (from America's Next Top Model)
  14. cowabungadude


    A clip I've made of Gisele in the Dior Haute Couture show. The quality is not that great but...Anyway, here goes Supermodels come and go, I still think there is no match for her on the runway, she owns it like no other model. Gisele is Gisele. And she will always be the number one in my book!
  15. at fashion shows they put huge amount of makeup on the models Of course they do. But regardless of makeup, just like bjorkian pointed out on the post above, she used to look paler when she was younger, actually, she is naturally light-skinned, she's Brazilian but she's got strong german origins; but, after a certain point in her career (and I believe, around 1998/1999, and especially after she started doing VS) she always sported a deep tan, even in fall/winter shows when the models are usually paler (just compare the two pics below and you'll know what I'm talking about). But most recently, (you can tell by recent candids, the latest Colcci show AND the Dior show) she's looking a lil paler again, like she's not tanning as much as she used to. Just a comment.
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