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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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So Leo is supposedly considering or being considered for The Revenant by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu (yeah I know we get dozens of these):

According to this trade site, although their posts are password protected:

MyTrackingBoard The Tracking Board

Leonardo DiCaprio and Sean Penn Consider Revenge for Alejandro Inarritu - bit.ly/q10hNS

Here is some more details on the synopsis and script of the movie:

Michael Punke‘s novel The Revenant, a dire revenge tale set in raw 1800s America, has been in the hands of Warner Bros for almost a decade. John Hillcoat was once linked to the film, with Christian Bale said to be attached to star; prior to that Park Chan-wook and Samuel L. Jackson were linked. As you read more info on the tale of a man wronged and bent on retribution, you’ll quickly see why either of those pairings might have been a great idea. But those configurations aren’t happening.

There is a script by Mark L. Smith, and Akiva Goldsman is producing. And now Babel and Biutiful director Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu is reportedly set to break out of the mode he established in those films by directing The Revenant.

The Wrap has the news, but not much more detail. It’s a great-sounding story, though, and one while would keep some of Innaritu’s characteristic interaction between characters, but present it in a very different setting. Reading the basics of the book, it’s easy to see why Warners has been developing this for some time. If I had this property I wouldn’t let it go, either.

Here’s the book synopsis:

Michael Punke’s The Revenant tells a story of nearly unimaginable human endurance over 3,000 miles of uncharted American wilderness, spanning what is today the Dakotas, Montana, Wyoming, and Nebraska. Based on the real life of fur trapper Hugh Glass, The Revenant recounts the toll of envy and betrayal, and the power of obsession and vengeance. Punke’s novel opens in 1823, when thirty-six-year-old Hugh Glass joins the Rocky Mountain Fur Co. on a venture into perilous, unexplored territory. After being savagely mauled by a grizzly bear, his nearly lifeless body is left in the care of two volunteers from the company—John Fitzgerald, a ruthless mercenary, and young Jim Bridger, the future “King of the Mountain Men.” When Indians approach their camp, Fitzgerald and Bridger abandon Glass. Worse yet, they rob the wounded man of his weapons and tools—the very things that might have given him a chance on his own. Deserted, defenseless, and furious, Glass vows his survival. And his revenge

No word one which of the roles Leo and Sean might be playing though I'm guessing Leo would be the central character looking for revenge.

I know we always get a lot of these potential projects for Leo but I posted this because Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu is one of my absolute favorite directors ever (I used to wish he would work with Blake) and it would be so cool to see them work together. He directed Javier Bardem to an Oscar Nomination for Best Actor last year, and Benicio Del Toro to a Best Supporting Actor Nom for Traffic. He is so talented and it would be an absolute dream to see what he and Leo (and Sean) put out. I guess the project is getting set up at Warners.

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Woo hoo the moment we've all been waiting for is so close... trailer time !!!!! yippee :fun:

Damn those Disc jockey's are not playing! :laugh: Taking pictures of a chair? Though I must admit if I were in that position i'd probably do something silly like that too :p This isn't just any celeb it's Leo! However, gotta say good luck to them in getting a call from Leo .... ummm sorry boys don't think that'll happen lol.

Delighted that my beloved 'Lion King' did well at the box office again... I really hope Titanic follows pursuit and does well next year too ;)

Hmmm another rumoured Leo project.. we shall see how this pans out. Sounds interesting though!

Thank you all for the news!!

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I just watched it live, and it looks sooooo AMAZINGGGG!!! Wow, Leos accent sounds sooo good, the makeup is fantastic, and it looks awesome!! :woot: It looks very intense, and the guns shooting, and stuff blowing up, doesn't look like its going to be a boring biopic!!!

It defiently lived up to my expectations! :D :clap:

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J Edgar trailer

It looks great ! :clap::clap:

The trailer makes me even more interested in seeing the film. I hope it has that effect on others. (Y) (Y)

GQ with Leo on cover

Yes, it is out. I bought my issue this past Friday .

I mentioned that day on board that I was looking at the article and that ,unlike the limited online version of it, the reader learns that Leo

actually came to interview using a cane, that is how much his foot was bothering him.


Thanks for great "Aviator" reads :)

Also, thanks, for helping everyone with timing for AH /J Edgar airing :)


Thanks for adorable collage of Leo and Ruby :)

The column with the boat pix at INF said that Leo was so adorable with Ruby that one could forgive his choice in loud floral swimsuit :laugh:


Thanks for all the information about possible The Revenant by Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu project :)

It certainly is one that interests me .

