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You know I have wondered about that too, hell, a man can only hold out for so long.

I think Marko is going to be around longer than the other ones...love is in the air between the two of them.

The poor guy that has to sleep in the same bed with Adriana but can't have sex with her :laugh: Wouldn't that be torture.

hehe indeed.

She said first time was separate rooms though. That doesn't mean second time is necessarily same bed. Could be same room, separate beds. Your bed in one end of the room, hers in the other. Then with each time you get to move your own bed a little closer to hers until finally the gap bridges and kinky sex ensues :sex:


That wouldn't be right-Same room, separate beds. Temptation and torture all in one room. At least in separate rooms, a guy wouldn't be sitting there watching... ;)

hehe indeed.

She said first time was separate rooms though. That doesn't mean second time is necessarily same bed. Could be same room, separate beds. Your bed in one end of the room, hers in the other. Then with each time you get to move your own bed a little closer to hers until finally the gap bridges and kinky sex ensues :sex:

the interview from U.S. GQ April 2008

There’s the assumption—which we can neither endorse nor reject—that extraordinarily good-looking women aren’t like the women you know. The theory is that women who inhabit the uppermost echelon of conventional beauty are so otherworldly, so demanding, so desired, that no ordinary semi-self-respecting man (i.e., you) could ever make them happy. Your best line? She’s heard it. Your lavish gifts? She’s got a drawerful, thank you. Your supersecret, private vacation island? She used to date the guy who owns it. These pampered, fawned-over creatures maintain expectations so outlandishly high that anyone who attempts to scale the heights required to meet them is destined for crushing failure and frustration.

Or that’s the theory, anyway. But is it true? Hell if we know. So we asked the extraordinarily good-looking Adriana Lima to set the record straight. Here’s her take.


Don’t let me scare you.

Usually, guys are nervous. I think they are afraid of me. I don’t think I look scary. Be however you are. Don’t try to be what you’re not. If you’re nervous, be nervous. If you’re shy, be shy. It’s cute.

Put the Treo down and pay attention to me.

If you’re having dinner with friends and they’re always on the phone or always texting, it’s just impolite. Unless it’s something important—like someone is in the hospital or something—don’t do it. It’s not attractive. It’s a girlie thing. It makes you seem like a teenage girl. Especially if you’re talking about parties and which clubs you’re going to and who’s going to be there…it’s just silly.

Get jealous…

I like jealous men. I love jealousy. I do. Everything has a limit, of course, but once in a while you have to stand up and say, “I love this person.”

...but not violent.

It’s never okay to defend my honor by beating someone up. You have to control yourself, even if the other person is drunk and crazy. Just say, “Let’s go home. Let’s leave.” You don’t have to say a thing to him. I never have to see that person for the rest of my life. I don’t like fights. I don’t like aggressive people.

Don’t hit on my girlfriends!

(No matter how hot they are.)

Don’t treat them like a piece of meat. Don’t flirt with them! We’re not competitive. It has happened before, and it never works.

A beautiful girl is a beautiful girl, not an accessory.

Don’t change your personality when you get around people at a party, or don’t walk in and think you’re the hottest person because you have the hottest girl. If you start carrying me around like a trophy, it’s not good.

Just remember, you’re really dating the waiter.

A man needs to be polite, not just to me but to everyone. I watch that. How does he treat the waiter? How does he treat the coat-check girl? How does he treat the driver? Don’t give orders to these people. You don’t own everything around you. Treat people with respect.

Your first move should be no move at all.

Sometimes people are too aggressive. I need time to realize exactly who you are before I go out with you. Don’t be pushy. Don’t pressure me. “When can I see you? When can I meet you? When can we go out?” No. Take your time. When I’m ready, I’ll make the move.

Make friends with your inner viscount.

Show me you can take care of me. Say you’re taking me to dinner: I expect you to pick me up and open the car door for me. Hold the restaurant door while I enter and pull out the chair for me when I sit down. Stand up when I go to the restroom and again when I return. I love old-fashioned manners, as long as it’s not forced. I can tell when it’s natural or when someone is just trying to impress me.

Take me away.

(But not too far.)

When we’re traveling together for the first time, we sleep in different rooms. That’s the number one thing. And you should plan the whole trip. Buy the ticket, get the car to the airport, organize everything so I don’t have to think about it. And yes, carry my bags. I don’t travel light, either—at least two bags. Always. But if you say, “Oh, I’m going to fly you to Paris for the weekend,” or something like that, make sure we know each other well first. I’m not going to fly a million miles with somebody I don’t know.

