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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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As Harvey Weinstein said in regard to King's Speech , the emphasis should not be on who everyone likes , but rather on those who actually vote for Oscars like.

To me the same is true with critical reviews . You seem to see all critical reviews as having the same weight /prestige. While I agree that we ,along with all who write film reviews , have a right to our opinion, I , personally , don't think all reviews or opinions carry the same prestige /weight as a thumbs up from Darghis, Turan, Ebert, Travers, Denby, Variety, Hollywood Reporter when it comes to Academy voters. Reviewers who were very complimentary regarding Leo's performance.

Or as Harvey would say, "It's not a matter of what everyone thinks of Leo's peformance, when it comes to Oscar nods it is a matter of what those who actually nominate for BFCA, SAG, Oscars think of Leo's performance.

And with the the BFCA announcing 12/12 , the SAG announcing 12/13 we will soon know how the majority of those who are in a positiion to vote on Oscar precursor awards felt about Leo's performance :)

By Princess

Thanks for article :)


I have to leave , but will reply to your PM soon :)

I don't really even care about the awards although it would be great if Leo was recognized. I just don't see him getting the same respect when it comes to critics that some other actors get, especially people like Gosling - he's like the darling right now of everybody. And even though I basically agree that others' opinion don't matter, you can't help but want critics to like your favorite actor. And I think there is a correlation between how a film/perf. is received by critics, and how people vote. Maybe I'm too sensitive when it come to Leo, but it seems like he gets more criticism than others. But also I think he needs to stay away from bio pics for a while cause it's become a cliche or something with him now, and it's something else they criticize him about and also personally too, I think I want him to do something different. I hope hope he doesn't do Sinatra cuz I don't think that's going to turn out well from him - too many people have this idea how Sinatra should be played and everything - and I just don't see Leo playing Sinatra no matter how good I think he is.

btw, I do see a difference of the value of certain critics, but as many respectable critics praised Leo, it's equally some other respectable critics who didn't like him in J Edgar - have you read ALL the reviews on RT?

I see what you mean. Although I do feel leo does get major respect from critics.

But like Ox said, it really matters about WHO gave the review when it comes to awards.

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I think there is this...I don't know how to say it without making it sound too crazy or like some real serious issue....but I think there is almost this built in dislike of Leo with some critics and people. I think they seem him as a try hard, which I find to be completely absurd. You always see people throw around the whole "oh Leo's making another serious movie yet again" or "oh Leo crying again." Blah blah. But on the other hand, him not winning an Oscar yet almost gives him this ~~vibe~~/~edge~ to some people - it starts the whole thing that gets built around him where people are like: LEO HASN'T WON AN OSCAR YET?! WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE?! So? In ways, I think it's a double edged sword. :rofl: I don't know if any of that makes sense.

And Leo is doing non bio stuff with Gatsby and the Django. And isn't Harvey behind Django? UGH. Harvey is annoying. I know he gets people/movies Oscars but for people who pay attention to the film business, his backing has almost become a joke. That's why anyone who is closely associated with him becomes a joke or people start making hints that said person is sleeping with him/paying him off to get somewhere. HE HAS TOO MUCH ~POWER~. :rofl: That doesn't make sense either.

Also yeah, people are up Ryan's ass right now because he's finally hitting the big time but that'll fade when people get over the newness.

And let's leave this blah blah blah post of mine with this:


:sex: :sex:

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Have I read all the reviews at RT ? No . And why might one ask ???

I guess the best way to respond to that is to tell you something about me :)

In my life, my opinon of myself matters to me. Inaddition of the years of my life, beyond family, I have met people at school /work who have earned my respect & admiration. Their opinion of me /my work matters to me. I do not seek the approval /validation of my worth from all.

I may be wrong , but I've always felt the same was true of Leo. Maybe, that is why I've been a long time fan of his . That even though we are for all general purposes strangers , I think we share some common bonds .

I believe Leo has his opinion of himself as an actor. At the same time , I believe, there are others artists in the industry who have earned his respect & admiration. I think their opinion of his acting matters to him. However, like me, I don't think he seeks approval /validation of his worth as an actor from all

Which leads to our current discussion of critics. Over the years there are critics whose critical opinions of movies I've come to value. I may not always agree with them, but I feel they demonstrated to me that they have a value /worth as a critic. So when it comes to seeking out film reviews I seek the critical opinons of those critics I respect /admire. I don't seek the opinions of all critics. I don't value the opinons of all critics.

