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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Comments from interview with Taylor Lautner in which he talks about being at HFP and seeing Leo

I think it was just the fact that I was up there on this stage, talking to people that I've looked up to my entire life. I'm talking and presenting something and then, out of the corner of my eye, there's Leo [DiCaprio] and then there's George Clooney. It was tough for me to handle the situation

Coments from rapper Rick Ross who rapped at party Cannes attended in Cannes this past summer

Cannes,” he says, like the word transports him back. “That was my first time going there. Took the team over, ended up fucking around, getting some Ferraris, Lamborghinis, going to the Eden Roc, kicking it with a few homeys. Shout-out to Leonardo DiCaprio.”

Read more: Rick Ross Would Be The Best Freshman R.A.

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It's all part of the boyfriend/girlfriend cycle. Same with the break up/make up/cheating rumours. It's just a cycle - next it will be that his mum doesnt approve (again), then cheating, break up, makeup then back to engagement again. They basically keep going until they get one right :laugh:

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Slow news today, so here are parts of an interview with Bar.

Like usual avoiding Leo as much as possible, but in some things 'lil related :)

1/ Do you like to be interviewed?

"It's nice to hear original questions that make me think of things that I never thought of, like 'what's my biggest enemy?' of course french fries.. or 'What do I do when I meet a cockroach?' 'Kill it'. 'How?' 'With a flip flop'. Onve in a while there's a question that are deeper and make me know myself better but most interviews aren't like that. they're mostly about gossip. When I was 15 every interview started with 'Why does your mom come with you to all of your photo shoots?'. What do you mean why? because im a 15 year old girl in a cold and strange world. and 'Why does my dad fly with me to jobs abroad?' Because it's not fun to be there alone.

In the time I was with Leo it didn't matter the projects I did- all of the questions referred to him. I hated the "what's uuppppp?" They just waited me to say his name. I had journalists telling me these long stories just in the hope I would say anything in the end that they could refer it to Leo. Like i was born yesterday, real clever. I had straight forward journalists too- 'Why won't you talk about him?', and I would say 'Why should I? Give me one good reason'. They said 'the public wants to know, people are curious'. so I said 'So what? Why do I have to provide the gossip for people?'.

Did I have an agreement with Leo not to talk about our lives? No, there was no such thing. I had an agreement with myself and that applies to all of my partners. That's why I try to interview the less I can".

Did you ever get to say 'I love you' first?

"Actually? no, I was always told first"

12/ Do all of your man that you loved have a mutual quality?"They are all warm.. hugging, kissing.. I guess I picked them because I was raised in a house where you can't live the house without a kiss and a hug. Up until today when my mom talks about my dad her eyes sparkle. and he calls her 30 times a day just to share her with every little thing. Their relationship set up high standards for me. My dad is a role model for a man. He is very manly and strong and gives you confidence and yet funny and makes fun of himself. I still remember how he would comb my hair before school and make us all really good sandwiches. I recently heard a lecture of an American business man that said 'I got an illegal love from my parents' and I feel the same way. It's not that I was raised like a princess, but when you grow up feeling so loved, there's nothing that can break you".


More questions on love on her thread.

And BIG BIG thanks for the lovely SparkleyAdi for taking the time to translate :hug::heart:

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one more J.Edgar trailer review

The trailer for one of the potential Oscar-nominated movies of 2011, “J. Edgar,” has been released. I say it’s a potential Oscar-nominated film not only because it’s the (supposedly) unflinching, realistic biopic about a former U.S. president, but it is also directed by Oscar veterans Clint Eastwood and Leonardo DiCaprio.

The trailer for the film is below the post, and I have to say, that it looks really good. The trailer really brings across the totalitarian nature Hoover had over the country. And the aging makeup on DiCaprio isn’t so bad either. It would seem like the film is positioning itself to tell a “Citizen Kane”-style story. We shall see if the movie lives up to the trailer.

Here’s the synopsis of “J. Edgar”:

J. Edgar tells the story about the first director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation J. Edgar Hoover, who became the stern face of the FBI and law enforcement but also held secrets that could have ruined him in the public eye.”

The film, which also stars Naomi Watts, Josh Lucas, Armie Hammer, Ed Westwick, Lea Thompson, Dermot Mulroney, Judi Dench, Stephen Root and Jeffery Donovan, will be released November 9, 2011.


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Thanks everyone for the articles, tweets and whatnot!!! :hug: I love how many good reviews the trailer is getting. Now the count is on for a longer one!!! :laugh:

Thanks wijn for the snippets about the Bar interview. I can see why she said she would get sick of people asking her about Leo all the time. I would feel like no one cared about me, just him! Kinda felt bad for her in that point. But she didn't have anything bad to say about him, which is good :)

And about the tweet of Leo and Blake in Boston. Who in the hell knows. Could be a TOTAL random tweet, or could be the truth.