A gift is only as good as the time, energy, and effort you put into it.

Sometimes people think they need to show you how successful they are and how much money they have, so they get you something too big. Don’t do this. The simple thing is always the best. Write me a letter, because it shows that you made an effort and that you gave of yourself. I love that. I also love flowers. It could be even one flower. You don’t have to buy something big to show that you love me.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t aim high.

You know how you can have a star named after a person, as a gift? A few years ago, a friend of mine received this present from her husband, and I thought it was so romantic. I thought, Ohhhhhh. That’s really amazing. That’s unbelievable. This guy must really love her!

There is no such thing as casual dating.

I don’t understand dating when you go with someone but you can see other people at the same time. Huh? I don’t do that. I’m always serious. I’ve only had four or five relationships, and I’ve never stayed with anyone for less than one year. I don’t date too much because I find it very difficult to find men who are willing to compromise, and when you’re in a relationship you have to compromise. You have to make sacrifices. You can’t just continue doing everything you did before.

Call your mom. For real.

It’s important that a man has a good relationship with his family. Your family is your base—they make you who you are—and if you don’t respect them, I don’t think you can respect anyone else. If you have problems with them, you need to resolve those problems. And while I’m at it, treat my mother like your mother: with respect, with care. I love it when you ask about my family. You should always ask about how my family is doing, because in the future they may be your family, too.

Go home. Now.

You have to have limits—limits on everything: on drinking, on going out, on jealousy. Everything has to have a limit. Nothing too much is good.

Rethink those nurse fantasies.

When I’m sick, I want a lot of caresses. Make sure I eat. If you don’t know how to cook, call and get food delivered. Go to the pharmacy and get the medication I need. Just take care of me until I get better. That’s it. Simple. If you don’t know what to do, ask me. Just say, “What do you need?” I will tell you. Whatever I tell you, do. That’s it.

Qredit to xrubyrose for posting.

Wow, I have never read an interview with a model and been so disgusted with the model by the end of it. "Whatever I tell you, do"? Is she serious? The next time I hear one of you uber-fans say Adriana is so sweet and down-to-earth, I'm going to laugh... very loud.

It's a shame, too, because she was a favorite of mine back in the day. Oh well.

You shouldn't read too much into a transcribed interview. She could be smiling and laughing with a gleam in her eye while she said that.

This puts things into perspective and serves as a pretty good reply to your comment :laugh::


I believe that if you talk to some women, many of them will express this as well (myself included). I agree that it is really difficult to judge a written interview without seeing facial expression.

the interview from U.S. GQ April 2008

There’s the assumption—which we can neither endorse nor reject—that extraordinarily good-looking women aren’t like the women you know. The theory is that women who inhabit the uppermost echelon of conventional beauty are so otherworldly, so demanding, so desired, that no ordinary semi-self-respecting man (i.e., you) could ever make them happy. Your best line? She’s heard it. Your lavish gifts? She’s got a drawerful, thank you. Your supersecret, private vacation island? She used to date the guy who owns it. These pampered, fawned-over creatures maintain expectations so outlandishly high that anyone who attempts to scale the heights required to meet them is destined for crushing failure and frustration.

Or that’s the theory, anyway. But is it true? Hell if we know. So we asked the extraordinarily good-looking Adriana Lima to set the record straight. Here’s her take.


Don’t let me scare you.

Usually, guys are nervous. I think they are afraid of me. I don’t think I look scary. Be however you are. Don’t try to be what you’re not. If you’re nervous, be nervous. If you’re shy, be shy. It’s cute.

Put the Treo down and pay attention to me.

If you’re having dinner with friends and they’re always on the phone or always texting, it’s just impolite. Unless it’s something important—like someone is in the hospital or something—don’t do it. It’s not attractive. It’s a girlie thing. It makes you seem like a teenage girl. Especially if you’re talking about parties and which clubs you’re going to and who’s going to be there…it’s just silly.

Get jealous…

I like jealous men. I love jealousy. I do. Everything has a limit, of course, but once in a while you have to stand up and say, “I love this person.”

...but not violent.

It’s never okay to defend my honor by beating someone up. You have to control yourself, even if the other person is drunk and crazy. Just say, “Let’s go home. Let’s leave.” You don’t have to say a thing to him. I never have to see that person for the rest of my life. I don’t like fights. I don’t like aggressive people.

Don’t hit on my girlfriends!

(No matter how hot they are.)

