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yes that show was wonderful and the twelve pack was also amazing lol

funny thing is that i didn't recognize him the firste time i saw the show

well then the stylist already has his own fanclub :rofl::ninja:

i thought he was a friend or a family member of fran ,that's what i told those who asked lol

i also thought he was a cutie :shifty:


well he IS a friend, but he's definitely done styling for dsquared :yes:

I hardly recognized anyone from that show until after :laugh:

i knew simon and cole for sure because of their walks but everyone else was a blur!


Thanks everyone for the feedback! I really appreciate it. :laugh:

Vaihlen, will Fran be appearing in some spread wherein he's going to be a vampire (based on that photo of him with fangs)? Or was that for some show?



:rofl: :rofl: lots of ppl commented on tumblr how edward cullen is nothing compard to fran and that fran should be edward instead of robert pattison

if there was a brazilian version of twillight francisco should be edward i'd so be his bella :sex:

you guys went trick or treating ?

i'm sure franciso had so much fun

i'm suprised he knows twilight around here most guys want nothing to do with it hahah


^ francisco is so much more attractive that robert pattinson in my opinion!

and I wish I could have been there... I was here in brazil <_<

I'd be his boy bella :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


francisco is so much more attractive that robert pattinson in my opinion!

oh absolutely :yes:

once i saw someone compare robert to jon kortajarena as in hotter then jon

and i was like nooooooo you did not just say that <_<

robert is no where near the hotness that is jon

boy bella will work just fine too we did agree to share fran and marlon remember V ? :brows:


wow! are they crazy? honestly I don't find robert attractive at all :dontgetit: and definitely not even in the same league as jon!

and of course i remember!! ;) :brows: LOL


It's a no-brainer that Frankie is WAY hotter/prettier/generally BETTER than Robert Pattison. Like, no comparison. P.S. Vaihlen, FYI, you would totally be my BFFL in real life just saying. XD You are ADORBS.

^ okay so there is a big asian population here in brazil and i wouldn't be surprised if there is asian somewhere in his family tree... but lachowski is NOT a portuguese name. like you guys said, it's a polish name so i also wouldn't be surprised if there is only a little bit of portuguese in him...

I am told I look white but I have a full portuguese name but one side of my family is european. we are a melting pot for sure :D


oh btw I got my hair cut today like francisco's... i can't decide if i like it or not. i totally took a picture like francisco too :laugh:


i'm a copycat :p

"Hi, the name's Vaihlen. I like to call myself a copycat, coz I AM. I'm not really the person on the pic, but I'd like to let you all believe that I am."

So yeah, the kid on that pic is Dustin (15 years old!) from Germany who owns a fashionblog --> http://shiggersonstreet.blogspot.com/. That pic is from this entry http://shiggersonstreet.blogspot.com/2010/...llo-berlin.html

It's kinda sad to see someone spending half his time on this forum trying to be someone he's not. Well yea, just sayin'.. Echt een zielig manspersoontje. :yuckky:

So Vaihlen, one note for you: just reveal yourself and stop fooling other Francisco followers.


i gonna do this in dutch for a minute

Echt een zielig manspersoontje.

EDITED out the dutch part ,sorry mods .

i'm dunno whatis all about so eh i'll wait and see.....what happens next

Posts must be written in English as a common courtesy to other members and to help the staff better moderate the forum. ** edited by MauiKane


I'm just confused as fck right now (excuse the cussing)

Yeah, it is a bit confusing. We're just going to have to wait for vaihlen to come out and speak the truth this time.


i gonna do this in dutch for a minute

Echt een zielig manspersoontje.

ook nederlander of belg?

nou ben ik erg in de war :wacko::unsure:

hoe weet je dit ? behalve die blog dan ?

i'm dunno whatis all about so eh i'll wait and see.....what happens next

In Dutch:

Nee, ook Nederlander! Ik volg de blog van Dustin al een tijdje en sinds kort dit forum over Francisco en ineens zie ik Vaihlen's post... ik dacht: ik MOET gewoon ff wat rechtzetten. Tis heel toevallig dat ik die zielige posts van hem zie...

Posts must be written in English as a common courtesy to other members and to help the staff better moderate the forum. **edited by MauiKane


way to drop a bomb on us ....

i do wanna know what's going on becuz this is just plain weird and i don't like it


EDITED out the dutch part ,sorry mods

Posts must be written in English as a common courtesy to other members and to help the staff better moderate the forum. **edited by MauiKane

way to drop a bomb on us ....

i do wanna know what's going on becuz this is just plain weird and i don't like it


oh oke

ik weet niet wat ik moet zeggen,ik ben helemaal geschokt ...

ik had t totaal niet verwacht en eingelijk had ik beter moeten weten maar ja ...ik ging zo op in francisco en alles wat ik van em hoorde

Ja, dat begrijp ik... Ik zag hoe jullie reageerden op hem en ik moest gewoon wat zeggen. Hopelijk ben je niet al te geschrokken, was niet mijn bedoeling! Wilde HEM shockeren..!

Hopelijk laat ie wat van zich horen... misschien komt ie weer met een dosis bullsh*t aan.

Posts must be written in English as a common courtesy to other members and to help the staff better moderate the forum.**edited by MauiKane



for the others members plz don't be offend that we're conversing in dutch for the moment it's easier this way.

Posts must be written in English as a common courtesy to other members and to help the staff better moderate the forum. **edited by MauiKane


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

whoa Vaihlen :D i saw Vahilen before in profile pic and he did look different in the last photo he posted I thought it was the hair :D didn't know he post someone else :doofywave: :laugh::ninja:

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