FYI I hear that Savages is done filming this week, and I think Blake has already finished. So just saying, it opens up her schedual quite a bit for Australia ;)

Hiii LaurenP825! :wave:

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I was just reading the comments of J.Edgar trailer on youtube

cute ones :p

Amazing trailer! One of the best of all times. Trust me, Leonardo DiCaprio will definitely win an Oscar this time. Cannot wait to see the movie.

supertramp1384 1 day ago

I cannot wait to see this movie... Goodness!!! I'm a huge DiCaprio fan and I believe he will definitely win Best Leading Actor on this one!

justinlpugh 20 hours ago

seems many people associate this movie to the Aviator just like me :p

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Article about release of J Edgar trailer from L.A. Times Envelope section

I definitely agree with Tom's comments about Oscar and Leo


Thank goodness there's a detective on the Oscar case — and the granddaddy of them all, no less: J. Edgar Hoover.

A senior sleuth is needed. As Warner Bros. releases the trailer to "J. Edgar," Clint Eastwood's latest flick starring Leonardo DiCaprio as the patriarch of the FBI, we're reminded of the lousy luck both have had at the Academy Awards of late. The mystery is why. Their work and reputations are impeccable. One of them did spectacularly well at Oscars past. Can they rally now with this impressive collaboration delving into the complex drama of one of America's most beguiling leaders?

DiCaprio has been nominated three times by Oscar voters: twice in lead ("Blood Diamond" in 2007 and "The Aviator" in 2005) and once in supporting ("What's Eating Gilbert Grape?" in 1994). He probably could've ridden "The Departed's" best picture wave to win for lead actor in 2006, but he campaigned in supporting, not wanting to compete against his rival turn in "Blood Diamond" (in which, granted, he had more screen time) — and that bid fell between the Oscar cracks. He deserved nominations for "Catch Me If You Can" (2002) and "Gangs of New York," but got skunked.

Clint Eastwood has won four Oscars, for both producing and directing best pictures "Million Dollar Baby" (2004) and "Unforgiven" (1992). He was last nominated for directing and producing best picture contender "Letters From Iwo Jima," which lost to "The Departed." Despite high expectations, Eastwood's other recent flicks failed to generate much Oscar heat: "Hereafter" (2010), "Invictus" (2009), "Gran Torino" (2008), "Changeling" (2008) and "Flags of Our Fathers" (2006).


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Thanks for Bar interview, and , as always mentioned, the never ending cycle of engagement/break up/pregnant,etc stories :)


Thanks for another J Edgar trailer review and You Tube trailer comments.:)

I hope that all of Leo's fans do go see J Edgar when it is released.


Thanks for news that Blake is finished filming Savages :)

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Review of J Edgar trailer from Total Film

If this trailer’s admissible as evidence, Leonardo DiCaprio looks set to finally bag a well-deserved Best Actor Oscar in 2012.

Whether he’s appearing as a young or old J Edgar Hoover in this trailer for Clint Eastwood’s long-awaited biopic, DiCaprio absolutely commands the screen.

And that’s before we’ve even seen the bits where he puts on a dress.

For anyone who doubted Leo’s chances of getting J Edgar’s distinctive voice right, this trailer takes seconds to assuage those doubts.

Seriously, this thing has multiple-Oscars written all over it. Check it out below, then tell us what you think.

Read more: Leonardo DiCaprio’s J Edgar trailer online | TotalFilm.com

Latest Leo Sydney tweets .The person claims they work at Fox Studios.

joannapiannaaJoanna Stewart

(p.s. I'm not stalking; i work at FOX Studios and they're filming The Great Gatsby here)

4 minutes ago

joannapiannaaJoanna Stewart

it's boiling, i have a tan, i live in a beautiful apartment with rooftop terrace, leonardo dicaprio is a constant 50m from me, I LOVE SYDNEY

6 minutes ago

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Hello girls!! :flower:

It's soo good to see all this Oscar buzz....I'm pretty sure he'll take it girls! :)

I hope that all of Leo's fans do go see J Edgar when it is released.

Oxford ...do you have any doubts on it? ;)

I'm just expecting for the great day we shall see him with that award in his hands, and it will be on my birthday! :laugh: My birthday is on February 26,and it will be a great gift for me! ;) :wub:

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Blog entry from person who happened to be at Porteno the night Leo and Tobey were there dining

Liz: There was a defining moment in the Foodie Five's dining experience at Porteno. It wasn't seeing the whole lambs and pigs being roasted over the asado (giant spit), nor was it being dazzled by the coiffed rockabilly get-up the staff. It was a moment after the meal, in the courtyard outside the restaurant when two men hurried past our little group.

Bianca dug her fingernails into my arm and said, "Oh my God. That was Tobey Maguire".

It was all downhill from there.

Jen: There was another moment, Liz, that put us even further on the downhill slope. Something to do with you taking a photo of the barman?

Liz: I was wondering why the other diners were looking at me while I was taking a photo of the spunky bartender. I thought they were impressed by my dress...or the big, professional-looking SLR I borrowed from Jess.

Jess: I reckon it was the camera too, but it could have been the fact that while you were snapping happily away at the barman, LEO DICAPRIO was standing RIGHT NEXT TO YOU!

I'm king of the world! and a

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oh, I hope so Pami! It would be a gift for all his fans and admiring of his work and amazing talent.

ox: I don't get all this story of your post. Can you please tell me exactly what happen... she missed Leo and wanted search him but the doorman didn't let her, is that?

Anyway, I feel sorry for her and I can totally understand her feelings, her biggest idol (mine too) so close to her and she wasn't able to see him, that sucks.

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