Don’t treat them like a piece of meat. Don’t flirt with them! We’re not competitive. It has happened before, and it never works.

A beautiful girl is a beautiful girl, not an accessory.

Don’t change your personality when you get around people at a party, or don’t walk in and think you’re the hottest person because you have the hottest girl. If you start carrying me around like a trophy, it’s not good.

Just remember, you’re really dating the waiter.

A man needs to be polite, not just to me but to everyone. I watch that. How does he treat the waiter? How does he treat the coat-check girl? How does he treat the driver? Don’t give orders to these people. You don’t own everything around you. Treat people with respect.

Your first move should be no move at all.

Sometimes people are too aggressive. I need time to realize exactly who you are before I go out with you. Don’t be pushy. Don’t pressure me. “When can I see you? When can I meet you? When can we go out?” No. Take your time. When I’m ready, I’ll make the move.

Make friends with your inner viscount.

Show me you can take care of me. Say you’re taking me to dinner: I expect you to pick me up and open the car door for me. Hold the restaurant door while I enter and pull out the chair for me when I sit down. Stand up when I go to the restroom and again when I return. I love old-fashioned manners, as long as it’s not forced. I can tell when it’s natural or when someone is just trying to impress me.

Take me away.

(But not too far.)

When we’re traveling together for the first time, we sleep in different rooms. That’s the number one thing. And you should plan the whole trip. Buy the ticket, get the car to the airport, organize everything so I don’t have to think about it. And yes, carry my bags. I don’t travel light, either—at least two bags. Always. But if you say, “Oh, I’m going to fly you to Paris for the weekend,” or something like that, make sure we know each other well first. I’m not going to fly a million miles with somebody I don’t know.

A gift is only as good as the time, energy, and effort you put into it.

Sometimes people think they need to show you how successful they are and how much money they have, so they get you something too big. Don’t do this. The simple thing is always the best. Write me a letter, because it shows that you made an effort and that you gave of yourself. I love that. I also love flowers. It could be even one flower. You don’t have to buy something big to show that you love me.

But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t aim high.

You know how you can have a star named after a person, as a gift? A few years ago, a friend of mine received this present from her husband, and I thought it was so romantic. I thought, Ohhhhhh. That’s really amazing. That’s unbelievable. This guy must really love her!

There is no such thing as casual dating.

I don’t understand dating when you go with someone but you can see other people at the same time. Huh? I don’t do that. I’m always serious. I’ve only had four or five relationships, and I’ve never stayed with anyone for less than one year. I don’t date too much because I find it very difficult to find men who are willing to compromise, and when you’re in a relationship you have to compromise. You have to make sacrifices. You can’t just continue doing everything you did before.

Call your mom. For real.

It’s important that a man has a good relationship with his family. Your family is your base—they make you who you are—and if you don’t respect them, I don’t think you can respect anyone else. If you have problems with them, you need to resolve those problems. And while I’m at it, treat my mother like your mother: with respect, with care. I love it when you ask about my family. You should always ask about how my family is doing, because in the future they may be your family, too.

Go home. Now.

You have to have limits—limits on everything: on drinking, on going out, on jealousy. Everything has to have a limit. Nothing too much is good.

Rethink those nurse fantasies.

When I’m sick, I want a lot of caresses. Make sure I eat. If you don’t know how to cook, call and get food delivered. Go to the pharmacy and get the medication I need. Just take care of me until I get better. That’s it. Simple. If you don’t know what to do, ask me. Just say, “What do you need?” I will tell you. Whatever I tell you, do. That’s it.

Qredit to xrubyrose for posting.

Wow, I have never read an interview with a model and been so disgusted with the model by the end of it. "Whatever I tell you, do"? Is she serious? The next time I hear one of you uber-fans say Adriana is so sweet and down-to-earth, I'm going to laugh... very loud.

It's a shame, too, because she was a favorite of mine back in the day. Oh well.

Wow, I have never read an interview with a model and been so disgusted with the model by the end of it. "Whatever I tell you, do"? Is she serious? The next time I hear one of you uber-fans say Adriana is so sweet and down-to-earth, I'm going to laugh... very loud.

It's a shame, too, because she was a favorite of mine back in the day. Oh well.

You shouldn't read too much into a transcribed interview. She could be smiling and laughing with a gleam in her eye while she said that.

This puts things into perspective and serves as a pretty good reply to your comment :laugh::

Awww :cry: Adriana! ;wub:

Sweetest girl ALIVE!!!! :heart:

I love her sooo much!


