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o.o  Just when Obama couldn't step in anymore shit he did and now he's dragging the stains through the White House and getting it extra dirty.  Apparently when FDR declared December 7 as a day that would "live in infamy," he never anticipated the capacity of Obama to absolve sin with a mere wave of his hand.

  • White House says World War II veterans who feel 'personally embittered' by Japan's unprovoked attack should set aside their feelings  
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14 hours ago, ILUVAdrianaLima said:

How can someone fit so many presents in such a space? I am impressed :p

Very very carefully :rofl: Or just buy a second tree to put shit under.


That's not the hard part though. If you have cats, it's keeping said kitties from wanting to play with bows/ribbons, use presents as scratching posts thus making their owners rewrap gifts multiple times (stares at Crowley and Sammy)... Also keeping the presents void of cats wanting to sleep on them even though they have perfectly lovely heated kittums beds.


Oh and then kittums attempting to get into the tree and climb it, that's fun to deal with... (stares at Meryl and Spooky)

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1 hour ago, Prettyphile said:

o.o  Just when Obama couldn't step in anymore shit he did and now he's dragging the stains through the White House and getting it extra dirty.  Apparently when FDR declared December 7 as a day that would "live in infamy," he never anticipated the capacity of Obama to absolve sin with a mere wave of his hand.

  • White House says World War II veterans who feel 'personally embittered' by Japan's unprovoked attack should set aside their feelings  


Incredible ... 

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14 hours ago, Prettyphile said:

o.o  Just when Obama couldn't step in anymore shit he did and now he's dragging the stains through the White House and getting it extra dirty.  Apparently when FDR declared December 7 as a day that would "live in infamy," he never anticipated the capacity of Obama to absolve sin with a mere wave of his hand.

  • White House says World War II veterans who feel 'personally embittered' by Japan's unprovoked attack should set aside their feelings  


Japan and the USA have formalized their alliance since 1960. I would think that 56 years of being allies would be enough to mend those wounds.

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That's not how trauma or being in war works though. While some may get over it and move on, many will hold onto that which damages them because it was that traumatic for them. My dad (or my grandfathers for the matter) till his death bed still had not gotten over the horrible things he did, and saw in the Vietnam war. No amount of meds, alcohol, or therapy helped him, or any of his war time friends he kept in contact through the years. Each and every person who has fought for us has the  right to feel as they do, they've earned it through literal blood, sweat and tears.... even after 56 years.




RIP Grandpa Leendert, Martin, William and John & Uncle Walter.  (WW2 Veterans)  Thank you for everything you did :heart:


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