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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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For me the fact that Leo can win the oscar next year, becomes more possible due to: first, the competition isn't greater o better than his performance in J edgar. Second, they owe it him, and we know they are used to compensate, (see the case of Nicole Kidman, Renee Zellweger, etc...) even Kate Winslet after years of not winning and thousands of nominations, they finally gave it to her, and as on this occasion with J Edgar, her movie The Reader had no greater recognition or critical acclaim.

So like Kate, when she kicked Angelina Jolie's ass that year, next year will happen the same, but this time with Brad.

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I think Brad's a decent to good actor. He's never played anything that just GOT me the way Leo's characters/movies have done.

Still, I just find his whole persona to be grating. He comes across like he knows he's hot shit and as if we should all get on our knees and praise him and Angelina for their adopting children and doing other worthwhile charity things. I think all those things are great but a celebrity should help out when he or she has THAT much money. And I just don't like that his ~true, hard earned, real life~ (as if he should be awarded for just being a dad) is pushed into my face non-stop. Also the dude changes his entire personality and choice of clothing/etc depending on the woman he dates so...no. :rofl: And, yeah, his interviews are annoying and he says things are too revealing and then questions why the public is interested in his "normal" life with Angelina when he and Angelina put it on our faces alllllllllllllll the time.


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By Princess

I saw all nominated male performances last year, and I personally didn't think any were superior to Leo's SI performance, but , yet, the fact is he didn't receive a nomination ,much less , a win.

So , yes, I've seen J Edgar, and I , personally, think his performance is worthy not only of a nomination but a win, but as last year's Oscar contenders' list shows, that doesn't mean he will receive what I feel is a deserved nod/win.

And as to compensating. Kidman won because she had the sympathy of the voters after the split from Cruise. Kate finally won because she had the backer of ace Academy game player Harvey Weinstein behind her who is ,also, responsible for Rene Z's win.

Harvey Weinstein's backed candidates won 3 of the major NYC awards : film, director.

Last year he backed "King Speech" which won BP, BA, and BD at Oscars.

Getting nods is not just about excellence, but, also who is campaigning/ promoting you on the award circuit and none play the game better than Harvey Weinstein.

I assure you, By Princess, I feel Leo deserves an Oscar nod and an Ocar win, but, as I said long ago, I will only feel it is a sure thing when I hear his named called when they announce the BFCA, SAGS, Oscar nods.


I,also, think Brad ia good actor, but I don't see him as being at same level as Leo.


Thanks for J Edgar interview clip :)

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See this makes me not even want Leo to win since it's so freaking political, and I feel even when he does, people will just be like: he was so hard up for one so he paid someone off so he could win it. :/

Still, I hate you Brad. :rofl:

Also I think it was just criminal he didn't get at least nominated for Shutter Island. Please tell me where Jesse Eisenberg was better in TSN than Leo was in Shutter Island. Plz.

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Yes , it is is very disheartening when you realize that who gets nods/wins is not just about excellence in performance.

And, yes, I , too, was baffled by how Jesse's peformance was more award worthy than Leo's. And while I certainly thought Colin Firth gave an excellent performance in King's Speech, I didn't feel

it was more Oscar worthy than Leo's.

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I thought Colin was great and I think Jesse did a good job too. But Leo was FANTASTICCCCCCCCCCCCC in Shutter Island. That scene at the lake with his wife and kids should have been like AUTOMATIC OSCAR BOOM HERE YOU GO. What shocked me was that he didn't even GET a nomination. I didn't expect a win since the movie was pushed back into February or what have you but AT LEAST A NOMINATION since his performance was insanely amazing in Shutter Island.


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By Princess and Barilace

Okay, girls, which one of you posted the comment below on an Oscar blog in regard to Brad's NYC win ? :p

Since when was Brad Pitt an actor, much less the best one?


I totally agree with your comments above about Leo /ending scene/ etc. (Y) (Y)

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I have to say this opinion of mine that I've been thinking for a while.

I have to say, how every loved Inception, I'm started to like it less, and less. It was Great the first time I saw it, BETTER the second time I saw it, but for me every time I've seen it since the 2nd time Its gotten worse for me. I don't know, but I think there is no diologue in Inception. They went just a little to confusing and deep, that all the actors diologue was spent explaining to the audiance whats going on.

I don't know, but I'd pick Shutter Island over Inception by a longshot.

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All this talk about Oscar makes me impatient... I start to remember when Leo lost to Jamie Foxx, I cannot understand that until today :cry2:. Now even worse was that he was completely ignored by Shutter Island and Revolutionary Road. The Academy is all about politicking and backstage games :yuckky:.

Colin Firth deserved to win, in my opinion, as Natalie... both are terrific in their movies. The Social Network was good, but not so good as everyone was talking about... Jesse Eisenberg was the perfect choice to the role, but I think he play just himself. Just watch some of his interviews... he's so much like the character.

Thanks girls :hug:.

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Now I will give my opnion... :)

We all here know that Leo has been pursued since Titanic,his success was a rare thing to see and his beauty has always attracted the attention of many. As I always like to say,a person cant be talented and beautiful at the same time.I'm pretty sure Leo may be the most handsome man in Hollywood and how someone like this can be so great at it?In acting?For some people that's unacceptable! :( There are many mysteries behind it all. And like us, many people don't understand why he hasnt won an Oscar yet! That's quite weird! :blink: Brad Pitt was never a good actor and never will be,he was good at taking off his shirt to show off his abs! :laugh: And I need to say I liked Inception and his character,I liked his role and he was pretty good as Dom Cobb in my opinion, but of course SI was stupendous!

Great pics Solange!! :drool:

Kisses! :kiss:

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oh, I liked the comment from the actor who plays young Gatsby:

I think there are going to be some changes that surprise people. There’s a fairly essential change that I think people will appreciate, compared to some of the other Gatsby films that have been made. But, overall, it’s the classic Gatsby.

Princess: I totally understand your rage about Pitt because I feel exactly the same way, he's NOT actor close to Leo, NO, NO, NO and NO.

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oh ox, unfortunatelly I think you are right about this comment:

But when I saw Leo get no Oscar recognition for RR and SI , it was painfully obvious that award nominations and terrific performances don't necessarily go hand in hand.

Oscar sometimes seems like a dirty game, it's sad. I think I'am already starting to lose my faith, really I'am sad about all this, it's so unfair and it's not that just with Leo. All they want is audience and this couples who like to pose together on red carpet, SHAME!

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Really kat? I LOVED INCEPTION and I think is very intelligent but not confusing movie if you pay attention enough. It's not trying to explain all the time but like every movie that have an original story have to explain somethings to people don't get lost for the rest of the movie, but at the same time don't tell everything, the story goes

along with the movie. Well, but this is my opinion and you have all the right to have your opinion.

About Shutter Island, as I read the book first and I really loved the book and it's so much better than the movie, but still Leo did a great job, amazing performance, he for sure deserved a nomination for that.

In my opinion he was EVEN more snubbed when he wasn't nominated for RR, that is one of my favorites performances of him, he's was so incridible, I could feel the pain in his eyes, I was shocked on a good way. Even more ridiculous was Mickey Rourke won the GG over Leo that year, can someone explain that for me?

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