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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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12 hours ago, Mirella said:

It is not easy to steal the spotlight from Leo but Alejandro makes a good attempt. 

When Leo was younger his interviews were so much fun to watch. He was so cute and goofy and passionate I loved it. When I was a teen I could watch him hours talking no kidding 😍 It went my parents crazy LOL


Nowadays he's most of the time -well I don't want to say boring- but... unmotivated? Honestly I don't watch most of his interviews anymore because it's just painful for my eyes to see him tired, kinda empty and literally everywhere but not in the moment of those interviews. Maybe it's just me...

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My brother-in-law is an actual rancher and Caucasian. I keep trying to get him to submit for these parts, but he refuses. 

July 5, 2021
Businessmen & Rancher Types Needed for Major Feature Film
Men to play either businessmen or cowboy/rancher types are needed on or about July 20 and then on occasional days following for scenes in a major feature film, now shooting in Oklahoma.
The men need to either appear as businessmen or rancher types in 1920s Oklahoma. Clothing sizes need to be a size 38-48 coat or smaller, and a size 28-40 waist. Facial hair is a plus but not required. Contemporary haircuts cannot be considered.
These need to be men who have not yet appeared in the film.
Filming is scheduled in Pawhuska, OK.
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Thanks so much for the detailed story and vids about your visits to Pawhuska ; it is much appreciated , as it gives us a glimpse into the filming that we would never have without you making an extra effort to visit set, etc  :flower: :flower: :flower: 
At same time , thanks so much , for reply to my questions regarding recent Inlonshka , I've , personally, very much enjoyed learning all of this type information that you have shared with us along the way. 
As to pix of Leo/Ernest or lack of them :
I think it can be attributed to several factors 
First,   bystanders ability to take pix of Leo /Ernest depends on him doing an  'outside scene' in downtown Pawhuska where he is required to stand 'outside' for a period of time. 
As look at how many pix were snapped of him when he did the exiting train scene where he had to stand outside the train for a period of time with extras combined with him then having to walk back to his car/trailer/or locale where he was then out of camera site
As the pix we have gotten of Leo in downtown area of Pawhuska were a vid of him rehearsing a scene with Lily where she gets out of  car , and he runs over to her that takes place in middle of street.   The next vid we got was of Leo at one point jumping off a wagon as it traveled down the main street of Pawhuska 
So IFFF there are future scenes which require Ernest to be outside in downtown Pawhuska for a period of time , we might get some more pix/vids
Otherwise , from what I can tell they have filmed at locales outside of Pawhuska that have allowed them to block off public traffic/people at such a distance that even if you were a fan and went to filming site, you are too far away to 'see' anything /take pix 
As think about OUATIH ,  the pix we got of Leo were mainly when Brad and he were driving down Hollywood streets, as Tarantino wasn't able to totally block all the nearby streets off to local people with cameras.   Whereas when they were filming at Rick's house /Brad's trailer/ Playboy Mansion , or Sharon's house = they were able to block locals far away , and we got no pix 
Secondly, as we know from the friend of Sugarwater , as well as, Sugarwater's own experiences = timing is everything.  If her friend had not stopped in a store with her Mom, she would have seen Leo.  If Sugarwater had not arrived on the set when she did , she would not have seen Cara and Lilly getting out of the car 
It seems recently they are doing 'indoor' scenes with the principals, and unless you just happen to be there when Leo exits his black SUV to either enter the building or exit it , you are out of luck,  and , let's face it , as fans we have no idea 'when/at what time' Leo will be dropped off or exit , and most people don't have the free time to go to set every day or  stand around all day 
Thirdly, as we've discussed on the forum many times, we always loved when Leo went to NY ,as New Yorkers were more apt to tweet when they saw him or post a pic on their Twitter feed or IG page 
As I do feel some locals have gotten pix of Leo on set, but they are not people who are going to post it on Twitter or IG , they have just shared it with friends 
Lastly, years ago I had contact with a fan who was able to see Leo when he was filming WOWS . Naturally when I was chatting with her, I had hoped that she had taken lots of pix of him that she would be able to share with me 
And when I asked her about pix , she told me the following :  I have been a fan for years, and I knew this was probably the only time in my life I would be able to see Leo in person, and I just wanted to take him all in , and not only see him through an Iphone camera lens 
A sentiment I have heard  others say about why they no longer take pix at their child's recital/game/ graduation/etc = that they don't want their memory of the event be of them only seeing it /experiencing it through a camera lens 
So while at the time I was shocked that she didn't snap any pix of him as time has gone on I've come to understand better her viewpoint 
As to your sentiments below about Leo /recent interviews, as you may recall, I expressed those same sentiments after he finished doing the pr tour for Once 
I feel, like me , none of his long time fans watch such interviews thinking for one moment he is going to talk about his personal life, etc, so that he doesn't is certainly not something that  makes me have a less favorable view of his interviews 
Plus Leo has enough 'power' that even before he sits down, interviewers are given a list of what topics to avoid with him or interview will end, so it is not like he is 'tensing' up because any minute he feels he is about to be asked to reply to a subject/topic that is sensitive to him 
Rather my turnoff is that he seems to have a rehearsed set of responses that he gives no matter what he is being asked , that he is not really engaging /listening to the interviewer, that he is on 'auto pilot' 
Yes, there were a few moments in those  Once interviews where  he got off his rehearsed script of replies,etc,  but  even then, I felt that was due more to reacting to what his co stars had just said /laughed about rather than the question posed to him 
Will things be any different with DLU or KOTFM interviews, I guess, we'll just have to wait and see :p 