Yes, it's true it's hard to read a person in a written interview but it's also difficult to know what someone is 'truely' like when they're on Camera as well. People often present their best side when the camera is rolling or when they're out in public. But who knows what they're like behind closed doors. No one can really know based on the persona they show the world.

Part of her job is to be charismatic and likeable...she's selling herself. It's part of her job, but it's still her 'job' nonetheless which is the key. No one knows what's she's like in her personal life when the cameras aren't rolling.

You shouldn't read too much into a transcribed interview. She could be smiling and laughing with a gleam in her eye while she said that.

You have a valid point about transcribed interviews, but I can't really buy it for that interview. It sounded far too much like the comments of someone who thinks the world revolves around them. :ninja: Not to mention, a savvy model should be aware of how what she's saying will look on paper if it might give the wrong impression.

Part of her job is to be charismatic and likeable...she's selling herself.

Of course. Everyone has their masks, even off camera. But I'll need evidence that she's a "bad person" before my perception of her changes for the negative. I don't just go around and assume the worst about people. I'm usually pretty good at telling whether people are putting up a facade or just being themselves, and given the sheer amount of Adriana footage and interviews I've watched over the years, it's almost impossible for me not to have a caught a few glimpses of the "person behind the person". In Adriana's case there seems to be consistency between those persons. She doesn't strike me as pretentious, and this is seconded by the people who have met her at signings and who describe her as very down-to-earth. Is one transcribed interview going to change that? Hell naw.

Now, when a model starts beating up her assistants on a consistent basis (*cough* Naomi *cough*), that's when you might start to question the decency of her person...

It sounded far too much like the comments of someone who thinks the world revolves around them.

What about this:

A man needs to be polite, not just to me but to everyone. I watch that. How does he treat the waiter? How does he treat the coat-check girl? How does he treat the driver? Don’t give orders to these people. You don’t own everything around you. Treat people with respect.

How does that fit the description of someone who thinks the world revolves around them? Would such a person give a damn about the waiter or the coat-check girl? Doesn't sound very self-centered to be honest. So what she wants to be treated nicely when she's ill. I'm sure she treats her boyfriend the same way when he's ill, but this interview wasn't about that, it was about her and what she looks for in a guy. If you can watch the video above and still believe she's NOT a sweet girl, then you've already made up your mind based on negative prejudice. Good for you.


That "Whatever I tell you, do" comment was in the context of her being sick and needing something being done.

Nothing wrong with that.

Maybe she could do with a few more brain cells, is old-fashioned, and seems a bit of a Princess "carry my bags pls", but her happy-go-lucky personality outweighs all of that.

Don't usually read her editorials but thought I'd give my take -.-


Ah good to read that I'm not the only one that didn't like Adriana's interview in GQ. And yeah it raises the question has she really become so arrogant or is it a twist GQ gave to the interview? Personally I think GQ has edited a lot of stuff. Those magazines usually do. I mean, this way a guy has to treat her like a goddess, we all know no strong self respecting man would like to be a slave, and me in the first place!


And yet I'm sure she has no trouble getting men to act like her slave at any moment of the day. That's the problem with being good-looking. It's very easy to develop a 'princess' attitude.


^^ I guess it's easy to develop 'princess' attitudes when you're dating a prince ;) She should have married him. Princess Adriana would have been awesome.

In all seriousness, though, Adriana's attitude in recent inverviews (aside from GQ) is so far from arrogant it's not even funny. Admin on AFL mentioned that according to her friends, while dating the prince, she was always going out of her way to make him feel comfortable in front of the cameras. Just because she has certain standards for how a man should treat her, doesn't mean she doesn't have certain standards for herself and how she treats her man. Just look at how she sits in the grandstand, supporting Marko at every game even though she's not, to my knowledge, a huge basketball fan. If she was such a princess, I doubt a man would be able to cope with her for very long and most of her relationships have lasted for several years. People who have met her at signings say she is super friendly and down-to-earth, and that's also the vibe I get when I watch her at signings. You can see she takes her time to make eye contact, talk and give out hugs. She doesn't just scribble down her autograph and mechanically move on to the next. People who have worked with her say she has a good personality (see video above). At the Vanity Fair shoot she was the first of the VS angels to arrive (ten minutes early). Someone like Naomi Campbell is known for arriving two hours late for photo shoots because she's a D.I.V.A. I have never heard anyone who knows Adriana complain that she has a bitchy or stuck-up attitude.

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