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Leonardo DiCaprio - (Please Read First Post Prior to Posting)


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Leonardo on Earth Day Event 2000.

2000, with Leo at the event "Earth Day" was also his mother and his friend Alex (right next to Leo in the white shirt), who is currently the chief Leova production company Appian way.


Leo at the Cinema for Peace Dinner, Cannes, France, 05/18/2011.

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Los Angeles, September 13, 2009

Paparazzi caught a break:

Leo in the trailer.

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How Milan grow up, he's seems to have the same height as Leo now. thanks for more pics, princess. I just love the way Leo cares for his godson, is cute.

I love to see him using wedding ring, don't know why... :laugh: haha


This pics from Inception set are very sexy apart from the horrible cigar. That pic from 2000 I never saw before and we can see his friend Alex. thanks again princess.

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Leo and Bar, Studio Universal, June 2010, Los Angeles.

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Leo and Vin Diesel in a club in Las Vegas, May 2010.


Leonardo on Maxim Hot 100 party party, 21.05.10.


Leonardo in the studio of the musician ELEW, 20.05.10.

Leonardo with his friends visited his studio May 20, 2010.

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How Milan grow up, he's seems to have the same height as Leo now. thanks for more pics, princess. I just love the way Leo cares for his godson, is cute.

I love to see him using wedding ring, don't know why... :laugh: haha


This pics from Inception set are very sexy apart from the horrible cigar. That pic from 2000 I never saw before and we can see his friend Alex. thanks again princess.

I also like that pics for the wedding ring... I'm tired of seeing Leo as "a single lady". Someone please! put a ring on it :laugh:

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Thanks princess for all the old and cool pics! Sucks without news, but I love all the pics :)

Ox: Glad you agree with me. Its true that majority of the J.Edgar reviews have been at least decent.

Lukass hasn't been keeping us updated! Perhaps he has left?

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Sydney tweet

NeaelisabethAndrea Bergfelt

Worked on a private yacht today, watched fireworks, saw Leonardo Dicaprio and finished my shift with a couple of glases of champagne!

13 minutes ago

By Princess

Thanks for all the great old and new pix of Leo . The one of Leo with Milan in Sydney is a keeper for sure

I knew that you would not sleep to you found us a Sydney pic we had never seen.


Yes, you would think Lukas and Kevin would realize they are in Sydney to work as well ; their job is to keep us updated on what the guys are doing, and whenever possible, supply us with pix :p


Thanks for eco celeb link :)

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Thanks for all the pix! Love the new one with Leo and Milan, by princess.


P.S> I don't want to be the party pooper but Leo's perf in J Edgar hasn't been majorly praised. I've read several of reviews on RT that were BAD! It hurts me to read them, some of them are downright cruel (like New York Observer, Salon,) - while I can't find even one review that is critical of Clooney or Gosling or Pitt for their perf. to that degree. It's like some people still have this thing against Leo no matter what he does.

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Leo is at auditions. I can’t even see his face well, but I know he is adorable!

I couldn't agree more :wub:

Sydney's summer celebrity invasion

A secret invasion of Sydney is underway.

The city has become a mecca for some of the world's biggest stars and every celebrity arrival brings a complex new set of logistics.

'It's so busy right now, I don't know where to start,' said celebrity watcher Jonathon Moran.

'There are celebrities left, right and centre.'

Those celebrities currently in town include The Rolling Stones' Ronnie Wood, Salma Hayek and Antonio Banderas, Kylie Minogue, Elton John, Leonardo DiCaprio, Tobey Maguire and Nick Jones.

Most are here promoting their latest film; DiCaprio is still making his newest movie in Sydney - The Great Gatsby.

There can be anywhere between ten to 20 security guards with any one star to protect against over-zealous fans and the ever-present paparazzi.

'It's a little bit like hunting in some respects,' said one press photographer. 'But you get the payoff at the end of the day when you get the photo and it goes around the world.'

Video: http://www.skynews.com.au/showbiz/article....amp;cId=Showbiz

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As Harvey Weinstein said in regard to King's Speech , the emphasis should not be on who everyone likes , but rather on those who actually vote for Oscars like.

To me the same is true with critical reviews . You seem to see all critical reviews as having the same weight /prestige. While I agree that we ,along with all who write film reviews , have a right to our opinion, I , personally , don't think all reviews or opinions carry the same prestige /weight as a thumbs up from Darghis, Turan, Ebert, Travers, Denby, Variety, Hollywood Reporter when it comes to Academy voters. Reviewers who were very complimentary regarding Leo's performance.

Or as Harvey would say, "It's not a matter of what everyone thinks of Leo's peformance, when it comes to Oscar nods it is a matter of what those who actually nominate for BFCA, SAG, Oscars think of Leo's performance.

And with the the BFCA announcing 12/12 , the SAG announcing 12/13 we will soon know how the majority of those who are in a positiion to vote on Oscar precursor awards felt about Leo's performance :)

By Princess

Thanks for article :)


I have to leave , but will reply to your PM soon :)

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As Harvey Weinstein said in regard to King's Speech , the emphasis should not be on who everyone likes , but rather on those who actually vote for Oscars like.

To me the same is true with critical reviews . You seem to see all critical reviews as having the same weight /prestige. While I agree that we ,along with all who write film reviews , have a right to our opinion, I , personally , don't think all reviews or opinions carry the same prestige /weight as a thumbs up from Darghis, Turan, Ebert, Travers, Denby, Variety, Hollywood Reporter when it comes to Academy voters. Reviewers who were very complimentary regarding Leo's performance.

Or as Harvey would say, "It's not a matter of what everyone thinks of Leo's peformance, when it comes to Oscar nods it is a matter of what those who actually nominate for BFCA, SAG, Oscars think of Leo's performance.

And with the the BFCA announcing 12/12 , the SAG announcing 12/13 we will soon know how the majority of those who are in a positiion to vote on Oscar precursor awards felt about Leo's performance :)

By Princess

Thanks for article :)


I have to leave , but will reply to your PM soon :)

I don't really even care about the awards although it would be great if Leo was recognized. I just don't see him getting the same respect when it comes to critics that some other actors get, especially people like Gosling - he's like the darling right now of everybody. And even though I basically agree that others' opinion don't matter, you can't help but want critics to like your favorite actor. And I think there is a correlation between how a film/perf. is received by critics, and how people vote. Maybe I'm too sensitive when it come to Leo, but it seems like he gets more criticism than others. But also I think he needs to stay away from bio pics for a while cause it's become a cliche or something with him now, and it's something else they criticize him about and also personally too, I think I want him to do something different. I hope hope he doesn't do Sinatra cuz I don't think that's going to turn out well from him - too many people have this idea how Sinatra should be played and everything - and I just don't see Leo playing Sinatra no matter how good I think he is.

btw, I do see a difference of the value of certain critics, but as many respectable critics praised Leo, it's equally some other respectable critics who didn't like him in J Edgar - have you read ALL the reviews on RT?

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