When Leo was younger his interviews were so much fun to watch. He was so cute and goofy and passionate I loved it. When I was a teen I could watch him hours talking no kidding 😍 It made my parents crazy LOL


Nowadays he's most of the time -well I don't want to say boring- but... unmotivated? Honestly I don't watch most of his interviews anymore because it's just painful for my eyes to see him tired, lifeless and literally everywhere but not in the moment of those interviews. Maybe it's just me


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58 minutes ago, oxford25 said:

Will things be any different with DLU or KOTFM interviews, I guess, we'll just have to wait and see :p

Is netflix doing this kind of promo stuff? I honestly couldn't say LOL


Just got my OUATIH book out of my mailbox 😍

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I think for sure there will be pr interviews for DLU , but with so many other cast members to do them , I do wonder how many will include Leo 


Jennifer is normally much more laid back in her interviews , so , maybe , that will loosen Leo up some , or at least I can hope :p 





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2 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:

When Leo was younger his interviews were so much fun to watch. He was so cute and goofy and passionate I loved it. When I was a teen I could watch him hours talking no kidding 😍 It went my parents crazy LOL


Nowadays he's most of the time -well I don't want to say boring- but... unmotivated? Honestly I don't watch most of his interviews anymore because it's just painful for my eyes to see him tired, kinda empty and literally everywhere but not in the moment of those interviews. Maybe it's just me...

One of my friends said that Leo sounded like everything he said had gone through at least ten people for approval before he said it. If that is true (it is not totally unlikely) he could just cut it down to two trusted people maybe🙃 would make a difference. 


His PR for Once was painful to watch for me. He says nothing interesting outside the script and looks like he doesn't want to be there. Just my opinion. 


He is one of the most charismatic people to interview and I hope they make an effort to get that back in him. I watched Notting hill and wondered what question you would ask Leo if you hadn't watch his latest movie and needed to come up with really good ones to write something amazing about him. I am still thinking about it. 😂


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He's hating and always hated (since Titanic) promotion of his movies, like interviews and photoshoots. That's why he's not appeared in talk shows (except Ellen, cause they are buddies) and has not so much photoshoots in magazines. He promoted well only 2 movies - The Wolf of Wall Street & The Aviator, just because he produced them.

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^What about The Revenant? Don't think he had a movie with more promo than this one #oscar buzz


The ones with him an Tom Hardy were partly even fun to watch :p




Talking about body language Leo is even leaning FORWARD in this interview. That's big for him being that much into it lol While Tom is very much into in whatever he's eating :rofl:







Maybe @oxford25 is right and he needed just the "right" partner who's going with him through that sh!t. Same for Tom. He isn't the easiest person to interview I've heard multiple times :D


Great dynamic of those two. Sharing literally everything. Love them :heart:




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7 hours ago, Jade Bahr said:

^What about The Revenant? Don't think he had a movie with more promo than this one #oscar buzz


The ones with him an Tom Hardy were partly even fun to watch :p




Talking about body language Leo is even leaning FORWARD in this interview. That's big for him being that much into it lol While Tom is very much into in whatever he's eating :rofl:







Maybe @oxford25 is right and he needed just the "right" partner who's going with him through that sh!t. Same for Tom. He isn't the easiest person to interview I've heard multiple times :D


Great dynamic of those two. Sharing literally everything. Love them :heart:




Those two are great together 😂😂😂 The chemistry is undeniable. Leo is so serious, eloquently answering the person doing the intervju and Tom barely listening to the questions. He is at his best when he has someone like that next to him.  They looked like they were having fun. ❤ 