As to this coming award season, whether Leo receives /doesn't receive an Oscar nomination won't change my opinion of his performance in J Edgar.

At same time, whether he receives a nomination or not will not change my opinion that he is has the respect of those in the industry who he respects /admires.

From having followed the awards game in recent years, I've come to realize it is truly a game. A game that is not just about quality of performance. Thus I'm not one that feels that when Leo doesn't get a nomination that means he is less respected as an actor /his work is less respected/ his position in the realm of actors is less.

As a fellow long time Leo fan once told me , and I agree with her : An Oscar on Leo's mantle can't give him acting talent he doesn't truly have, and ,nor, can lack of an Oscar on his mantle diminish the acting talent he truly has :)

By Princess

Thanks for tumblrs ;love how he talks with his hands :)


I think that is a good idea (Y) (Y)

I think I will just talk about award season again here if Leo gets nominated


Gosh what a great pix you've brought us today :)

As to Harvey, yes, his skill at winning at Oscar game playing may results in wins for his candidates, but, not all (I being one ) believe that winning is everything/the only thing. I believe how you play the game is still more important than the end result.

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^Agreed Ox. Plus we don't pay enough attention to the other actors, but they always get critisism for the roles they take, we just pay attention to leo, and we don't know whats going on with the other actors. Critics are critics to every actor ;)

Barbie did you get my PM?

Bari and Princess: Lovely pics and gifs (the pic you posted bari is HOT HOT!)

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Kat I have to tell you this but you must be the female version of Leo. Girl you really love models :p

haha I guess thats a good way to put it :laugh:

But I love models, and most imporantly fashion. Always been looking at Vogue eds, and in fashion magazines. Relative used to write for Vogue Italia. My passion for fashion! So of course I'm gonna love paying attention to models :D :p

Chanel is too gorgeous in my set anywho. :p

Ox: R u gonna respond to my PM? :cry2:

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Kat I have to tell you this but you must be the female version of Leo. Girl you really love models :p

haha I guess thats a good way to put it :laugh:

But I love models, and most imporantly fashion. Always been looking at Vogue eds, and in fashion magazines. Relative used to write for Vogue Italia. My passion for fashion! So of course I'm gonna love paying attention to models :D :p

Chanel is too gorgeous in my set anywho. :p

In my case I'm very faithful to barbie palvin :p My number 1 model :wub:

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^Barbaras incredibly gorg :heart: Candice is def. my number 1! Although its a close call with Emily Didonato ;)

Okay heres the Tosh.O Clip I was talking about. This is a very popular american TV show, and Daniel Tosh is a comedian. He pretends he is auditioning to host the Oscars. He takes a dig at leo and J.Edgar, and alot of other celebs, but its still pretty funny :rofl: (his dig at George Clooney is the funniest :laugh: )

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I'm resending again the pm I sent earlier, I hope it reaches you this time :)

Thanks for video clip; I remember you telling us about it.

Also , you make a good point.

Plus we don't pay enough attention to the other actors, but they always get critisism for the roles they take, we just pay attention to leo, and we don't know whats going on with the other actors. Critics are critics to every actor
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You are just gossiping about me huh? I know,I know! :laugh:

I'm not that jealous girls,I can share him with you all!! Oxford,I wish I were in Sydney right now,but unfortunately I am not! So,I'm not able to give further information about Leo!! :( Actually I had promised him I would go to Sydney to mee him,but my schedule is full! LOL :laugh: I love kidding girls! hehe

Barilace...heart attack with this pic in 3,2,1.....

Ps...Loved the pic with Leo and his godson! :wub:

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I see time for our monthly group hug :grouphug::grouphug:

Infact that's the best thing abour this forum, even when there is no new Leo news or pix, the posters here are fun to chat with :)


Your schedule is full. Do you mean full of rubbing Leo's broad shoulders ? :p

Oxford...you are teasing me girl.... :drool: :laugh:

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