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Christina Aguilera: The Maxim Interview

A lot has changed since the last time we talked, eh? You’re officially off the market. Is your husband cool with your sex symbol status?

That’s partly why I fell in love with him. In my art I tend to be very sexual. I’ve always felt connected with my sexuality. I love [Jordan Bratman] because he has his own goals. He doesn’t latch on to what I do. And because there are so many double standards, it’s very important to me as a female to play upon sexuality and be very strong while incorporating that in my art and work.

What kind of double standards do you encounter in the music business?

Well, imagine if a woman released an album with the word sex in it, like Justin Timberlake’s FutureSex/LoveSounds. Instead of feeling liberated by it, she’d be labled and called names…That’s not to say I wouldn’t do it.

How did a regular guy manage to score such a hot, gutsy superstar?

I’ve always liked normal guys. Guys in the entertainment business tend to be self-absorbed. They can also overlove what I do or get intimidated by it, which makes it difficult.

Is it hard to maintain your privacy - and keep your music under wraps - these days?

Yes, and it makes me sad for the entire music industry. You can download anything for free. You can look at anything, anytime, anywhere. The business is definitely more tabloid-driven than it was five years ago.

There seems to be a new celebrity divorce in the tabloids every week. How do you guys keep it going? Role-playing? Costumes?

How did you get into my bedroom? [laughs] We always have fun. I like to play doctor.

Back to Basics has a track called “Still Dirrty,” but some people say you’re softening up. True?


But in the past you were always feuding with people like Pink, Eminem, and Jennifer Love Hewitt…

So much of that is a tabloid thing. When the media saw that my image was more aggressive, they ran with it. So many things get misconstrued. I have no interest in it. Life is dramatic enough. I don’t need to create drama.

Then why did you write the song “F.U.S.S.,” which stands for “F-ck You, Scott Storch,” directed at your former producer?

That’s a way of burying my experience with him. We did great work on Stripped. He was like a brother. Then he started working with other solo artists, and I felt like there should have been a little loyalty. When I tried to work with him again, he made uncalled-for demands. It was disappointing that someone would get affected like that.

Do you ever listen to your own music during sex?

There’s no way I could do that. I’d be too busy analyzing my voice. I get very nitpicky. I like listening to Thom Yorke from Radiohead; that’s good sexy-time music.

Good tip. What’s next for you? Kids? Politics? Christina Aguilera, movie star?

I want to do movies more than ever. I’ve been reading scripts, but nothing has interested me. I don’t want to play a singer - unless it’s completely different from me and my music. When I step into acting, I really want to be acting.

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