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Speaking of future DLU pr interviews , I wonder if Leo will do any interviews with Meryl 


I always liked these pix of Hank & Mom from Oscar event 


I loved how in last pic she had her hand around the back of his head :heart: 

567E589B-E28E-45EF-8348-75FEF99E26DB.jpeg D2D72904-6C52-4C6D-A51E-312BFD379BFF.jpeg A273F128-C16A-48A5-A6A3-FDDAE6F3A172.jpeg 333ADC77-CA05-4313-A08F-BBDE749A6387.jpeg
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39 minutes ago, oxford25 said:

Speaking of future DLU pr interviews , I wonder if Leo will do any interviews with Meryl 


I always liked these pix of Hank & Mom from Oscar event 


I loved how in the last pic she had her hand around the back of his head :heart: 

567E589B-E28E-45EF-8348-75FEF99E26DB.jpeg D2D72904-6C52-4C6D-A51E-312BFD379BFF.jpeg A273F128-C16A-48A5-A6A3-FDDAE6F3A172.jpeg 333ADC77-CA05-4313-A08F-BBDE749A6387.jpeg

Oh my God please yes! She is like God's gift to the industry. She and Leo in an interview would be a wish come true for me.🙃 Love her ❤


Have you seen Hope springs? Their body language on the couch.😂 

This is one of my favorite movies. 

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On 7/5/2021 at 1:01 PM, oxford25 said:


Thanks so much for the detailed story and vids about your visits to Pawhuska ; it is much appreciated , as it gives us a glimpse into the filming that we would never have without you making an extra effort to visit set, etc  :flower: :flower: :flower: 
At same time , thanks so much , for reply to my questions regarding recent Inlonshka , I've , personally, very much enjoyed learning all of this type information that you have shared with us along the way. 


You’re very welcome. I’m glad you enjoy it. Kinda still off topic, but kinda KOTFM related… here are a couple of clips from when I attended the 2019 Cherokee Nation intertribal powwow. One is men and the other is women. The people standing inside the circle not dancing are judges. These are competition dances.



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I agree with everything that everyone has said regarding Leo and interviews. Usually by the third interview, I’ve got his answers memorized and can say them verbatim right along with him. 😂 He’s not giving up anything extra unless he’s in a really good mood. Such a Scorpio. 

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Leo is best when he has someone like Tom, who couldn't care less, beside him in an interview but he is one of the most interesting people to interview. You can't get almost one hour out of a person talking about something so elegantly as Leo does if he is uninterested in it. 


He shows his knowledge humbly but you can feel that he wants to talk about it. 


People can say that he hates this and think that is boring but I disagree. Leo loves his job and is good at it. Interviews included. 


And also Tom has to have very chill people around him that don't come after him about his attitude in interviews, that or they gave up a long time ago trying to make him be someone he is not. 

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From recent interview , interesting that Tarantino's favorite  scene in the movie was the one he deleted with Leo and the little girl actress



Quentin Tarantino revealed on the ReelBlend podcast that his favorite scene in the “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” script was removed from the film’s theatrical release. The scene was an emotional phone conversation between Rick Dalton (Leonardo DiCaprio) and child actor Trudi Fraser (Julie Butters), footage of which debuted in the trailer for the “Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” novelization.

“That was my favorite scene in the script. So the idea that that wouldn’t be in the movie was unfathomable,” Tarantino said. “I think it was probably Leo’s favorite scene that he shot. We were in tears. It was the only time … I’ve gotten misty-eyed every once in a while when I was shooting this scene versus that scene. But that thing, I mean, Julia [Butters] was in tears every time we finished every tak









Tks for Cherokee intertribal powwow clip :) 



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2 hours ago, oxford25 said:

From recent interview , interesting that Tarantino's favorite  scene in the movie was the one he deleted with Leo and the little girl actress










Tks for Cherokee intertribal powwow clip :) 



If he loved this scene so much why wasn't it included on the blu-ray? Makes me think there will be something coming. Maybe a director's cut version or a tv series or something.

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July 7, 2021
5'5"- 5'7" Adult Male Needed Tomorrow, July 8, for Major Film
A Caucasian male, aged 18-30, 5'5" - 5'7" tall, is needed tomorrow, Thursday, July 8, for scenes in a major feature film, now shooting in Oklahoma. The person will play a 1920s-era movie theater usher.
The man needs to have a 27-30 waist with a 28-30 length, and wear a size 36 coat. Contemporary haircuts and/or bleached or dyed hair cannot be considered.
Filming will be around 11:00 am until eveningin Pawhuska, OK.
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