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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Apparently Leo revisted Sydney aquarium Monday 9/19 and also this time adjacent Wild Life Sydney.

Sydney Aquarium

Leonardo DiCaprio came back in again today, and he also popped over to meet the koalas next door at Wild Life Sydney.

7 minutes ago via Facebook


Yes,how exciting that before day is over we'll see J Edgar trailer :clap::clap:

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Access Hollywood airs at 7:00 or 7:30 p.m. (19:00 - 19:30) in the evening in most areas of the U.S. The east coast will get it first, and it's almost 1:00 p.m. (13:00) in the afternoon there. So about six more hours to go for east coast. Should we start a countdown? :D

Schedules by zip code can be found at LocateTV

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And for sure I want that Leo settle down!!! :yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::yes:

For sure... as soon as possible. I want to see his babies parading the beauty that God gave him. :hehe:

@YaYaPublicity YaYa Publicity

Leonardo Dicaprio looks ravishing on the cover of @GQfashion. Our entire office is drooling. :drool: :drool: :drool:

há 1 hora via web

I thought the GQ magazine just came out in october... but as well, already have people with this magazine in hands? You girls (U.S.) bought? :idk:

Tks girl for all news and tweets :wave: .

TRAILER, TRAILER, TRAILER :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:. I'll be waiting... nor that this trailer airs at dawn I'll wait and see. :laugh:

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Access Hollywood airs at 7:00 or 7:30 p.m. (19:00 - 19:30) in the evening in most areas of the U.S. The east coast will get it first, and it's almost 1:00 p.m. (13:00) in the afternoon there. So about six more hours to go for east coast. Should we start a countdown? :D

Schedules by zip code can be found at LocateTV

Oh yeah. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

Tks for the info JouJou :flower: .

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5 hours to go... :wave:

The Aviator comes out on Blu Ray today in the UK.... the extras look the same as the Special Edition DVD, but new reviews coming in...

Front Row Reviews

The Aviator Blu Ray Review

By Dan Cole

Published: September 19, 2011


Arguably the biggest draw to this film would be director Martin Scorsese, but although the film is quite the technical marvel it would seem that upon further viewing it is perhaps DiCaprio who steals the show. His portrayal of Hughes is nothing short of remarkable as he erases all memories of his performance in Titanic, which Scorsese's previous outing with DiCaprio Gangs Of New York didn't quite manage. This is probably due to the material he has to work with as John Logan's script has the actor twist and turn through the tumultuous life of the legendary film maker. DiCaprio's Hughes lights up the screen, bringing a sense of enthusiasm and determination which is infectious as you begin to get swept up in Hughes' ambitions, waiting to see what he comes up with next. DiCaprio also shows the character's OCD as not just a burden that is switched on for effect but as a crutch which is as much a part of the man as it is intertwined with the story. This is most effective when Hughes is trying to hide his affliction from the other characters, the mannerisms are there to remind the audience but we also see a man trying his hardest to stay together and the effect is subtle but powerful. It is this level of discipline and dedication that DiCaprio brings to his performance which allows him to claim Hughes as his own and it is hard to imagine anyone else in the role and it is perhaps his defining performance.

The Film Pilgrim

Of course, a biopic of this length needs a strong central performance to pull everything together and retain the viewers' interest. DiCaprio achieves this excellently; what he lacks in physical resemblance to Hughes he makes up for in the great deal of research he has clearly put into the character, allowing him to inhabit the role perfectly. Leo's Hughes is a walking contradiction, struggling to combine life in the public image with his obsessive tendencies. Gaining in subtlety and nuances as the character develops and his troubles worse, Hughes' compulsions are not the central focus of the film but are scattered throughout his interactions with other character s,for example, the billionaire has to interrupt a meeting with an airline executive to make him clean a speck of dirt from his lapel. The character is presented in a believable manner that allows the audience to be shocked at some of his colder characteristics, such as his cavorting around with various Hollywood starlets, yet feel sorry for a man who is, deep down, very ill. While the film concentrates on the more glamourous periods of his life, it would have been interesting to see DiCaprio's take on Hughes' later years, isolated in dark hotel rooms until his death in 1976. Nevertheless, with Scorsese's love of the period and the length of the film, it's understandable why it ends when it does, showing us Hughes in his prime while hinting at the troubles he'd face later.
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Really really hope he will have babies eventually

Awwwww me too :wub:

I thought the GQ magazine just came out in october... but as well, already have people with this magazine in hands? You girls (U.S.) bought?

Well the name of the issue is always a month before the actual month. Like the september issue of a mag comes out in August, October issue comes out in September and so on :p

Only 3 more hours until the trailer is on Access! Can't wait to watch it. I really hope it lives up to my expectations!

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Really really hope he will have babies eventually

Awwwww me too :wub:

I thought the GQ magazine just came out in october... but as well, already have people with this magazine in hands? You girls (U.S.) bought?

Well the name of the issue is always a month before the actual month. Like the september issue of a mag comes out in August, October issue comes out in September and so on :p

Week ago, saw the GQ with the DiCaprio cover at the airport.

Michael Gaston who had a sma

ll part in Inception

MG: How was it working on “Inception”?

M.Gaston: It was a tiny part that was about a day’s worth of work. I really admire Chris Nolan as he is astonishing. Leonardo DiCaprio is a real gentleman and very good at what he does. It was great to see him again.

MG: Can you tell us about your upcoming film “Everybody Loves Whales”?

M.Gaston: The film is based on actual events. A family of whales was stuck under the polar ice and it’s reported by a green peace member in Alaska. The news makes its way onto the NBC national news and the story becomes not only nationwide news but worldwide news.


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