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Round 67 - Olga Maliouk - 2.93


Round 68


Please refrain from stating who the current round is, even if you know. This contest is about anonymity, and all the voting thus far has been based on that premise. To change the rules now and let people state who it is we're voting on would give one girl an unfair advantage, or disadvantage, (depending on how you look at it) over the rest of the girls. Sorry, for the inconvenience, and enjoy the competition. Thank you.


Butt: wut? Laying down there should be a little something right? o.O I's see nadda

.1 out of 1

Cleavage: Another case of the disappearing "girls".

.3 out of 1

Legs: Decent, a little spindly in one of the pictures, but passing.

.6 out of 1

Abs: In one of the pics her abs look good, in the other not so much. Comes down to consistency when choosing pictures, and in this case it fails.

.5 out of 1

Overall Opinion: Not my favorite type of body in the world. Here's to hoping her face is actually lovely enough to carry the entire package (See Emily Didonato for example).

.4 out of 1

SCORE: 1.9

Best Attribute: Gams

Worst Attribute: Badonkadonk

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