Also, thanks, for making us a clip of J Edgar. I had to laugh when you said you were nervous taping it , as I was nervous watching

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Commentary about the trailer from Slash film

And, just in case you thought Clint Eastwood might change up the measured, calm style he has practiced in the past, forget it: this is pure, deliberate Eastwood. In this case, that’s probably a good thing. Too early to judge the overall impact of the film based on just this bit of footage, but the period recreation appears to be spot-on without feeling put on


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'J. Edgar' Trailer: Epic First Look Look at Eastwood's New Film with Leonardo DiCapri

Are we looking at a major Oscar contender?

Leonardo DiCaprio in J. Edgar

It premiered on Access Hollywood tonight, but thankfully Warner Bros. didn't leave us to post shoddy bootlegs as the first trailer for Clint Eastwood's J. Edgar has arrived giving you a first look at the upcoming film, a film I have ranked high on several of my early Oscar predictions including Best Picture, Actor and Director.

The film stars Leonardo DiCaprio as the controversial FBI director J. Edgar Hoover with a screenplay by the Oscar-winning Milk scripter, Dustin Lance Black. DiCaprio stars alongside Armie Hammer, Judi Dench, Ed Westwick, Josh Lucas, Naomi Watts, Stephen Root, Jeffrey Donovan, Miles Fisher and Geoff Pierson and the film is set to hit limited theaters on November 9 and then expand wide on November 11 after skipping the fall film festival circuit.

I watched a little of the trailer and the first obvious takeaway is DiCaprio trying to sound like Hoover and wow does that makeup of him as an older Hoover look a bit like… Jon Voight? Armie Hammer looks like he'll add a little something great to his role as Associate Director of the FBI Clyde Tolson and I really like the music. Do I need to add Judi Dench as Hoover's mother, Anna Marie, to the list of Supporting Actress contenders

Have a look and see what you think. Are we looking at a serious Oscar contender or another Eastwood film that doesn't live up to his reputation? Personally, I think it looks epic, but that's just me.


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Below is the theater trailer in all of it's glory



Yes, there is more movie talk , what it is like trying to get movies made at this point in time,etc conversation with Leo.

But in case anyone was wondering there is no talk at all about any aspect of his personal life.

Is there a lot more to the interview/article than what was posted online?
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love this one

Well, here it is (finally): the trailer for Clint Eastwood’s biopic J. Edgar has made its debut. Clint’s recent filmography forces me to be cautious, but this looks like his first winner since 2008.

Leonardo DiCaprio obviously hogs most of the time in the trailer as the titular FBI director, but we also get a good look at Armie Hammer’s work as Hoover’s rumored lover. Both of the actors look completely in tune with the men they're portraying. Brief glimpses of Judi Dench and Naomi Watts pop up as well, and while they’re worth looking forward to, it’s difficult to gauge what their performances might be like in the actual film.

It seems as if DiCaprio’s early frontrunner status is justified; the Oscar is as good as his if he's as consistently terrific as he is in this trailer


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You know one thing girls...

I get really moved when I see all this euphoria about our beloved Leo! :) I'm very proud of being his fan,and I'm sure it was the best choice I could have done! That's Leo,he's The King,he's The Best, he's The Actor,and now he is...History! Leo characterized as an old man...I have no words girls....

I'm sooooooooooooo happy for this trailer,Gosh...we want you Oscar!!!! :weightlift: :dance: :guitar:

Forgot to say ....Thank you Oxford for this amazing trailer!!!

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I have no words, this trailer is AMAZING. Just with 2 minutes and Leo's TERRIFIC, his voice is so different, oh my it's incridible. :blink: Now I see why this movie already have Oscar buzz, totally comprehensible all this excitement. And now my expectation is A LOT HIGHER. Really I'am speechless and thrilled, it worth the wait. :clap: :hell yea!: :ddr::woot::thumbsup:

thanks for the better version, aomg. I'am still in shock!

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I have no words, this trailer is AMAZING. Just with 2 minutes and Leo's TERRIFIC, his voice is so different, oh my it's incridible. Now I see why this movie already have Oscar buzz, totally comprehensible all this excitement. And now my expectation is A LOT HIGHER. Really I'am speechless and thrilled, it worth the wait.

Agreed!!! :hug:

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