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Matthew McConaughey Says Camila Alves Hikes in Sandals

[...]It's probably not the easiest task keeping up with a boyfriend as active as Matthew McConaughey, but the actor says his gal pal Camila Alves is up for the challenge.

One of McConaughey's most memorable workouts was a hike he took during a trip to French Polynesia with Alves, 28, the mother of his two children Vida, 13 months, and Levi, 2½.

"We went up to 3,000 feet and I had on hiking shoes and I was all set up and ready to go," McConaughey, 41, recalls in the April issue of Men's Fitness, which hits newsstands Monday. "[Camila] was wearing Havaianas sandals and a white skirt. I came down to the bottom of that hill afterward and had blood on me, [all] muddy … and that girl didn't have a speck of dust on her." [...]


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Matthew McConaughey Reveals Son Levi Is Ready For A Sibling Rivalry

Matthew McConaughey hit the Oscars red carpet with his partner, Camila Alves, on Sunday, an outing that provided a nice little break from parenting two youngsters – Levi, 2, and Vida, 13 months.

“Are they getting along nicely? Is he being sweet?” Access Hollywood’s Billy Bush asked the star and his ladylove prior to Sunday night’s show.

“He dotes on her, but she’s getting big enough where it’s a competition now and he’s only got a few more months of being bigger than her,” Matthew laughed. “She’s gonna overtake him I think and really start whooping his butt soon!”

“I have to agree with you,” Camila chimed in.

The happy couple revealed that their two little ones aren’t actually taking after their model mom and active, actor dad, as might be expected. Levi, for example, isn’t yet ready for some ocean action like his dad, who is fond of surfing.

“He’s still a little spooked by the water, mind you that Pacific’s a little colder than that Atlantic. He got in the Atlantic quicker than he got in the Pacific – when we went to Brazil. But, I think his sister’s probably going to be a water bug before he will,” Matthew said.

As for that little sister, Vida plays right to her daddy’s weaknesses.

“She’s definitely a daddy’s girl,” Camila said of the couple’s young daughter.

“It’s starting to happen,” Matthew added. “It’s nice when they notice the deep voice from across the house and they know it’s papa, they know it’s dad.”

Meanwhile, Matthew’s new film, “The Lincoln Lawyer,” based on the book by Michael Connelly, is due out on March 18. The story follows Mickey Haller (Matthew), who practices criminal defense from the back of his car.

“That’s my office. This is not Abraham Lincoln,” Matthew said of his four-wheeled co-star – a car. “It’s the Lincoln Continental. Fine, vintage, 1988 Lincoln Continental. The back seat’s my office, hence the title. It’s a legal thriller [starring] myself, Ryan Phillippe, William H. Macy, Marisa Tomei, John Leguizamo, Michael Pena… really strong killer cast. It’s’ the first time I’ve been in the courtroom since ‘A Time to Kill.’”


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